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Have You Joined A New Network Marketing Company Then Read This

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# Posted: 30 May 2009 00:22

If you have joined a network marketing company in the past you have most likely heard the following.

1. Go to your warm market and prospect all your friends, family, and neighbors.

2. Share your business opportunity with anyone and everyone (3 foot rule).

3. Purchase Business Opportunity Leads and make cold calls.

4. Go to all the major events that your company sponsors

5. Get on the autoship program

6. Follow our easy to use system and you will be rich

7. Our company is the best and has the best compensation plan

8. Just start talking to people about our company and people will be excited to join your opportunity

Im sure you have heard of all those things up there and the truth is none of that stuff works anymore. We are using more high tech stuff today to make it more simple for home based business.

The thing is that your not utilzing the right things to get more prospects into your business. Lets be honest here some of the people who join a MLM for the first time don't have a clue on how to get new prospect, your upline is assuming you know how.

So lets get to the chase here try these methods if you want to succeed in your business.

1. Pay-Per Click Advertising PPC is a very powerful marketing strategy I would learn how to use PPC before doing it but once you learn it you will have alot of prospect visiting your site.

2. Article Marketing This is another powerful marketing strategy but you won't see quick results as PPC but you will get some leads, just make sure you post alot of articles to get exposure and make sure you are giving valuable information to the reader instead of just marketing your business.

3. Social Media Sites Using social media is a very effective way of getting leads, if you are not using social media you are consider dead in the water. There are millions of people on social medias such as myspace, facebook etc....use the social media to get exposure.

4. Video Marketing This is another one that can generate some leads if you can explain yourself in 2-5 minutes and get to the point of what you are doing then you will gain some leads and don't forget to leave a link to you site. Also make sure you are building relationship at the same time.

5. Forum Posting Very effective it will take a little time but you will succeed if you learn how to build relationships in this area. Make sure that you are involve in the forum give feedback as suppose to just talking about your business opportunity. Give valuable information so people can keep reading your stuff. It's not hard it's about building relationship with people instead of looking at them like dollar signs.

Hope that this help I will be posting some more good stuff so you can succeed at your venture. Take care and thank you for reading my post.

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1590

# Posted: 30 May 2009 09:54

Great post Abie!

Yup, I was one of those that dialed leads FAITHFULLY for over TWO years..... whew, am I glad THAT phase of my life is over.

I did learn a lot though, about personal development through all that. Network marketing is like a personal development on steriods program.

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One Week Marketing Ya Gotta Have It :)

Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 77

# Posted: 7 Jun 2009 22:55 · Edited by: Mark_Worthen

While I personally prefer Internet marketing, I wouldn't say that the traditional methods "don't work." I know a good number of rich network marketers who could care less about online methods--they do it the old fashioned way, thank you very much.

I think it depends a lot on your personality. I know some very personable, extroverted folks who would probably do better using traditional methods than via Internet marketing.

My suggestion is to choose marketing methods that match your interests, abilities, and personality. More people on an Internet forum are going to prefer online marketing but then you're dealing with an audience already predisposed to working and networking on the 'Net.

All the Best,



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