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Joined: 26 Sep 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 26 Sep 2008 23:03
In order to be successful in mlm you have to have a steady stream of qualified people to join your team. That is the toughest challenge, in my opinion. Because if you have qualified people they will understand that to build a business takes time and that there are ups and downs.
With qualified reps you will spend much more time building your business and much less time 'hand holding'.
Hope this helps!
Joined: 27 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 27 Sep 2008 10:54
I've been in several MLMs with crummy success � til recently. All have great products but I couldn't build much of a downline because I'd rather have a tooth pulled than make a cold call or hit on a friend.
So I tried ads, Penny Savers, take ones etc. I thought Biz Op leads would do the trick but they were a worthless waste of my money because most had no idea what a home business really was or got ticked off when I said they had to put up at least some money, etc. etc. And genealogy leads � what a crock! Any way I was falling on my face right off the bat because I couldn't find lots of prospects who were qualified!
I finally stumbled across "harvesting". It's a way of getting unlimited qualified free leads whenevr I want! I pick a MLM company and search for folks who have their own sites for that company and grab their name and email/phone number. I can do this on my laptop watching tv at night. I harvest tons of leads really fast and don't pay a penny! And they are business owners who can make a decision.
I then email these owners and ask them if they would be open to looking at another profitable business to add to their portfolio. Since most folks are like I was � making NO MONEY � a lot either go to my website or call me. It's all a matter of numbers. The more emails I send out, the more I get back.
There's lot of other ways to do this, but this is how I got started. So watch tv, harvest, and send out emails J.
Martin Hunt [Link removed - Admin]
Joined: 26 Sep 2008
Posts: 61
# Posted: 27 Sep 2008 12:22
Yes, you can really leverage your time if you find people that have business wherewithal and want to know the ins-and-outs of the business.
That said, there is a respected affiliate marketer named Tissa Godavitarne who literally tops the GDI (popular MLM program) leaderboard each month with the most referrals. Turns out his system has nothing to do with selling GDI, but with using it as an offshoot of his affiliate marketing program. He has just showed me how to replicate his system and success. PM me for more info or a referral.
Joined: 24 Apr 2008
Posts: 89
# Posted: 28 Sep 2008 20:38
HomeBizMama: I agree! I've joined several MLMs and my uplines have never contacted me personally.
This is key.. the more value you can add to your market the more money your going to make.
Just recently i sent a personal email to just 5 people who joined my list and they were TOTALLY SHOCKED...
Few buddys of mine have a question box on there pages so that if anyone has any questions they just pop it in the box press submit and wait for a reply.
Serve your team and your team will serve you..
Joined: 6 Oct 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 6 Oct 2008 09:32
Hi. I am new in this forum and I want to tell everybody that all your info is good!. There are some mane good ideas. Please don't stop! It helps a lot
Joined: 9 Oct 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 9 Oct 2008 18:47
coreyjroman: For years I had heard a lot about lead sites the sell MLM leads to help build your downline and for years they have been worthless. If you were not purchasing spam you were purchasing leads that had been sold over and over and again and again. Unless your opportunity was unique to the extreme... it just was not worth the money. After receiving several e-mails on this over the last few months I shopped around to see if anything had changed about the market for these. I did some research and decided that with new stiff penalties in place for spamming and the governments lead check policies through parts of the patriot act I would give them a shot... So... I shopped around tried a few sites that offer leads for sale. "Guaranteed to be less than 72 hours old" and "Exclusive One Time Sales Leads" are what I purchased... and to my surprise... They worked. I have increased my downline 2 fold. Now... That does not mean that everyone in my downline is an "active" member but if just 10 percent start to generate sales and begin to create downline of their own then my downline is not the only thing that will increase 2 fold. So... Overall I would have to say that with careful research and consideration... purchasing leads is no longer bad business. I would do it again and as a matter of fact... I am going to purchase leads myself for the most active people in my downline as an incentive to keep them active. This is just another way to lock in my residuals while creating a good relationship with my downline businesses.
Hi coreyjroman,
I made my annual residual income go up by more than $20,000 over a 30 day period using a lead company. Won my company's "Top producer" award.
Sounds great and it was, but ....................... 90% of the people that I recruited that month quit within 120 days!
I was also using a "Product Lead" company. It's almost unheard of for a lead company to be focused on Retail Leads. It's all Biz Opp leads out there.
Most of The "Consumers" that I enrolled from THAT lead company are still on the books with me 3 years later.
It might take a little longer to build a business by leading with a product, but when you find people who are LOOKING for product your residual income stays on the books much longer.
I even decided to become an affiliate marketer for the Health Product Lead company because I liked their system so much!
