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How to promote my website with small budget.

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Joined: 27 Aug 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 27 Aug 2009 21:50

I've set up a website, but don't know how to promote it actually. Do you have any ideas what's the best?

There are a number of ways to promote your website on the internet without cost, or very low cost. Start off by writing a few articles, or use some PLR articles if you can find good quality ones that you can edit and make your own. These can then be submitted to the many article directories all over the internet. Ensure that you use a catchy author resource box at the end, so that you get links to your site.

Next, you can create a hubpages account and put your articles there as well. I recommend that you try to make some changes to your articles to make them unique from the ones submitted to the article directories.

Next, you can create a squidoo account and add lenses of each of your articles. Again, try to make some more amendments, so that they are not the same as the others.

After this, you can look for blogs on the internet and go and make some comments in answer to the topics of the blog and gain a free link back to your site, which can be followed by other site visitors, or just to add another link to your site, which helps with SEO.

I recommend that you use good quality articles that have real value to readers, because his will get more people to read your articles and look at your resource box, then follow your link to your site and buy from you (or whatever you want them to do at your site).

I hope this helps you.

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