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WA a SCAM!!!

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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 22 Nov 2008 19:32


I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over a year and i never regreted my decision.

And the WA affiliate sales I have made my membership free.

Wealthy Affiliate has helped me to get started my online career.

Joined: 5 Oct 2008
Posts: 39

# Posted: 26 Nov 2008 10:37

Arbequina... you remind me a bit of myself! I need to see the big pictures AND the little details. Just to reassure myself that I'm doing the right thing to get where I want!

And you also remind me of my previous (and last) employer: he always wanted things done for yesterday!

I'm an SBI owner for 4 months now and I haven't passed through the 5th day of its 10-day program (video tutorials, step-by-step, spoon fed but very detailed and informative).

There is a learning process and learning takes time. Even if you have a very active brain! You may learn faster than others, but you still need time to learn.

The pressure of being short of money may push you to act unwiselyl Consequences of untoughtful actions can cost you more that what you paid initially. Be careful about that!


Joined: 23 Sep 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 21 Jan 2009 21:37 · Edited by: footbag_man

I am so mad right now, I really am.

So, I JUST need to figure out how to promote my websites and possibly host them with WA.

All of you promise me a wealth of information.

Then, I get on there JUST to find out that you are given a lesson plan and only fed little tiny bits of information for 8 weeks!!!! You can attempt to wander around in this massive jungle of information, but you won't be able to make any sense of out it, BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE THE PLAN!!


If I do not get my hot little hands on that whole plan in 24 hours, I will quit as a member and file a paypal claim. Thieves!!!

I can't believe you tricked a poor person like me with a good cause to raise money, I hope that karma kicks you in the ar*e...hard.

WOW... What are you on my friend...

Did you want the info to jump into your head and not have to learn it... Did you think it was a get rich quick program...

Affiliate marketing is HARD, if it was easy every person in the world would do it... Wealthy affiliate is the best place to learn to do it, but you need to work!!!

I am amazed by your comment!!!


Joined: 10 Feb 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 18:56

Hi everyone... I have to admit, I felt for arbequina because I felt the same way at first... not to so much extent though... but I will say this:
Despite me fear, I am actually appreciative of the 8 week plan - I did the as much as what I could do myself, not wanting to wait for the 8 weeks to pass, and it was pretty daunting - but, if you do have an active mind, you can get it understood in far less than 8 weeks - and it is not all that bad.
I will also concur with others - this is not an easy business to get into - but then again neither is being a doctor - a doctor takes many years, this will take a couple of weeks - heck, let's even say a couple of months... it is still worth it. In no business do you just start operating � even if you apply for a job as a receptionist they will probably put you on at least a week training.

I am a huge advocate for Wealthy Affiliates, or sometimes referred to as WA - I have tried some others, and most of them try teaching you how to sell more of their stupid product or program, which to me is a scam.

If you are considering getting into affiliate marketing, or even just getting your existing business online, I believe you will be stupid to not go for the Wealthy Affiliate - it is really worth it.

As a last word... I judge a lot on whether a company is willing to take payments by PayPal, and that is how WA works - most others want your credit card details, and good luck trying to get them to stop taking money from you... if a company accepts PayPal, in my books they are prepared to be honest, because they know you can stop the payment much easier - these guys are not sharks!


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Wealthy Affiliates,

Joined: 16 Sep 2008
Posts: 27

# Posted: 27 Feb 2009 15:15

I am a happy wealthy affiliate member since oct 07... I have progressed slow but have have made progress none the less.

Some who have joined after me have passed me up. The success of WA depends on yourself and your own circumstances, the course itself is second to none in value.

It is all about rolling up your sleeves and getting you hands dirty.

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