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Why People seem to never make it networking

Network/Multi-level Marketing Work at Home Forum / Network/Multi-level Marketing / Why People seem to never make it networking
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Joined: 23 May 2008
Posts: 3

# Posted: 23 May 2008 13:33

This is my first post and I think I will be here for a while to teach everyone how to be a success online and why so many fail. I was just like so many people that are out there. I had big dreams and no patients. I tried a lot of programs and I failed. I wanted to blame others and I did too. It didn't make me richer. I became in debt to $65k. And I still had to try and get by. Life really sucked. I finally sat down and I started to make a change in how I was living. I read more and more and than one day I came to the conclusion that you can make real money online and all you have to do is just pick up your phone and when you have someone visit your site follow up with them. But make sure you aren't making them spend over money that you know is not reasonable. If it cost over $200 dollars that is outrageous. I know that if you spend more time getting to know the needs of a person you will be able to make more deals and life longs friendship and that is what really counts in the end. Because when you help some one you are helping others who want to be successful also .

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# Posted: 24 May 2008 13:14

okay... I suppose we can all use some teaching

We are all here to share with each other so whatdya got??


Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 223

# Posted: 24 May 2008 15:39

Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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# Posted: 30 May 2008 03:16

I came to the conclusion that you can make real money online and all you have to do is just pick up your phone and when you have someone visit your site follow up with them.

Phoneaphobia, a common disease among MLMers who do not succeed. It's simple really. To succeed in this business, you have to talk to people. Success is proportional to the number of people you talk to.

Followupitis, the other common disease infecting MLMers who fail. If you don't follow up, you might as well have never called in the first place. If you have made a follow up appointment with someone, keep it! Call them when you said you were going to. Don't call late, and don't call too early. Let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay. If they are not home, you get a voicemail, fine. But you keep your end of the deal.

I can't stress enough how important these two points are. You can't control what your prospects do, but you can control what you do. Do the right thing, enough times and you will succeed. You don't need to recruit the world. You just need a few who will duplicate what you do. This business is so very simple. It's not easy, by any stretch, but it is simple. You CAN do it.


Joined: 1 Jun 2008
Posts: 10

# Posted: 5 Jun 2008 18:25

You definitely have to talk to people. Most of the time I call people they are so happy and surprised that somebody actually called them!

They usually end up joining whatever you are promoting, if it makes sense, because they now know you personally.

Calling and talking to people makes a world of difference!

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# Posted: 5 Jun 2008 20:06

Just curious - how to you manage to get $65K in debt?


Joined: 4 Jun 2008
Posts: 10

# Posted: 10 Jun 2008 11:10

Okay mr216, do you have anything other than your generic comment about calling people and following up? I think I'd be more interested in knowing how you got $65K in debt and what you are currently selling for less than $200.

Tell your MLM story.

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