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Free gifts to give in order to get opt-in? and my question is how can I prepare?

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Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 25

# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 13:03

I happened to read sparky9's old post how to attract downlines. And many suggest to lure opt-in by offering gift like e-books, and this is what Frank Kern suggested. I like this strategy, and I like those good e-books from some opt-in pages too. Now when I plan to try this weapon, here comes my questions:

Guys, where do you find those e-books, you actually write them yourself??? If not what's the secret? I don't want to pick up randomly a garbage PLR and give it for free on my site, if people fails on the value of your free gift, the things you are trying to sell are screwed.

Thanks a lot.
Liren Wang


Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 179

# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 14:46

The Warrior Forum has some good PLR offers, just read through what they have, pick one or two to try. Read the offer - decide if it's good info and will work, if so, go for it. May be some failures, but that's how you get to success - good luck. There's a few other sites that offer PLR deals as well, just do a google search for internet marketing forum, or PLR offer.

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# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 15:26

goodedc we have a ton of them in our back office you have the resale rights to sell or give away, Use them..


Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 25

# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 16:27

Thank you very much guys, after I posted this question I actually went to warriors and found there is a freebie section where I can pick. I will try there and pick some good one from my EDC back office.

Lays this post for a while to see other suggestions.

Liren Wang

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Posts: 1185

# Posted: 26 Jan 2008 18:11

You can also write them. A 10-20 page ebook will suffice, provided it has quality information.


Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 179

# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 13:17

You might try doing a google search for " Free PLR articles" also join a safelist with a disposable email account. you will get tons of spammy emails but some will tell you about giveaways where you you can submit you garbage email addy and get a link to a lot of free internet marketing stuff - much of which will include free private label articles and reports, (hopefully some in you niche), you can give away to prospective customers, (to get them on you list).

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