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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1498
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 04:58 · Edited by: getagrip
Wow...a German American going to Japan - good thing WWII is over! 
Actually, I've got an older brother living in Japan - he's been there since about 1994 - he actually considers himself "American Japanese". I also had a roommate who was from Japan - if you run into a guy name "Kosuke" (I think he lives someplace near Kyoto), ask him if he knows a guy named "Keith" from Nebraska - unfortunately, I lost his email address after he gave it to me before he headed back to Japan, so I have no way of contacting him. 
Anyway...I think you would be MUCH better off spending your time in Japan NOT in front of a computer learning affiliate marketing, but if you think you will have an extra 5 hours a week - or every other week to spend on affiliate marketing, you will be fine. Just don't miss out on "experiencing" Japan to make an extra buck, but remember that in affiliate marketing, you can set your own hours and work when YOU want.
I hope this answers your question - I had planned to write more, but I think this pretty much covers it!
Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 297
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 06:30
You could always experience Japan and make money at the same time.
Some ideas to consider...
Blogging about your experiences in Japan. - language - places of interests - rituals, customs, traditions, - fashion - music - food - cars - games - sports - etc.
I mean there's a whole bunch of stuff that you could get into that would be of interest to other non-Japanese. You could blend contextual ads and referral links quite nicely into your blog or site.
You could use social networking sites to drive traffic to your blog/site. And from your site, you could build a list by offering free materials such as short ebooks or reports.
Take some time and brainstorm...
If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 338
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 11:00 · Edited by: NTC
Dear deutschjoe,
If you only put in a little time here and there, you still are making progress. Your work is not going anywhere. It will be there waiting for you, when you want to work at it.. Nothing will happen except you may progress a little slower. At one point, you will be asked in your lessons to choose free vs. paid advertising. If you choose Adwords Advertising, you do need to check on your campaigns at least daily.
Shortly after I joined WA, my husband (ex) was became very ill. We have two very active little boys. I now am both parents, take care of the home and yard, happy student and run my eBay stores. I have not been able to work on my marketing projects nearly as much as I want to (I love working on the internet/marketing). Anyway, all is well. My website is running itself, my articles are still out there...I try to write an ad or article every day. and spend a little time in the forum, here and at WA.
You will be fine.
If you have any more questions deutschjoe , we are here for you! Victoria
Joined: 19 Feb 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 20 Jun 2008 02:39
i finally joined wealthy affiliate after wanting to for months. i have no experience, and it seems like theres a lot to learn. im gonna try my best to be successful.
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1498
# Posted: 20 Jun 2008 03:57
Cool! I hope WA works out well for you and that you learn a lot!
Joined: 21 Jun 2008
Posts: 22
# Posted: 21 Jun 2008 03:17
I'm curious, what type of information does the WA forum have that can't be found here?
I'm new, but seems like there's a lot of experienced wisdom freely shared around this forum.
P.S. for the small town guy with no job: uses Guides to answer simple querries. You get paid $.20 per answer (they say it averages anywhere btwn $4-$10/hour.)
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1498
# Posted: 21 Jun 2008 11:23 · Edited by: getagrip
PennyWise: I'm curious, what type of information does the WA forum have that can't be found here?
To give you the short answer, LOTS. Yes, there is some good information in this forum, and it is great for helping you narrow down which business opportunities are good to pursue, but the focus of this forum is not on affiliate marketing.
The focus of Wealthy Affiliate is to help you learn how to make money with affiliate marketing, and WA offers a lot of step by step guides, learning resources, and useful tools to help you get your affiliate marketing business off the ground and start making a profit.
For example, at Wealthy Affiliate, you can go through the 8 Week Action Plan to learn the basics of affiliate marketing, use Site Rubix to create your first website, use Clickbank research tool to identify hot products on Clickbank, and use the Competition Spy Tool to determine if certain keywords on Google are profitable, and to determine which websites are profitable and which ones are not. These are just a few of the many tools and resources you will find at Wealthy Affiliate.
