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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 02:49 · Edited by: kesharn2
I love the Secret Movie for all it has opened my mind and eyes up to. But that was just the beginning. The movie scratched the surface.
Because my life was so turned around by that movie it allowed me to delve and research the very subject of The Law Of Attraction to an even fuller extent. I began to attract to me everything under the sun on the subject. I was actually listening to one my CD's by Joe Vitale that talks about the Missing Secret.
He expounds on the fact that although the Law Of Attraction is working all of the time for everyone, not everyone is receiving what they think they're attracting; and thats because of The Missing Secret. You see, thoughts aren't just things, they are beliefs. Your beliefs. Your beliefs are in your subconcious which creates your world you're in (or, what you attract).
For example, if I'm watching a movie and let's say there's some sappy love scene that plays. Now, at first thought I may tell myself, "That type of sappy love is only in the movies". That thought, that quick thought represents my belief. My belief is in my subconscious. My subconscious manifests or attracts my world around me. So in the end, the only place I'll experience or see sappy love relationships will be in the movies, and not for myself because my thought/belief/subconcious says that's where sappy love is seen.
Now let's apply this to your home based businesses and making money:
Thought: " Because of this recession, I'm sure my sales will go down". Belief: Because of this recession your sales will go down Subconscious: Recession=Sales going down Your manifestation: Your sales in your home based business went down
Remember: It's your Subconscious, and your Subconscious only that manifests the world around you.
Note: Since this "recession" I have spent more money and enjoyed my life more than I ever have. As soon as the media cried "recession" I told my self, "Well I've decided not to participate in this recession", and money just came rolling in. You see, in my world the recession does not apply to me. So that's my belief. So it's in my subconscious, and that's what has manifested in real life for me. More abundance than I've ever had.
Now, back to what I was originally writing about. If you want to see your wants and desires manifest for you and The Law Attraction work in your favor, you must recognize your true beliefs. Ask yourself, "What do I really think about making money, relationships, my business..." The thought that shows up in your mind first is usually your real belief about it. Pay attention to it. Recognize those beliefs and clear those untruths. Any negativity about a subject are untruths. Recognize those beliefs, and turn them around for your good.
Kesha Sowell
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1177
# Posted: 12 Jan 2009 01:24
I love the Secret, too... nice post here.
Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 447
# Posted: 12 Jan 2009 08:15
Nice post.
Don't always think negatively. Think positive
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 12 Jan 2009 09:09
kesharn2: Note: Since this "recession" I have spent more money and enjoyed my life more than I ever have. As soon as the media cried "recession" I told my self, "Well I've decided not to participate in this recession",
Great post. I also refuse to participate in the recession. I will not listen to the doom and gloom on the news. It has had a positive impact on my life and business.
Joined: 19 Nov 2008
Posts: 96
# Posted: 12 Jan 2009 14:14
Wonderful post, especially when so many people are focusing on the negative things we are hearing (or seeing) in the news or families etc. Many good wishes and thoughts for everyone
Joined: 6 Jan 2009
Posts: 13
# Posted: 12 Jan 2009 15:56
Curious... could you use the Secret in the opposite way? Not that I'm interested, but couldn't you technically impose negativity on others?
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 352
# Posted: 12 Jan 2009 20:20 · Edited by: NTC
As a result of The Secret, I found Abraham-Hicks. Yes, it does work, perfectly, every time.
A consistent pattern of thought on a subject of desire will bring you corresponding reality without taking the physical steps that you are accustomed to taking. Thought is powerful and transformative.
Abraham-Hicks, Alaska Cruise July 2008
P.S. I made the decision not to let the economy affect me, and my dollars are rolling in and stretching further.
Things will be just fine!
Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 363
# Posted: 13 Jan 2009 03:09
kesharn2: You see, thoughts aren't just things, they are beliefs. Indeed!
Thoughts are transformed into beliefs when they are magnetized to such a degree that they become your truth. Repeating a thought silently or aloud, with meaning, feeling, passion and a faithful acceptance that it'll be materialized, is part of the magnetizing process.
The more convinced you are of the outcome, the stronger the magnetic attraction will be, and the quicker you'll experience results.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 20:11
Your actions follow your thoughts or in other words your thoughts control your actions.
If you truly want something than your actions will reflect those thoughts and sooner or later you'll achieve your goals.
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 129
# Posted: 19 Jan 2009 04:25 · Edited by: PMHayes
Normally I find a place of agreement with the things that are said in here. I don't like to be a dissenter, and I don't intend to put people down for their beliefs. However, as a Christian, born again and saved by the Grace of God through the blood of Jesus Christ His son, I reject any and all teaching that is contrary to the teachings of Christ, including "The Secret." And I must offer the Christian perspective when necessary. I am compelled by the love of Christ, to do so. It is necessary. I will not engage in any argument over this, that is not my intent. My desire is merely to point out the Christian perspective, as I stated earlier.
