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Your First Year In Network Marketing � The Sad Truth Of MLM and Social Media!

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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
Posts: 47

# Posted: 14 Aug 2009 01:43 · Edited by: Franklin

Everyone knows that social networks sites are very popular these days. Top MLMers are being using social media sites to meet other MLM minded owners to possible work together and share marketing ideas on what is working and not working for them.

I myself have met wonderful people online and I have learn so many tips and tricks from each and one of them. But I have also realize that many of them had been misguided by others about the real use of social marketing for their business.

Your First Year In Network Marketing

Social network are by no means an easy recruiting machine. The number one mistake that people do is use social media as a recruiting machine. Posting their affiliate links and banner all over the place looking like an online billboard.

If you are doing this kind of practice be aware that you account in that particular social network is on the risk to get banned or close for spamming.

Social media is just a place to meet people and build relationships. Must people when they open their social media profile is for the only purpose of meeting and talk people like friends, family coworkers and maybe to get to know new friends.

The Sad Truth Of MLM and Social Media!

Trust me no one wakes up in the morning thinking " Im going to open a new social profile today so I can get harass about MLM opportunities and banner and link and all kinds of ads." I hope you get the picture!

So next time you go to your social media place make sure you talk to people with the only intention of talking and getting to know them not to spam them.


But don't get me wrong social media is one of the best places to get leads and new distributors for your business, its just not in this way. You must learn the art of online marketing and social media marketing.

In this forum you will find lots tips and trick that you can start implementing right away to get more leads and distributors for your business without spamming people in social media sites.
This is how the big MLMers do it and build huge downline and empires in their companies.

Make sure you ask question and contact anyone here in this community I'm sure they will be more than happy to share with you some good quality tips on how to use social media for your mlm business. And remember to create relationship and build trust is they key of social media marketing.

Newbie Shield
Gold Member

Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 2088

# Posted: 14 Aug 2009 08:30

Hi Franklin,

I agree that the productive approach to social media is simply to connect and to aide others.

It was designed for connecting, sharing, and helping others.

Like with most everything else, many marketers have a tendency to make selfish use of it in a mechanical kind of way. Though that approach may help a little in the short term, it will fail and even backfire in the long run.

Providing value and creating trust is how you create a sales environment. Just put yourself in your reader's shoes and you'll know it to be true.

~Newbie Shield~

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