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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 195
# Posted: 6 May 2008 20:00
I am so happy Web 2.0 demands transparency and honesty in our relations with others on the internet. People are more educated now than ever before because of it.
If we team up as mentors and continue to educate the masses about our great industry and show just how great and life-changing it can be under the right circumstances and teachings, then maybe we can help to eliminate, or at least alleviate, the pain people suffer as a result of falling victim to the scammers still out there.
I feel strongly that it's our duty as mentors - people who have been there, done that - to be available, to act with integrity and to share our tips and tricks of the trade freely with anybody who asks us for help and to warn them of any challenges they might have to face ahead. We can warn them and provide them with information to help them meet their own challenges. Everybody must go through the learning curve; but nobody has to feel alone while going through it.
So I'm all for working together for the greater good of all. It doesn't matter that we're in different companies. We can still be allies. Most of us understand we're not prospects for each other. We're quite able to decide for ourselves WHAT to think precisely because we already know HOW to think, and HOW to think is what we want to teach peple. They've had plenty of being told WHAT to think they don't need more of it.
So I just want to congratulate everyone here who has shown themselves to be such great souls. You are all truly awesome leaders and Rayvin and I are so fortunate to have found such a masterful group of people who are so obviously giving of themselves.
You can never outgive the universe. You will receive abundantly what you deserve - and more!
Love & Light! Rob Nyte
P.S. Together, maybe we can turn that horrible stigma of a 97% failure rate in the network marketing industry right around and make it the standard success rate instead.
P.P.S. Wouldn't that be great?
Source of Influence-- All our philosophy is dry as dust if it is not immediately translated into some act of living service.(Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi)
Joined: 6 May 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 9 May 2008 23:36
So much of the failure rate is based on the belief system of any given person. They simply have trouble comprehending that to add value to the marketplace will have a payoff for them. There is a certain emotion that is related to this belief. It is fear, based on a belief in scarcity.
They fail to realize that by going into GIVE MODE they are activating a spiritual principle(IMHO) that cannot fail to bring returns back to the GIVER!
The folks not giving value our are being fettered by their own belief systems, and if that system has only provided failure after failure, they mistakenly believe they didn't TAKE enough. Taker actions activate the same spiritual law (IMHO) just in the reverse manner.
Thanks for the great posts everyone. It is an honor to be a part of this forum and to interact with the marketing enlightened!
Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 351
# Posted: 11 May 2008 10:17
Great thread,
This has been a very informative thread on what it takes to succeed, and everyone should learn from the variable experiences of others posted here, I know I have. You never stop learning, and what works for one person may not work in your business, but the more we learn, the less chance we will get burned.
Everyone has had a negative experience in MLM and probably traditional business as well, it is impossible to be successful as a newbie entrepreneur without some hard knocks and set backs to learn from. Owning your own business is not as easy as many make it sound, and the same is true with MLM, it takes work, time and patience.
There are two trains of thought, most will commit to a prospect if they buy into your business, this is typical, but I do see a few who will commit before a person buys into their program, and this is to be admired. I have invested and committed to people who didn't have a dime, but did commit their time, so that is more imporant to me than having someone who throws money into everything, yet does nothing.
This is the great part about forums like this, we can all learn from others, including the good, bad and ugly involved in MLM and independent businesses of all types. Every day I learn something new, and it always pays off in the long term.
Good luck to all, Mike
Joined: 12 May 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 12 May 2008 20:01
Well thats a high number. let see why. its because people get in to the mlm system. thinking that its a great way to get rich quick. well in life nothing is handed to you you got to earn it. you wanted to start a business and becausee the company your with has a lot of term and conditions about payments you end up quitting. i like to refer people to take my marketing survey. you can send me a msg if you let to take part. since my job is to newwork and teach people that they can save money on there phone service. the great thing about my company is tat you dont have sale any thing. people get what they want when they wanted. but my point is after he survey you can watch a video from best selling book Rich dad poor dad. because its something everyone should watch if their trying to get in to starting their own business. so to end this msg with some advice. I say stay focus on your goals, dreams. and alwayz when you feel like giving up. just remmeber why you do it. personally im with my company because i want to save money on my phone bill. and im saving alot. you can to. see my signature and get started. lest lower that rate because i found a way. thanks and please im me about my survey because that video is something to get excited about
[url=www.lyaintro.comSave Money and Earn Money[/url], <br> [url= ]SAVE NOW[/url], <br> [url=datcom.wsJoin Us[/url],
Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 35
# Posted: 17 May 2008 17:39
@ thread starter...good info mate...totally's all about branding yourself, and positioning yourself as a leader in the field to really have a successful business...
most people who join MLM, do not know HOW to market, what their target market is, and what they should really be focusing on as to building their MLM business...
the main thing is to add value and attract the right kind of prospects...
