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The Real Key is to Budget your PPC Campaign

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Joined: 3 Nov 2007
Posts: 64

# Posted: 31 Dec 2007 16:27

The real key is to budget yourself. Let me explain, if you are promoting a product through PPC and your profit for each sell is $15.00 then you don't want to go over .12 cents a click for a conversion rate of 1 sell for every 100 clicks. This way you still make some sort of profit. PCC is not only tricky, but it's a numbers game too. Now the numbers can differ depending on how much profit you make on each sell, and the conversion rate can also be a lot higher. Like I said PPC is a numbers game. So it's important to stick to your budget, and to test new ads and keywords. You would be surprised to know that even the slightest variance in your ad can make a big difference. Well, as I like to say get tricky with it! Or in other words tweak the system until it's working for you. Oh and before you begin to advertise using PPC just remember to ask yourself, who is my target market?

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Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 31 Dec 2007 16:38

Regarding cost, it's good to set a daily max and a cost per click max. Otherwise you could easily end up with a bill from Google you can't afford to pay.

Newbie Shield


Joined: 3 Nov 2007
Posts: 64

# Posted: 2 Jan 2008 01:37

Oh yes, thank you Newbie Shield! That is also very important.

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# Posted: 2 Jan 2008 17:02

Start with a low CPC first and then gradually increase it


Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 32

# Posted: 4 Jan 2008 09:25

What is a good budget for a $10 product? $.10?

Thanks for the advice...Adwords is killing my campaign's profits, but it is the only PPC network that has given me a 11% CTR. I want to move away from it, but it has given me great results.


Joined: 2 Sep 2006
Posts: 44

# Posted: 5 Jan 2008 09:58

Google Adwords has been helped me build my opt-in list for years. You can't argue with the quality targeted traffic that it brings to your splash and sales pages.


Joined: 3 Nov 2007
Posts: 64

# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 15:53

There is also a lot of success to be made by finding super rich and targeted keywords that you can use for opt-in's, product/service promotion, adsense pages, article marketing, etc. I find that long-tailed keywords work best! You really just need to find the right niche.

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Joined: 18 Sep 2007
Posts: 69

# Posted: 24 Mar 2008 02:59

What is a good budget for a $10 product? $.10?

It really depends on your conversions. If your product is converting very well then you can afford a higher CPC.

Adwords can be tricky but it can also be your best friend. Right now I am averaging 2-cents per click and have a 24% CTR.

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# Posted: 3 Jun 2008 02:06


How in the World are you getting a 24% CTR while averaging 2-cents per click?

Are there some tips you can give me?

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# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 08:13


You really know how to make use of adword to do your product promotion and get great result with it.

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