Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 909
# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 18:43
Hi David,
It will depend on the company you sign up with as an affiliate. Some of them will accept a declaration that you are a non US affiliate with no US activities and therefore won't take any taxes out of your earnings.
You'll still have to consider Australian taxes though. If I remember correctly, you can earn up to $50,000 per year in Australia as a "hobby" without having to pay tax on it. So, if you have an offline job and are just doing this on the side, you could probably classify it as a hobby.
Also, last time I checked, you can earn about $30,000 in network marketing in Australia without paying tax on it.
Those numbers may be different now. It's best to check on it yourself.
Cheers, Angie