Joined: 4 Apr 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 17 May 2008 19:29
Over the last few days I've had some great experiences sharing these thoughts and concepts with people in and out of my team. Just today I helped take an industry veteran and VERY successful local business owner to a new level of thinking. Now, instead of screaming, "I've got a product! I've got a business! You need to call!" He's moved up to, "I've got something no one else My experience, my background, my commitment to you." When everyone else is screaming the same thing then he stands out. He's becoming the expert and "trusted advisor" as it has been referred to.
This is awesome for me to see the lights come on for people and have them realize that all the training that their leadership has offered has probably helped them answer questions about their company but hasn't addressed the grander issue...what can YOU do for me.
Glad that I found the right pack of dawgs to run with! It's pretty fun!
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 18 May 2008 16:05
It works if you work it... simple as that! 
Just like anything else, money doesn't grow on trees.
This is what I tell my team members:
I can lead you to the water, but you gotta drink it. 
Brian McCoy McCoy Marketing Group
Joined: 2 Apr 2008
Posts: 36
# Posted: 19 May 2008 14:08
I totally agree - take two things out of the equation "ME & desperation" - add one part "YOU" and you've got a great start.
Unfortunately, as has been stated, not every company teaches that concept. That's one reason why we get so much SPAM - "Hey check out my deal", over and over and over again. Sometimes I just want to ask the person spamming me - "So how's that working for you?"
Joined: 13 Nov 2005
Posts: 119
# Posted: 26 May 2008 23:05
It's also been my experience that 97% of people just plain QUIT! And, of the one's that stay, I agree, 97% of that group just spend their time "chasing" instead of adding value.
Most people are looking for the internet lotto instead of a real business that takes work. I had someone on my list ask me recently, "Todd, how do you make money every day without doing anything?" My answer, "what you don't see is the endless hours of learning, writing, re-writing, advertising, etc. I've gone through to send this series of e-mails you just received."
On the surface, people think that all online entrepeneurs do is send a few e-mails and make money. What they don't see are the years of trial and error, learning and reading and spending time absorbing the knowledge that the internet can provide in forums like this.
The 97% that QUIT just don't want to put in the effort and they end up blaming everyone but themselves!
Joined: 6 Feb 2008
Posts: 66
# Posted: 30 May 2008 04:47
Great stuff Danny. I am also a firm believer in "train before they join". I allow people to sit in on our team trainings and have made many training videos. Videos is also great to personally brand yourself.
Joined: 2 Jun 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Jun 2008 23:21
Lots of good info here. This is my first MLM experience and I am glad I learned the Web 2.0 and Attraction Marketing info before I got off on the wrong foot. I am getting some traffic and emails of interest but I am not closing them, as they say. Any suggestions on techniques or strategies that work? Thanks.
Sandra Wilkes
Joined: 4 Jun 2008
Posts: 43
# Posted: 6 Jun 2008 11:50
Good post bro! 97% of MLM folks fail because 97% of the entire US population "fails" when it comes to making money....
Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 35
# Posted: 18 Jun 2008 17:25 · Edited by: cricfan
swilkes: Lots of good info here. This is my first MLM experience and I am glad I learned the Web 2.0 and Attraction Marketing info before I got off on the wrong foot. I am getting some traffic and emails of interest but I am not closing them, as they say. Any suggestions on techniques or strategies that work? Thanks.
hmm...what kind of e-mails have you received, what are your prospects asking, or looking for?
are they already in a home biz or MLM...if yes, than let them know that you are there to assist them in what ever you can do to help them...this will obviously brand you as a leader...
now, if some of your prospects are actually looking to join a business...than I suggest, before you present your opportunity is to educate them on business building through attraction marketing...
because, when they'll know what they are getting into, than later they won't object to any product recommendations you make that relates to personal development, or marketing material....
since they'll see that you yourself invest in your education, than they'll follow your lead and be loyal team members...
this process can be done through creating a generic 7 day video or e-mail boot camp which provides them basic education...
once through, you can ask which one of your prospects is ready to join you in your business, and bam you just added a new team member, and he/she already knows how you are building your business...
so they will go on and quickly duplicate what you are doing, because you have a SYSTEM...
btw, are you advertising the capture page provided by your MLM company or you have your own personal capture page?
hope that helps...let me know if you have any other questions...actually shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] as I am not much of a regular on this forum lol
Joined: 28 Jun 2005
Posts: 52
# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 21:55
Great thread here for sure, Danny you hit it with the what is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting the different result many live their lives this way and see nothing wrong with it.
Well that is the case with many in network marketing or MLM I prefer network marketing. I have never did the friends and family list, in fact my family does not know what I do because I don't share it with them unless they inquire about why I have this or that at that point and only at that point will I share what my business is about.
