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Joined: 28 Jan 2009
Posts: 18
# Posted: 28 Jan 2009 22:45
web20mentor: But why? (If you have failed at MLM, you don't get to answer here...we know you hate it and you want to make sure that everyone knows that your failure had nothing to do with your inability to gain enough mental leverage on yourself to do what was necessary to figure out an effective sales and recruiting approach...we have heard it 1,000,000 times already...we got it) Regardless of how I feel about people's sudden lack of personal responsibility when it comes to failing at things, the sad fact remains that 97% are failing. So while I am not one to buy into people's excuse-making, I also know that the basic business model is pretty messed up if your getting results like that.
I feel the exact same way. People always want to blame the program for their lack of ambition and determination. The truth is that anyone can make as much money as they want to within any business venture. They just have to decide whether they are going to put the time and effort into in.
Joined: 30 Jan 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 30 Jan 2009 22:04
brandon123: I feel the exact same way. People always want to blame the program for their lack of ambition and determination. The truth is that anyone can make as much money as they want to within any business venture . They just have to decide whether they are going to put the time and effort into in. Brandon
Any business Brandon?
Come on, the vast majority are scams. The only value to 99% of network marketing opportunities is that they will teach you what not to do online. LOL
Check out almost any sales, squeeze, or capture page and for crying out loud they all look the same.
Make x amount in x amount of days, weeks, months etc.
I made x amount and you can too. etc.
Is your MLM not working for you? etc.
Are you tired of working for the man? etc.
Any of this sounding familiar?
Now there is more,
Sites that tell you that 97% of network marketers fail because they follow the old methods of offline marketing.
I'll give you my opinion, as I'm not one to put on aires.
Most companies suck, their products need a scientist to explain, and they won't let you make any claims about their products because it is against the law!
OK, I want to get involved with a company like that. NOT!
Some even won't let you join multiple MLMs to diversify your income streams.
Others are so blatantly pro company they promote marketing crap like over priced business cards, brochures, upgrades, co-op ppc you name it!
Did you know that it is not uncommon for companies to make more money off their members/distributors than from selling their actual product?
Yes it's true!
Do you know what the answer to all of this is?
Get a good company that appeals to the majority of the population.
Don't buy add on promotional material that is over priced.
Get involved with a team of people who know what they are doing and not only will help build your downline, but will help mentor your signups and teach them how to succeed.
Rambled enough,
Nice to meet everyone.
Joined: 30 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 1 Feb 2009 16:11
the real problem is simple, it's laziness. most think you can jump into it and have money flow instantly and when it doesn't, they give up.
Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 50
# Posted: 5 Feb 2009 21:55
Finally, some people speaking with conviction, I love it. Of course people fail in mlm, for the same reasons that only x amount of people move up in organization and only x amount of people become ceo's. BEcause its not easy, its a tough job and unless you have the fortidutde to treat it as such(a job) and not a get rich quick, you have failed already. Great posts folks. Thank you!
Mathew S. Robar Learn How To Drive More Business. My Free Marketing Bootcamp Will Show You How to Make More Money Its Free, My gift to those who work from home. Enjoy!
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Posts: 3
# Posted: 21 Feb 2009 00:14
Nice post!
I agree 100%!
You notice how the people with an advanced skillset make it while the others just hop to the next opportunity.
The reason in my opinion is because people don't understand that you need to improve in the things that it takes to be successful in "NETWORK MARKETING"
Selling skills, marketing, public speaking, marketing, leadership.
Notice I said marketing twice. But most people get into network marketing hoping it will solve their money problems and then they don't become the type of person, leader that it takes (with that advanced skillset) to make it.
Knowing your market is so huge too i agree.
Going up to people in the supermarket, gas station is like going door-to-door selling dictionaries.
That's it for my rant.
But yeah, knowing your market and learning how to market to them is big.
<a href="">New York Man Spills The Beans In His Free Report On How To Generate 21 Free MLM Leads Per Day For Your Business Using The Internet</a>
Joined: 21 Jan 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 21 Feb 2009 08:09 · Edited by: websmarts
This is a great post because it gets right to the point. Everyone works on on a different motivation level. What we need to do more of is finding out what our clients big WHY is. When we do this we start to show them what they have to work for. I think we need to treat everyone this way initially because we never truly know who will be our diamond in the rough. I continue to work with all my prospects this way, and I know that when they give up they are not giving up on me, but on their WHY and I can't change that Keep up the great posts Mike Weiler
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Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 22 Feb 2009 15:42
I think the biggest problem with network marketing / mlm is that there are tons of great products out there with sucky pay plans (or just too difficult to understand and share) or there may be really awesome compensation plans but when you boil it all down you're selling a "program" and not a "product". Very few companies have put together a product that appeals to the masses and a payplan that can make an average person a substantial income. Find a product program with those two combined and you'll easily make your six figure income. Whenever I look at a product/program, I always ask myself, "okay Greg, if no one EVER buys this from you, are you better off USING the product than you were before you started?" The answer should always be YES. To everyone's success! Greg Fleming ProxyCommPros Team <Snip>
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Joined: 26 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 26 Feb 2009 01:29
web20mentor: What is the definition of insanity? nobody wants to use the "attraction" marketing model. They choose to use the "chasing" model. Heh, I think you've answered your own question. 