I prefer prayer, to "The Secret." Prayer is God's answer to our needs being met and our lives being blessed. Actually "The Secret" is no secret at all. It's teaching has been around for thousands of years, ever since the serpent lied to the woman, telling her that the fruit of the tree would make her equal to God, knowing good and evil therefore able to function independently and apart from God. The Hebrew word for "know" here implies much more than just a mental ascent. It implies an intimate relationship with something or someone. In this context it implies that we will be in "intimate relationship" with good AND evil, thus implying that God is both good and evil (which is both absurd and a lie) which implies that we can achieve equality with God (also absurd and also a lie).
As a born again Christian, I reject the premise that we are in control of the spiritual forces that surround us. God is the ONLY one who is in control. The Secret is nothing more than a re-wording and re-tooling of New Age Humanist teachings which deny the deity and Lordship of Jesus Christ and imply that his death on the cross is nothing but a fable, meaningless and powerless to effect our life.
The second problem I have with "The Secret" is, it's all about me, what I want, who I want, how I want it, etc. God said, "seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." In other words, seek to know God, love God, obey God, live a life that is pleasing to God, serve others first, and He will see to it that you have the desires of your heart. He will do this because your desires will line up with His will for you and your life. His principle is that we receive by focusing on giving, not on getting. Give love, receive love. Give forgiveness, receive forgiveness. Give financially, receive financially.
I realize that I may be in the minority, here and that many of you will disagree with me, completely. That is your right and I both accept and respect it. As Benjamin Franklin said ( I believe it was him, anyway) "I may not agree with another person's beliefs, but I will defend with my life their right to believe them," or something to that effect. No offense here, is intended, just a voicing of my beliefs.
Mitch H.
Joined: 19 Jan 2009
Posts: 15
# Posted: 19 Jan 2009 23:57
Good for you Mitch.
You should object. It runs afoul of your faith, beliefs, and confession.
Good for you knowing the difference!
We watched Star Wars this weekend (the orginal #1, #4 for younger viewers), and I couldn't help to but connect "The Force" the "The Secret."
George Lucas is a professed Buddist Methodist. (Raised as a Methodist, and heavily influenced and drawn into Buddism while writing the movies).
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# Posted: 20 Jan 2009 01:19
I love The Secret!! That is one of the best books I have read in a long time. People do not beleive me when I tell them it really works. It does for me!!! It has made me a better person- not having so many negative thoughts running through my head.
Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 363
# Posted: 20 Jan 2009 02:55
PMHayes: Normally I find a place of agreement with the things that are said in here. I don't like to be a dissenter, and I don't intend to put people down for their beliefs. Disagreement is a natural occurence in the experience of life. It is through our differences that we learn about ourselves. Members of this forum have always taken pride in engaging each other in spirited discussion and exchanging divergent points of view in an atmosphere of respect and civility.
PMHayes: I prefer prayer, to "The Secret." Prayer is God's answer to our needs being met and our lives being blessed. No disagreement from me. "The Secret" is not presented as a substitute for prayer. It simply highlights the Law of Attraction, one on many universal laws we engage when we are in earnest prayer.
Meaningful prayer involves the keen awareness of every word, written, spoken, whispered or thought. When it is accompanied by sincerity, hope, praise, faith, expectation, gratitude, thanksgiving and reverence, there's a greater chance that the prayer will be answered.
PMHayes: As a born again Christian, I reject the premise that we are in control of the spiritual forces that surround us. God is the ONLY one who is in control. As human beings we have only a smattering of understanding of the forces that surround us, spiritual or otherwise, so the ability to control them has to be beyond our bailiwick. And rightfully so, since our place in the overall scheme of things relegates us to the outer edges of wisdom, for now.
I say "for now" because we've been promised the ability to perform "greater works than these" if only we believe in Him. Personally, I don't think that means we'll one day be IN control of spiritual forces or anything like that; instead, I believe we'll have an elevated understanding of these forces and an improved ability to manipulate them.
For example: Mankind can neither create the wind nor electricity, but we have learned how to harness the energy to our advantage. We have used the wind to power our windmills and our sailboats. We've been using electricity to light our homes, cook our food, and perform thousands of critical functions in our society.
I agree that a superior intelligence is running the show, but each of us has an active role in the performance. We have a responsibility to do our part, know our lines, and hit our marks when the spotlight falls on us.
PMHayes: The second problem I have with "The Secret" is, it's all about me, what I want, who I want, how I want it, etc. But, in the final analysis, isn't it really all about me anyway? Isn't that why He sent His son in the first place, to save my soul?
One could say that "The Secret" examines the Law of Attraction and teaches practical ways people can apply its concepts to their life and manifest their dreams. In many ways it reinforces the teaching: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
We are encouraged to make good use of our talents (our inherited potential) and the more we multiply and manifest them in this world, the greater will be our reward. To do otherwise is to forfeit our stake.
Cash Gifting
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Posts: 11
# Posted: 20 Jan 2009 17:35
"As soon as the media cried "recession" I told my self, "Well I've decided not to participate in this recession", and money just came rolling in."
I love it! This is such good advice. Thank you Kesha.
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