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Working from abroad - legal and tax considerations?

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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
Posts: 12

# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 22:01


I plan to run my budding online business from another country, while working there on a work visa. I need to know whether I can do this by registering the business in a U.S. state before I leave, and paying all taxes in the U.S. I will also have a U.S. address to use for the business.

Thank you


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1513

# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 22:51

If the business is registered in the US, you will have to pay taxes there.


Joined: 14 Oct 2007
Posts: 12

# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 23:43

Thank you, pcwork, for replying. Do you mean I can operate the business legally while residing in another country on a work visa, as long as I have my business registered in a U.S. state? Also, when you say I have to pay taxes "there," do you mean in the U.S.?

If so, I understand that. I just want to make sure I can do so without getting in trouble in the other country.



Joined: 16 May 2008
Posts: 12

# Posted: 16 May 2008 19:33

i'm curious about this too. I want to run an online affiliate marketing business, and I think I have to have the checks sent to a US address.... but if I decided to live outside of the US for part of the year, what would that mean, tax-wise?

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Joined: 17 Oct 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 17 Oct 2008 18:16

I am new here but I think I can help.
I have been a professional tax preparer for 20 years.
The IRS has very complicated rules for "foreign income". Which is what I think you are dealing with. Sometimes it is 100% taxable, sometimes it is tax free, and sometimes it is somewhere inbetween.

The rules are complicated so I would suggest consulting with a professional who has experience working with foreign income, or at the very least visiting the IRS website and getting their free publication.


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