Joined: 17 Oct 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 17 Oct 2008 14:29
I don't understand why people join with you and then do nothing it's hard to know how to help them when they have no motivation I think people want instant wealth and if they don't see over night they give up and I do not like to chase them nice to see others feel the same
Joined: 25 Nov 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 25 Nov 2008 14:29
One reason people do not stay when they join MLM companies is lack of focus. There are hundreds of offers out there promising to make them wealthy. They move from one opportunity to another eager to make a kill. When they try to work the system and nothing comes out, they conclude it is too hard and move on. It is difficult to make any money online if you do not have the patience to stay focused on an opportunity.
Joined: 12 Jun 2006
Posts: 31
# Posted: 8 Dec 2008 19:55
whlinternet: yes i agree with you 100% that it is very important to be involved, with a company that you believe in. I believe that it is also important to be involved with a company that has a complete automated system in place. Only 10% of the population really like to sell. So i believe from experience in this industry since 1980 that automation is the key. Respectfully william
I really can't agree with you more. Everything has to be in automation. This would ease some burden on your part plus you get to spend some time with other important stuff. If you don't have this system your business is dead in the water.
Joined: 27 Oct 2008
Posts: 48
# Posted: 12 Dec 2008 14:23
palmsandbeach: I don't understand why people join with you and then do nothing it's hard to know how to help them when they have no motivation I think people want instant wealth and if they don't see over night they give up and I do not like to chase them
I too am having this same issue. I am getting steady sign ons, but they are not bringing in people. so i started to email them daily on things i was doing,(free ones) scince i am financially tight also, and trying to motivate them, beg them to email me if they have questions and no response its fustrating. i guess they just think sign up and make money.
Joined: 7 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 7 Jan 2009 15:24
Hi solopreneurs,
in response to the question of what do you do/give to stop people cancelling and leaving their MLM, I think its important to give your downline the methods to getting tons of leads.
if a dowonline is producing targeted leads it can produce prospects, slaes, sign ups and therefor a profitable and motivated team.
Its so simple to get good targeted leads on a daily basis and I mean ones that you have created yourself. Never buy any from anyone.
# Posted: 8 Jan 2009 17:38
Well written thread
Joined: 10 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 10 Jan 2009 20:30
Thanks for covering very interesting points. Really is helping out a beginner. Thank You so very much
Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Posts: 20
# Posted: 13 Jan 2009 20:46
My inbox is full everyday with different opportunities to join their business. I'm sure many here have this ideal situation of a hot prospect. Let me share with you what I do to generate a lead.
I do reply back with just one simple question and always and I mean always generates another email from them. This is my question. "What exactly do I have to do to be successful in your business?"
Of course it all depends on what business they are trying to share with me; I select one of my favorites from my portfolio and share with them. One thing I have found over the years is to try and even out the conversation. It's most important to listen to them and even share what works for you in your business. If nothing else you have made a friend and a possible contact for the next big one, therefore, time not wasted.
This video series will show you how you can start earning cash every month. EarnIncomeWithThisBe Aware � Be Responsible � Be Safe iSimplify
Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 37
# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 02:37
Hi all, good thread here with some good info. At the end of the day if you dont feel like its something you can sell, keep walking. Long term, you wont be able to sell something you dont believe in. As far as a dowline is concerned Parato's principle will apply here. 80% percent will be lazy, 20% will do well. 20% of your downline will generate 80% of the downlines income. so just keep it in mind and dont lose hope and realize that it is normal for everyone not to excell.
Godspeed, Mathew S. Robar Mathew S. Robar Learn From a Top Mentor. Free Audio Series How to Pick the Best Business for You & Top 8 Marketing Methods, click here 1 K A DAY
# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 20:48
If you have an excellent product, you'll have an excellent downline because everyone will be excited about it. Excitement (motivation) is what gets people in and what keeps them there.
Joined: 14 Jan 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 21:18
Great Posts Here... Here are my 2 cents on some basic necessities to make it in this business... and I saw a some good posts that mentioned some of this earlier: 1) People don't join a MLM company because 'it's 100% debt free' or it's 'orac score is 45,000.' (Blah Blah Blah) People join your organization because of YOU!. 2) If they joined because of YOU, you'd better have a great plan for helping them get their business up and running. That doesn't mean telling them to have parties at their house and to 'make a list' of their friends and families. 3) Unless your company is a heck of a lot more cutting edge than mine, you're going to be initially taught 1950's marketing tactics. (Make a list, bug friends and family, etc.) You're going to have to 're-train' your brain... and do the same with your downline. (Even your upline eventually!) 4) Leaders will do EVERYTHING they tell their downline to do... and will have systems in place that keep themselves accessible and accountable. 5) You HAVE to be able to teach others to find distributors that are 'looking for us' instead of 'us looking for them.' That requires REAL coaching and mentoring. 6) Have tough skin... Not everyone 'gets' the real opportunities that MLM offers YET. The time is coming though...
Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 13
# Posted: 16 Jan 2009 00:23
Exactly! If your organization is just recruitement base rather than based on product promotion, you are just running another kind of pyramid scheme.
Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 37
# Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:35
hi wealthymom,
Think the 80/20 rule. 80% of your business will come from 20% of the people, so focus your time in developing those who want to be developed and if let others choose to change or they will fail, but on their terms. there is an old irish saying and i kow i will butcher it here "god give me the strength to change the things i have power over, accept the things i cannot and the wisdom to knwo the difference"
happy hunting
Godspeed, Mathew S. Robar Mathew S. Robar Learn From a Top Mentor. Free Audio Series How to Pick the Best Business for You & Top 8 Marketing Methods, click here 1 K A DAY
Joined: 21 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 21 Jan 2009 20:54
How long do most people take when trying to develop your leads. At what point do you let these people go.
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 100
# Posted: 28 Jan 2009 14:48
beginhere: My inbox is full everyday with different opportunities to join their business. I'm sure many here have this ideal situation of a hot prospect. Let me share with you what I do to generate a lead. I do reply back with just one simple question and always and I mean always generates another email from them. This is my question. "What exactly do I have to do to be successful in your business?"
Hi Susan,
Are you trying to reply to an autoresponder? If you are, you probably will never get a reply. When I send an autoresponder message out I include a separate email address at the bottom of the page. That way if anyone has a question they can reply to an address that gets read daily (well ... usually I read them daily).
If not, then disregard this post.
Best Wishes Michael
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 100
# Posted: 28 Jan 2009 14:59
mr127500: "god give me the strength to change the things i have power over, accept the things i cannot and the wisdom to knwo the difference"
I believe that's the serenity prayer.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Of course there's also the senility prayer.
God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones that I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
And, finally the humorous serenity prayer.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they ticked me off.
Now, where did I leave those bones? The older I get the more my memory tends to fade and I start to repeat myself. The older I get the more my memory tends to fade and I start to repeat myself.
Keep smiling,
Joined: 30 Jan 2009
Posts: 5
# Posted: 30 Jan 2009 16:55
How do u use myspace and youtube to build downlines? Does myspace work even if you don't have many friends?
Joined: 30 Jan 2009
Posts: 5
# Posted: 30 Jan 2009 17:02
Can you give me some info on product lead companies?
Joined: 11 Dec 2008
Posts: 22
# Posted: 2 Feb 2009 21:43
sford942: How do u use myspace and youtube to build downlines? Does myspace work even if you don't have many friends? Myspace and other social networks won't work unless you like to socialize...
It's really not set up for mlms. (my opinion)
Lots of people go on there and start spamming their opportunity, when your really supposed to make friends, let them know what you do and hope eventually that a viral type situation happens.
In other words, someone may be chatting with a friend on myspace and the subject of what you do comes up and they say " hey I know a guy that has this(whatever it may be) and they refer you to them.
It's lots a work and I don't mess around there but for those who like meeting new people and have what it takes to market there, it could be a gold mind.
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 100
# Posted: 2 Feb 2009 23:39
sford942: How do u use myspace and youtube to build downlines? Does myspace work even if you don't have many friends?
Miram is right about Myspace. The best way to use sites like that are to make friends. If the subject comes up about making money online then your window of opportunity is open.
As far as youtube goes, you can create a video using your own video camera (I have a Flip camera ... they're great) or you can use a free software like camstudio, create a powerpoint presentation, then use your software to convert it into an AVI file and upload it to youtube. I created a couple this way just to test what I was taught and one of them was on the first page for about a month and got over 8000 hits. Now it's not even in the first ten pages ... it was a funny ppt and not really intended to make money with. I intend to make a serious one using my flip phone soon.
Once you've uploaded your video you can add a description of your program (be sure to include your link) and you can add keywords. The competition is getting tougher, but with the right niche and good keywords you can move to the first page for you niche. A good tip is to use your best keywords in the title. You might also consider using a site like TubeMogel so your video can be broadcast on many video networks.
Good Luck Michael
Joined: 11 Dec 2008
Posts: 22
# Posted: 4 Feb 2009 23:44
coreyjroman: MLM who offers products that are not really competitively priced or even needed and just wants to focus on the business "opportunity". So remember the key to developing a succesful downline is finding an organization that gets you excited about promoting their products and services first... not promoting their business opportunity! A truly good MLM will not need promotion if they offer tangible value... The "opportunity" will promote itself.
I wish an MLM company would come out with a product that was not over priced or at least be as good as what you can get elsewhere. Thats why I think cash leveraging was invented....
Some of the top people in mlms don't even use the products. It's all about recruits and cash...
I l