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OK, MLM/Network Marketing Experts, Guess Where Ted Burke Went? BIG STORY!!

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Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Posts: 6

# Posted: 5 Mar 2009 15:21 · Edited by: nypbbob

Be sure to contact after reading this!! This is why leading MLM'ers are going Dubli. For why Ted is Dubli's sweatheart now, go to the comp plan its located here


I read the story of another successful business owner who got zapped by the DubLi bolt of light. His name is Ted Burke and I found his story in the February issues of Network Magazine Business Journal. Ted has been the top income earner in several network marketing ventures and is considered a true veteran. In 2005 he started his own MLM Company called Ompus which produced over $25 million in sales in the first six months.

Just so you know that I'm not inventing this I'm going to recount Ted's story right as it was written in the NMBJournal:

"Ted and a group he refers to as Worldteam21 were in the final steps of starting his third network marketing company when he learned of Dubli International. After witnessing the first U.S. DubLi presentation, he quickly knew he had to put his new MLM company on hold in order to seize the opportunity with DubLi."

Story Recap

Ted's first MLM company generated over $25 million in sales in six months (did you catch that...ya, I thought so). Not bad...not a record, but certainly not bad. Now he's just about to launch his third MLM business when he unfortunately encounters DubLi. I'm not sure what his second MLM business produced in the way of income over the first six months, but I've got to believe he improved some (don't you?). Now he's on his third and he's all sparked up and ready to break his own income record when all of a sudden he runs smack dap into the DubLi business buzz saw. So, do you want to know what happens next? Remember, Ted has just laid aside everything to market his new DubLi business. Let's pick it up right from the pages of the journal again:

"In two months Burke has recruited more successful and more experienced people into Dubli than he had during his most successful two your stay with any other MLM company as a distributor. Burke's Worldteam21 is on target to build an organization of over one million customers in 2009. Worldteam21 has acquired more retail customers in the last 10 weeks than Burke has ever seen garnered in his best two years with any other company. His goal will be realized when Worldteam21 builds the largest customer organization in the entire MLM industry combined...

"We have never seen a customer acquisition model this effective ever in the history of the world�period. This is one of the most exciting facts that caught my attention. Says Ted Burke. . "

Let's Underline This One

"Worldteam21 has acquired more retail customers in the last 10 weeks (in DubLi) than Burke has ever seen garnered in his best two years with any other company. His goal will be realized when Worldteam21 builds the largest customer organization in the entire MLM industry combined"

How much money do you think this represents? Lot's! But here is the real point I'm trying to make. They ought to call DubLi "Disturbing DubL,." Because that's exactly what it does. It grabs you by the mind and shakes your concept of online business until you cannot help but ask more questions, explore further and you don't stop until you have squeezed out every nook and cranny of the DubLi profile. Again I need to underscore that I'm serious.

Does Ted Seriously Believe He Will Retire in 2010?

Ted Burke ends his article in Network Magazine Business Journal by announcing that because of his new DubLi success that he plans on retiring in 2010 to spend the rest of his life helping others in the world that are less fortunate and in need of assistance. That means that in the span of just one year he sees Dubli as delivering a total income equivalent to 10 times more than any other opportunity he has ever encountered in one tenth the time. Keep in mind, he was always successful in ALL his other Dubli is literally in a category all by itself.

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