I like what you have presented here, I will look into learning more. thanks
Joined: 11 Jul 2008
Posts: 12
# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 22:50
Hey Danny,
I totally agree with you.
We need to step up to the plate & do the business that we have jumped into.
I have been marketing for 14 months now & I have made more income than I ever have in my whole life & I am 50 yrs old.
I should have turned to the online market years ago.
One great help for me has been our team support that will give a helping hand to any of the team that is in need. So if they are having a hard time marketing we can help to see them through the struggle.
I am very blessed to be in the 3% that is making it.
Very good & positive info you gave.
God Bless
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 14 Jul 2008 12:29
I've taken courses and read numerous books on online marketing. I continue to apply the concepts I've learned.
I actually have a compelling reason for establishing an online business, which I've related in numerous social sites.
I started my website on April 24. It currently contains 84 pages. The information found there is well-researched. I know my target audience�age, sex, education and income.
In addition to my website, I've created a free private member social site and newsletter. I also have written a comprehensive how-to. And I continue to develop inbound links.
My site is averaging 22 visitors per day, up from 18 last month, despite most of my pages being poorly ranked or not ranked at all by the major search engines.
While I have had predictable success offline, I have had precisely two sales online. Those were not related to my business.
I strongly believe in my services and feel certain that once people find my site they will return to it for the continuously updated resources that are available there.
I have no real background in online marketing. Because of that, I wonder if I'm applying the information I've gotten incorrectly or if there is a common pattern of growth to internet awareness. My website host offers tutorials that suggest time is a key element. However, if I had set up business three months ago in a strip mall, I'd be very discouraged by now.
What is your experience? How long before your site began making conversions?
Doc English
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 14 Jul 2008 15:39
Let me start to say that I am new at this forum and have read all the rules that pertain. I do not want to be kicked out of the forum because I think that there are some who should not be allowed to post; they are totally violating the rules. I thought that, not to upset you, but we were not to put spam links and advertisements throughout out forum documents. Here, there are four ads sending the reader into not so subtle advertisements of his own, within the body of the text. I thought this was not allowed period. If I am wrong then I need to start doing this myself all the time. What's up with this? Not to say that here there isn't good content and it needs to be discussed, but we are not "supposedly"to do this within this structure or forum, am I wrong here or not?
So MLM has a 97% fail rate. Big Deal. So does online biz opportunity industry (affiliate programs like WealthMasters, liberty league, etc).
But why? (If you have failed at MLM, you don't get to answer here...we know you hate it and you want to make sure that everyone knows that your failure had nothing to do with your inability to gain enough mental leverage on yourself to do what was necessary to figure out an effective sales and recruiting approach...we have heard it 1,000,000 times already...we got it)
Regardless of how I feel about people's sudden lack of personal responsibility when it comes to failing at things, the sad fact remains that 97% are failing. So while I am not one to buy into people's excuse-making, I also know that the basic business model is pretty messed up if your getting results like that.
It's very simple. MLM'ers have not learned how to stop CHASING DOWN THEIR TARGET MARKET! For that matter, they don't even know how to assess who their target market really is!
And even if someone does know how to define who their target market is, many will then go into that market with a big pile of business cards and their nice suit ready to put on a show
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 812
# Posted: 14 Jul 2008 16:26
Much of the failure in any business is lack of customers! AND second is keeping customers!
The business I am in solves both problems.
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1049
# Posted: 14 Jul 2008 23:30
Doc English: I think that there are some who should not be allowed to post; they are totally violating the rules. I thought that, not to upset you, but we were not to put spam links and advertisements throughout out forum documents. Here, there are four ads sending the reader into not so subtle advertisements of his own, within the body of the text.
Can you point me to that? I don't see any ads or links in body of any of the posts in this discussion. Don't confuse yourself with the links in signatures.
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 158
# Posted: 14 Jul 2008 23:41
Doc English: Here, there are four ads sending the reader into not so subtle advertisements of his own, within the body of the text.
Those are contextual ads. The person who posted did not insert those into the body. Most of the posts on this forum have them.
Vishal is one of the best forum owner/moderators there is. I never see any spam posts get through and he is very professional in his approach.
Before you criticize someone make sure you have all your facts straight. And check your sig file, its not working.
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 00:07
Doc, I was as surprised as you probably were to come back and discover certain words used in our posts had become hyper links. I hope it is obvious to you that this was something neither of us intentionally did.
In any case, my question remains, how long after creating your website did you start getting significant traffic and making sales?
I ask because I'm trying to figure out if I should be concerned or if there is some normal period of time before you start to see 50+ visitors a day.
