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Link to website

Website Promotion Work at Home Forum / Website Promotion / Link to website
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Joined: 13 Nov 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 25 Nov 2007 16:49

who can explain me how to connect links between websites.
I don`t understand the construction of:

Reciprocal Link URL, and
"To validate the reciprocal link please include the
following HTML code in the page at the URL
specified above, before submiting this form:"

What have I to do

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 699

# Posted: 25 Nov 2007 23:06 � Edited by: Vishal P. Rao

To link to a website, you need to create an active link on your website to the website. Here's the HTML code to do it:

<a href="">Link text</a>

You need to edit the HTML page of your website in a text editor and paste the above code in a place where you want the link to appear.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1242

# Posted: 26 Nov 2007 14:09

Quoting: simonoeters
who can explain me how to connect links between websites.
I don`t understand the construction of:

Reciprocal Link URL,

Many free directories require a reciprocal link


Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 217

# Posted: 7 Dec 2007 07:51 � Edited by: aplina

you should be able to have apage made just for link exchange on your website. in that page there is box where you can insert the link you will be given


Joined: 30 Mar 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 16:13 � Edited by: tahtimbo

I have a stupid question to ask. I use Adsense and they say I can have no more than 3 advertisments per page. Question: how do they define a page? When I go to my site It is just one long page.
Do they define a page as 1 post, or every 2 post???
Thanks for any help.


Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 147

# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 17:48

I believe each page has a unique URL address.
This is a link to the Adsense forum where you can get help. I have never read or posted there..
Adsense Help Center.
I hope this helps!

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