Joined: 17 Jul 2008
Posts: 51
# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 06:41
Good morning,
I guess the topic says it all, but during this process of website integration and update, how are we recruiting?
If you are like me, I haven't spoken a word about this to any new prospect who didn't already have a sniff of what it was.
Without having a working website to promote and show the business, it's sort of a mute point. (Last night I was writing an email to a gentleman/prospect who was telling me that he had done things like this in the past and it didn't work out. In my response back to him, I was so passionate about the business model that I included my ASD referer link - Jamie, if you are doing your DD as I suggested and are reading this post, please wait until the website is up).
Just seems to me that ASD would have put more resources in the sign-up / capturing portion of the website, so we don't lose the excitement built around building our team.
Any thoughts?