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1049
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 00:59
OK I guess Doc is complaining about the Kontera links in posts. Please understand that these are not inserted by members. Some text phrases get automatically highlighted as links (by Kontera, an advertising company that I use) and are denoted by double underlines. If you take the cursor over these links, you'll understand.
Doc English
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 10:47
I knew I would raise some hairs here with talking about this. BillChechel above states emphatically that they are contexual ads. So I clicked on to the link he provided and signed up to make money this way, but they are really ads. The forum rules do say not to have any ads within the body of your text. I am not so much complaining as to say, finding out what's ethically ok here.
Vishal your content is fantastic; I was just surprised to find these pop up links are ok. Please understand that I am in no way criticizing your content or desire to help, just surprised that this is ok. Other forums you would be bumped off for this.
I'm new but if "most of the posts on this forum have them" it must be OK.
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 158
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 10:58
I dont think you are getting the idea of these ads.
They are like PPC ads that get linked from certain keywords within the text of people's posts.
Vishal has a free forum here. He works hard to keep it moderated and spam free for the users. But obviously he wants to get compensated for his time.
So what he did is hire out an outside firm that places these ads automatically on certain keywords. It is one way to monetize a blog or forum.
So when you click on the link in my last post for "contextual ads" it brings you to a site which is related to that keyword. Vishal nor I put that link in there, it was generated by the company Kontera which Vishal stated he uses in an earlier post.
So the person that paid Kontera to advertise this way paid for the click when you went onto the site. It is not my ad nor do I have connection with that company.
I hope that clears it up. No one here is allowed to post personal sites except in the sig files, just like almost all forums out there. And the sig files work just fine, I get tons of leads from this and other forums using the signature for my links.
Doc English
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 11:17
So you are saying that the site is being helped out monetarily by allowing these word links to be placed in everyones comments. It is not that everyone can make money by doing this on this site.
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 158
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 11:27
Yes. But you can go buy contextual ads from Kontera and they may show up by chance on this forum.
This forum is free to use and Vishal gets no compensation from all of the work he does to keep it a viable and enjoyable place to come visit. We do not pay subscription fees.
Anyone who doesnt agree with the rules can leave. Or they can start their own forum. Or find another forum to post on.
I have to tell you I have been a member a long time here and the rules have NEVER been an issue until lately. It seems there is an influx of new members that are trying to change the way the forum is run.
Doc English
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 20:47
Here again, I don't want to change the way the forum is run' and I'm impressed that you defend your brothers and this site so well; You do it with zeal; I just want to find out the "politically correct things" to do so I don't step on toes royally.
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 129
# Posted: 16 Jul 2008 06:38
I have nothing new to add here, except to say hello to a fellow medical professional. Howdy Jeff. In addition to being a home business entrepreneur, I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist, specializing in Pediatrics and Pediatric ICU. Nice to meet a fellow medical grunt, in here.
Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 73
# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 00:10
What an absolute pleasure to have created such a long lasting and valuable thread. I hope that it will continue to grow with strong support of the new style of marketing that I personally call Attraction Marketing.
Funny thought...a guy called me the other day using skype. I was on a call and could not answer it. He keeps calling me back since he knows I am at my computer. I politely tell him "please stop calling, I am on the other line". He had already tried to get me into whatever his thingy was. So I was not thrilled to speak with him.
Well sure enough, he starts sending me messages telling me that I didn't know how the law of attraction was staring me in the face and that I had attracted him to me. LOL!
That took the cake. I have never seen such a gross misrepresentation of so many things on so many levels in one place before.
Attraction marketing is about realizing that everyone is NOT your client and they are never ever YOUR client's.
Add more in use value than cash value received and allow the market to show you if you are doing it right.
I will never ever ever consider a business opportunity when it is being offered by people that chase me down to market to me.
I look for people who share my passion of helping others. Everytime. No exceptions.
With great love Danny Arrington
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 10:42
About a year ago, a long-time friend of mine contacted me about Law of Attraction (LOA). It sounded like another misuse of scientific principle, although I didn't express that to her at the time.
Years ago, I watched a news magazine segment on TV. At the time, muggings were newsworthy. (That should give you some idea of the timeframe!)
The set-up was this: a camera crew secretly filmed a number of women walking on a city sidewalk. A convicted mugger watched the women and told the interviewer which women would have likely been his victim.
Invariably, he chose those who had poor posture, as if they were trying to become invisible by slouching and keeping their heads down.
Studies have shown "body language" does reveal our emotions and I suppose how we feel about ourselves.
I am familiar with Theosophy and more recently The Secret.
But the concept of attraction, taken to extreme, bothers me. Only in a country where material wealth is as easy to come by as it is here, can the idea that people "attract" success with the right mental attitude, or court failure with negative thoughts, flower.
To my mind, the best method of attaining success involves setting goals, setting deadlines for those goals and completing them on time.