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Zion 5 Just Launched

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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 36

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 19:06

Anyone here try Zion 5 yet? It just launched today.

It's completely FREE advertising.

Looked confusing at first, but after joining up I saw tons of people advertising their biz, so I gave it a try....

Within minutes, I had people signing up for my biz! Talk about a lot of exposure .. anyone else trying this??

Annette Malone
Independent Affiliate
GeneWize Life Sciences

Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 128

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 01:43

I just signed up and it's on the other browser window is open as we speak. I am still trying to figure it out ... is this like social networking except you are allowed to advertise?


Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 36

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 03:33

It's set up different from anything I've seen before, and I'm still learning...

You have the ability to click on any name and request for them to be a "contact." Once a day you can post an ad about your website. The more people you have in your "contact" list, the more people are going to see your ad. So the idea is to get as many people as contacts as possible .. which is pretty easy to do cause everybody else wants contacts with you as well. More contacts = more exposure. Then people join the ones that appeal to them.

I think when you get people to join Zion 5 and create a downline it gives you a second avenue of exposure as well. People can look at all the biz opps in a alphabetical listing. If someone in your downline clicks on one that you're in, it takes them to your website.

I'm still trying to figure it all out, but I do know that within just a few minutes of posting my one ad for the day, I had several people sign up for my biz, so I'm liking it so far, lol.

Anybody else who's figured out more, please share the info!

Annette Malone
Independent Affiliate
GeneWize Life Sciences

Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 128

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 13:38

Yes I was starting to figure it out. Only thing I didn't like is that if you put an affiliate link in your message, and someone else before you has put an affiliate link to the same website, and then someone clicks your link, the other person gets the commission unless the person who clicked was in your own downline. Because the first person to enter an affiliate link for a certain website gets all commissions to that website if anyone clicks who is not in your own downline.

Then I couldn't figure out how to tell if I was the first person or not, to enter an affiliate link for a certain website.

Other than that it seems good. Especially if you are promoting your own site, I suppose. I will keep testing it out.


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 16:06

Signed up just before I saw this thread, its fun and no one ever says no to being your contact

If you are feeling unloved this is a good one



Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 36

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 20:03

Yes, that is so true ~ it didn't take long for me to get over 200 contacts ... and still growing!

The great thing is, every time I put up my ad for the day, I get people signing up for my biz! .... this is too fun!

Annette Malone
Independent Affiliate
GeneWize Life Sciences

Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 36

# Posted: 19 Dec 2007 15:08

The countdown has started!
Soon Zion 5 will be using it's 'strength in numbers' where we will all swarm to a given site and help each other become successful! We will be doing a 'test run' to a traffic site ~ this is pretty fun, lol.

Annette Malone
Independent Affiliate
GeneWize Life Sciences

Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 82

# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 11:09

I signed up a few days ago. Where do I get my link to advertise Zion 5?


Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Posts: 31

# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 11:18

Hi Stacy, When you logged on to zion5, click Referring on the left hand site map. Then you will see your zion5 link.

Merry Xmas and Happy Holiday.



Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 36

# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 13:47

Yes, clicking on the various choices on the left side column really helps to become familiar with Zion 5 and everything it has to offer.

Best wishes to a Happy and Successful New Year guys!!

Annette Malone
Independent Affiliate
GeneWize Life Sciences

Joined: 24 Dec 2007
Posts: 67

# Posted: 24 Dec 2007 05:37

lets see how it works..

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Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 24 Dec 2007 20:44

I really like Zion 5. Its easy to build a list and if you are interested in a certain program there will most certainly be someone that is in that program in the database.

The downside just like any other network is that most of the users are in business themselves and looking for clients just like you are. I think that the service is great for affliate programs especially the free ones as you are getting access to a wide base.

Ill update you more as I go on. I spent the first 3 days not knowing how to add contacts at all. I wish that there was a FAQ page explaining a few details. But after just messing around a bit im starting to get it.

Happy Holidays

Adam Frederick
Coastal Level III Director
Founder of A-Team Coastal Vacations FREE Apprentice Program
302 327 6263
[email protected]

Adam Frederick
Teaching you how to minimize cost, maximize profits + free up time
302 613 4632

Joined: 28 Feb 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 28 Feb 2008 13:07

Zion5 it's a free social network for money makers.

As I started to join few programs and post mine, soon many others marketers joined.

Now after months of using, I notice if I post new programs, not even one join...

Zion 5 it's good for many tiers affiliate programs. If it's just one tier commission, you loose that...

Leo / Los Angeles

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