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Joined: 13 Jan 2008
Posts: 36
# Posted: 2 Oct 2008 11:26 · Edited by: mellin
I know that there is great debate versus buying leads and generating your own leads. Free always sounds good to me, so I totally understand the logic behind generating your own leads, but unfortunately, I'm not good at blogging, or social networking, and I didn't get very far with free classified ads at all. I still have a lot to learn. In the meantime, has anyone had good experiences with buying leads? Real time leads seems to be the best bet, but are more expensive because of it. I know too, that you have to be careful that a lead list is not over-sold. Any input or guidance will be greatly appreciated.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 908
# Posted: 2 Oct 2008 18:31
I had the best success with brilliantexchange leads - I don't buy leads anymore but when I did, I liked the quality (and price) of the aged email survey leads.
If you have a problem getting to it, shoot me a pm and I'll get you more information on that. having worked TONS of leads in my past, these were my favorite...
My Site - and journey WAH Stuff that works. I actually have something other than zeros in my clickbank acct. now!:)
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# Posted: 3 Oct 2008 00:38
mountainmom5: I had the best success with brilliantexchange leads - I don't buy leads anymore but when I did, I liked the quality (and price) of the aged email survey leads.
Thanks for the info. What kind of products were you selling?
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 908
# Posted: 3 Oct 2008 01:22
I was promoting the Coastal Vacations home business opportunity when I was working those leads.... Tim Sales generates those but he has hundreds of different companies using those leads so they are generic.
You know, they get sold several times just like any leads... but I hate calling a lead and they were chasing a free survey deal or don't even remember filling out a form, and I never got that response with those.
BTW - I guess I am not the only night hawk here tonight...
My Site - and journey WAH Stuff that works. I actually have something other than zeros in my clickbank acct. now!:)
Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 257
# Posted: 20 Oct 2008 05:36
I never like purchasing leads. I don't really trust the lead company, perhaps i have bad experience with them.
Joined: 20 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 20 Oct 2008 09:53
I would never recommend purchasing leads. I find generating your own leads works quite well but the best way to build a business is to purchases customers, because it is customers who will will bring you the income you seek. Generally you will find very few leads interested in the business you are promoting
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 98
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 16:33
mountainmom5: I hate calling a lead and they were chasing a free survey deal or don't even remember filling out a form
That's not a lead, if they're incentivized.
A lead is someone who's looking for a home-based business, not someone chasing a free survey deal.
Yes, I've done very well with bought leads in the past. But you have to be real careful what you're buying and ask the right questions first.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 800
# Posted: 25 Oct 2008 08:21
David_Ogden: best way to build a business is to purchases customers, because it is customers who will will bring you the income you seek.
Good post David 
Most people I spoke with cannot beleive that instead of buying leads they can buy actual customers and generate a income from day one.
That's NOT to say that leads are a bad thing, of course you need a "list" to send offers to etc, but the best leads are the ones YOU generate yourself!
Customers first leads second..............
Joined: 5 Oct 2008
Posts: 15
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 09:57
Oh well I didn't know you could buy customers!!! Where do you go for those?
As for buying leads, I think it's a lot of work. Well, depending on your product/service. Just like what happened to Mountainmom5, Alexa mentioned it and what usually happens is that leads are generated from a paid survey or incentive offer. Such as "fill out this short survey to get your prize free". And the survey is about your business so that makes a "qualified lead". But it's NOT!
You know the saying you're better served doing it yourself? 
But if you do have a lot to learn about that, there's a company that works the leads all day. They can call yours or they sell theirs. I'm not sure about the exclusivity though. However, I am so sorry I don't remember the company nor the website! I know, it's not helpful!
Oh and there's also "Magnetic sponsoring" from Mike Dillard. He teaches you how to have prospects come to you instead of cold calling.
Have a good one!
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 389
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 15:21
David_Ogden: I would never recommend purchasing leads. I find generating your own leads works quite well but the best way to build a business is to purchases customers, because it is customers who will will bring you the income you seek.
I totally agree, having a business where you are able to purchase the customers sure makes that side of the business a lot easier. It frees me up to do the part I like, helping others with their business.
Joined: 3 Nov 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 3 Nov 2008 20:23
I feel buying leads is a waste of money and time. Most lead companies resell leads over and over. Which makes the lead or leads not a very good quality lead.
Buying leads is the easy and lazy approach to marketing your business or product that you may have. I have had no success in buying leads.
To get good quality leads for your business, you have to show yourself as a leader in the industry. This is where 95% of the network marketers fail.
To succeed, you have to lead....
Until I figured that out, I could barely generate any leads. But when I started showing myself as a leader, I was able to start generating 20 to 50 and even 100 leads per day.
And I did all of this by just using free marketing methods.
Joined: 11 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 14:14
Are there really any consistent lead companies for mlm?