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Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 43
# Posted: 31 Dec 2007 18:12
Reply -hate-mlm/
This is an article by Tim Sales. Any of his stuff is great, but I found this particularly useful is understanding why some people hate it and how I can at least have a conversation with them about it. (sorry for the super long sentence!!LOL)
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
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# Posted: 4 Jan 2008 03:04
And if you are someone that does hate MLMs, consider internet marketing - you don't have to worry about bugging people to join, because your ability to make money is entirely dependent on your efforts, rather than the efforts of others.
Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 4 Jan 2008 12:48
what internt marketing programs do you recommend?
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# Posted: 5 Jan 2008 02:12
Thanks a lot for posting this. It pretty much sums up my feelings, and my own love/hate relationship with MLM over the years.
A Network Marketer's Dream Come True: Customers Call You!
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# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 22:49
I'm working with an internet marketing program through Canadian Diamond Traders Inc.
[url=]Earn 2500 Dollars over and over again[/url
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# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 23:37
Quoting: skyfxdotnet I'm working with an internet marketing program through Canadian Diamond Traders Inc.
I don't know anything about your company/program in general, but every system where you "cycle" and repeat that I've ever seen is a ponzi of sorts.
These systems pay out until there is a big enough amount of money in the system, then the owner splits with that money and starts over with a different name.
Again, I don't know anything about the particular system you're in, but I personally wouldn't really consider this sort of thing to be internet marketing even though it's marketed on the internet.
Internet marketing is about learning to find out what people need, then learning to give those people whatever it was they needed.
You might want to look at the numbers of your program. If you "cycle" a person out with $2500 after they paid $100 to get in, and you only "cycle" when 25+ people pay in, it's probably a ponzi. Sometimes, they have a "token" product, but I would be really careful if I were you. Some of the more recent big ponzi's have had authorities go after the perpetrators to get damages for the victims.
The danger here is the guy who started the whole thing and took all the money that was "cycling" is nowhere to be found. Since they can't find that guy, they define perpetrator as anyone who profited from the program. In other words anyone who got a payout can be held liable.
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# Posted: 8 Jan 2008 02:35
I don't have enough experience with MLM to love or hate it! I've just joined my first official MLM company this week. I'll let you know how I feel about it in a year's time. 
For those who have had some bad experiences with MLM's or even those who love them, I ran across this book recently by Ann Sieg. I thought it might benefit others. It is called The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing, and you can get it for free from the last link in my signature.
I'm glad I read it just as my MLM journey begins rather than down the road before I learn some bad habits. I hope you enjoy it.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 801
# Posted: 8 Jan 2008 08:01
LOL happywife, what are ALL those MANY businesses you are in called?? Quite a list in your sig line.
The key to success in any MLM is creating and generating a good solid downline and once the downline is built offer them products that will enhance their business of which you are an affiliate for.
Tips like that will be posted on my new blog that isnt quite ready yet called marketingfreeway there is life after a MLM and there are ways to generate a great income. The blog should be up and running shortly it is a culmination of years in MLM's and top tier programs.
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 8 Jan 2008 11:00
Quoting: luvtravel The key to success in any MLM is creating and generating a good solid downline and once the downline is built offer them products that will enhance their business of which you are an affiliate for. This is very true. HOWEVER, IMHO you also want to teach your downline to do the same. This is something I stress on my downline...which is why I only offer my affiliate programs to my immediate downline, in turn telling them to do the same. Typically I earn based on at least 5lvls anyways so I don't need to offer my entire downline, just my immediate. I found this keeps my immediate happy as well as their downline happy because then they just do the same.
MY BIGGEST PROBLEM: Getting in contact with my downline. I swear some people WILL NOT CALL YOU, WILL NOT RESPOND TO EMAILS. When you specifically tell them if they want to make it(and you see that they are struggling) that you WANT TO HELP THEM. I've gone so far as to change ALL links on my page to point to their referring pages to help them BUILD. And with GDI I can also move my referrals to my downline as well so I'm a big proponent of that as well.
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Posts: 968
# Posted: 8 Jan 2008 18:10
Quoting: luvtravel LOL happywife, what are ALL those MANY businesses you are in called?? Quite a list in your sig line.
Actually, Terri, I am not "in" very many businesses at all. I have built 2 websites using SBI based on affiliate marketing. My sites are the first two links in my sig. and SBI is the third.
I am just starting to build my third site which will be built in a similar fashion to the first two (the SBI principles do work), but I will monetize it additionally with products, etc., from a network marketing company I just joined.
Yes, I do see that a downline is important, crucial even, for success with NM/MLM. It is getting a good downline successfully that seems to be of great difficulty from what I hear people saying.
That is why I found the Renegade Marketing materials (the final link in my sig.) so helpful and thought that perhaps others would get a blessing from it too.
Does that clarify things a bit? I'm still relatively new to the online world of business. I started out as ignorant as can be last year. I have a very long way to go, but I'm getting there one step at a time.
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 158
# Posted: 13 Jan 2008 21:55
Hello everyone,
I was involved in an MLM business many years ago and never succeeded. I loved the whole idea of residuals, but in most MLM's you have to create such a huge downline that is producing to see any kind of profit. The buy-in is usually pretty low so all you do is keep selling the initial package/product but never create anything of value in resdual income.
I would stick with a direct sales networking company. I investigated many before I joined my current company. The initial product is usually higher in price, but the pay plan is structured to make a profit much sooner. They all have different pay plans, but the commission per sale is higher than most MLM's.
That being said, I have met people who have cleaned up with MLM companies. I guess to each his own.
Joined: 13 Jan 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 14 Jan 2008 00:03
Not all MLM's are created equal. You have to consider the company you are dealing with and of course the product.
Without strong leadership that is stable and grounded then look elsewhere. Product is also just as important. Is it something that you will actually use or something you will end up collecting dust with?
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 158
# Posted: 14 Jan 2008 09:31
Good point Charles. Everyone needs to ask themselves, would you buy the product or service if there wasnt a business opportunity attached.
I spoke with one person in my downline who was with a nutrional supplement company. The product tasted horrible, smelled horrible and in her opinion was a substandard product. She had little faith in the product, and that will show to your new prospects. Needless to say she is no longer with them.