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Shouldn't everything be unique?

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Joined: 4 Dec 2008
Posts: 96

# Posted: 22 Dec 2008 03:45

Are automated mass article submitters and article spinners really a good idea? I've been under the impression that unique content is important... article spinners seem like cheating lol. And are article submitters a good alternative as opposed to manual submission? I used article directories and believe they have been successful, just wondering if submitters are worth looking into.
Thanks! And stay warm out there everyone!

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# Posted: 22 Dec 2008 05:16

I don't think submitters are all that great, because if you think about it, only the top 10 or so listings on Google will ever get read, so blasting the same article all over the place isn't necessarily going to get you a lot of traffic. You will get some backlinks which may raise your page rank, but you might also get docked since many of the article sites that the article submitters send your article are PR 0 and PR 1 sites, so this could hurt you.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 22 Dec 2008 10:53

Hi Lars,

Spinners are trash. Don't waste another moment considering a purchase.

Mass submitting is a waste. Submit to a very small handful of the most effective (usually the top directories) and move onto creating and syndicating your next piece.

Yes, using spinners and mass submitters is a sleazy and selfish practice. It's definitely considered to be gaming the system.

However, many use them and report success.

Whether you use them or not is a personal call. I never have and never will. I'm a bit of a purist though and you should listen to your own gut and act accordingly.

You can do it "the right way" and still do well. In fact, I would argue that you can do better if you walk the line. Folks will trust you more if you do.

Ethics above all and everything will work out for the best. Do what ever it takes to sleep well at night with a reasonably clean conscience.

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 07:30

My mentor is using this service( for his article submission.
And he find it very good.
This service will change your articles for you and submit them to the article directories.

I haven't tried this before as i don't have the budget.

Will give it a try if i have the budget.



# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 08:39

Unique content always. Spend a little time, keep it your own and retain your credibility.

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