I think the failure rate in MLM speaks exactly to what you've said. It seems to me that often the businesses/companies using MLM to promote themselves are the ones perpetuating the stone-age marketing ideas that get people into that land of frustration that you hear about all too often. And to me, that perpetuates, to a certain extent, industry-wide, that you don't have to do any work. Why they want to do the work for the "chasing" model (as you correctly named it) over the attraction model is out of my intellectual reach.
Be well.
Joined: 24 Feb 2009
Posts: 5
# Posted: 25 Mar 2009 10:35
Danny, You have hit the nail on the head. Like I've heard before, most of us are bad at this when we first start, but we don't have to stay there. If we want to become better, we MUST develope ourselves and work hard to learn what we need to do to become very successful. Many of us were not entrepreneures when we started but have a chance to become one by learning from those who are. Thanks for all the good comments!!
Joined: 3 Apr 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 7 Apr 2009 16:21
This is such an amazing thread that I put together a summary to share with my team. I thought it would be helpful to post this summary here - it's easy to miss some of this important information (forgive me if I missed anything in my summary):
The traditional MLM strategy is to teach inexperienced distributers to chase down their target market. These distributers are not trained to identify their target market because they are told that anyone is a potential customer. They are then trained to "sell" the business to other distributers by focusing more on the potential income than the product.
MLM distributers are attracted to MLM because of the low cost of entry. This lack of investment can lead to a lack of commitment. When they find out that it is actual work to run the business it is easy for them to walk away from their investment.
You don't have to 'do MLM' the way it has always been done. You don't have to hound your family, friends, and everyone you come in contact with to try to build your own income.
The solution to the traditional MLM strategy is to treat your business as a business. Identify your target market, then "add massive use value to your market." Adding massive use value is about finding your passion and having as much fun doing it as you can. When you teach others how to improve their lives, they become fans and fans want to do what you are doing.
Adding massive use value is different for everyone. Everyone has something that makes them unique. They should use this uniqueness to add value in their target market.
Some ideas for adding value: � Give away free samples. � Teach � anything! � Train people to succeed before they pay you any money. � Do testimonials for people you want to meet or network with. � Do a weekly Q & A on something you love talking about
"It doesn't matter how many people you know. What matters is how many people know you." Once you have added value to your market, people will come looking for you (attraction marketing).
The NEW definition of marketing is the process of adding more in use value than cash value received with the intent to inspire, empower and build long term relationships based on the needs, wants and desires of others and not our own. Have fun, follow your passion and serve others without any connection to what they can do for you.
Network Marketing is about creditability. If you give your customers expertise and advice in addition to your product you will be far more successful. To do this though, you need to be an expert. You must increase your self-value by educating yourself with useful information. Focus on selling skills, marketing, public speaking, and leadership.
Do not try to be like your upline. People cannot be replicated, only the process can be duplicated. Think of who you'd most like to work with and then become that person Work more on improving yourself than your business, then consistently work the system. Once you have branded yourself you will have positioned yourself as a leader in the field.
It is our duty as mentors - people who have been there, done that - to be available, to act with integrity and to share our tips and tricks of the trade freely with anybody who asks us for help and to warn them of any challenges they might have to face ahead. Understand the "why" of the client/downline so you understand what they are working for. If they give up, they are not giving up on you but on their "why."
It is impossible to be successful as a new entrepreneur without some hard knocks and set backs to learn from, however most people let their fear of failure overcome their desire to succeed. If you commit to a person before they buy into the program, you are adding value for that person and they will be more committed to the business.
A good MLM opportunity should meet the following:
1. The company's management team must be composed of currently successful leaders who have the highest level of personal integrity and who have proven themselves in the field. 2. The company must be strategically positioned and poised in front of the trends currently developing in the global market. 3. The line of products must be remarkable enough to grab customer attention. They must do what they are designed to do. And they should be products that people would buy even if there was no business opportunity attached. 4. The company must have a compensation plan that pays the part timers well enough to make it all worth their while and the full timers well enough to achieve their dreams. 5. The company must have a simple, repeatable system in place that trains new distributors. It must attract prospects and convert them into customers and distributors.
The number 1 reason people quit MLM in the first 30 days is that they don't see the money coming in as fast as they had expected. To avoid this, your downline must be trained in marketing and what it takes to run a business. They must understand that they have to deal with rejection and that they must build credibility before they make significant money.
For additional security, don't invest solely in 1 MLM � you have no direct control over the overall success and failure of their company.
Finally, create your own definition of success. If you spend the rest of your life believing in your dream but never actually have millions of dollars...have you failed?
Joined: 12 Apr 2009
Posts: 3
# Posted: 12 Apr 2009 22:32
web20mentor: It's very simple. MLM'ers have not learned how to stop CHASING DOWN THEIR TARGET MARKET! For that matter, they don't even know how to assess who their target market really is! And even if someone does know how to define who their target market is, many will then go into that market with a big pile of business cards and their nice suit ready to put on a show: I couldn't agree more, been there myself. Sad thing is that MLM companies bank on the unsuspecting to follow their outdated marketing systems. 
Most traditional MLM's ask you to call your circle of influence and post flyers around town. You can never succeed with these mthods of lead generation. These days it's all about the web.
Joined: 13 Apr 2009
Posts: 9
# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 10:21
Great article diannakelly!!!! I'll just add it to my favourites!!!
EVERYBODY WEARS PERFUMES RIGHT? so why should we pay such high prices for those bottles when the perfume itself costs only 2 euros! - An interresting business offer
Joined: 16 Apr 2009
Posts: 6
# Posted: 16 Apr 2009 18:28
This message is pending approval.
Janie McManious