Of course, one of the main benefits of Wealthy Affiliate is the WA forum, which has some of the best "cutting edge" information you are going to find anywhere on getting an edge in the affiliate marketing world. Here are some threads to check out if you ever decide to join WA:
"Stuck In A Rut..." by Glimmerman, in the General Marketing Discussion
"Been at it 6 months Today" by Bald Eagle, in the General Marketing Discussion
"How The Heck Do You Find Something To Promote" by Thadroe, in The $500 Challenge
"First $200 Day - And Some Advice About ANCHOR TEXT " by Hyderkhan, General Success
These are just a few of the MANY Wealthy Affiliate forum threads that provide very valuable insight, that will undoutedly give you "aha" moments. The last one I mentioned actually helped me see something I had been doing WRONG with article marketing - I probably never would have realized this had I not come accross that thread while "surfing" the WA forums, and that is exactly how WA can give you an edge.
Also, at Wealthy Affiliate, you can interract with other affiliate marketers who are very successful (some of these guys make $500 - $1,000 or more PER DAY), and you can gain valuable insight just by reading the answers they provide to other WA members within the forum. You may find that they answer YOUR questions in the WA forum!
So...there you have it! Wealthy Affiliate is simply one of the best places to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing, and is likely to give you an edge IF you use the resources that are available to you with your membership.
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 338
# Posted: 21 Jun 2008 22:24
Hi deutschjoe, I have read a lot of books on writing, especially for the internet. You will be just fine as long as you write from your heart. I truly believe and enjoy reading sales letters and articles that are a little informal. They have a more genuine feel, like they were written by a real person rather than a hired copywriter. The prospects or customers often can read between the lines, and can feel if the author cares or is just selling to whoever he/she can.
You can create a campaign in less than 5 hours with the hopes of it producing income for a long time, yes. After your first , they will be easier to build. You can create a free blog or website, and write an article whenever you have time, and link to your website, where your affiliate links or products will be sold. Then, just add content, and write articles as you can. You can work at your own pace..the more time invested, the more exposure and articles and landing pages or websites you will have on the internet. Have a great time, whatever path you choose! Victoria
Joined: 21 Jun 2008
Posts: 22
# Posted: 22 Jun 2008 02:52
Thank you G.A.G., that's definitely something to keep in mind. Not ready to jump in just yet, though. 
Victoria, what all do you try to accomplish in the "campaign" you referred to?
Obviously, having a direction will get one there faster than frolicking around with hope, but any tips?
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 338
# Posted: 3 Jul 2008 22:11
Hi PennyWise, Basically, and most importantly I try to add valueable content, help people and attract targeted traffic. Helping others is a passion of mine. Have a great evening! Victoria
Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 17 Aug 2008 22:02
I have a question.....can anyone tell me what the true difference betwee Profit Lance, Profit Praxis is from WA?
I am looking form "the way" to learn internet marketing so I can mke some decent money on line in affiliate marketing. I get that WA is an education what is Profit Lance and Profit Praxis? Anyone know?
Just don't know what the best thing is to join as I've not joined either WA, Profit Lance or Profit Praxis. I don't want to get burned and find out that I've wasted more money on something that is only "wishful" thinking as far as finding my way to a making money online.
Would sincerely appreciate someone's thoughts!
Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 123
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 01:41
Rich, I also responded to your other question. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to. Anyway, there are lots of "learn to make money" sites and ebooks out there. Some are good and some are not quite as good.
I haven't heard of Profit Praxis before, so I can't comment on that. I'm not a member at Profit Lance so I can't really comment too much on that. From what I have heard it is fairly similar to WA though.
When I was looking for a site to join I had it narrowed down to WA and PL. After looking at the two sites, I decided on WA since the site looked a lot more professional...sorry PL guys. The video on the PL homepage looked a bit amateur so I was hesitant, but the WA site looked very professional and the sales page got me.
After joining WA I have had experience with that and I have also read reviews of Profit Lance. PLers can chime in if I miss anything....but there are a few common complaints I hear with PL. One is that the turnkey websites are pretty much useless. I have also heard that there is no PL forum or a way to contact other members, unlike WA where there are WA spaces and a huge forum.
All in all I think they are probably pretty close though. I think the deciding factor would be price. It costs about $100 to get Profit Lance, but that is for life. With WA it is only $40, but that is a monthly fee. Decide what you want. You can stay at WA for two months and learn a lot and still pay less than PL. How much extra content will PL add in the future though? I don't really know which would be best for you...that is for you to decide.
Sorry if this just confused you more, lol. I bet they are both good products, so you can pick which one you think looks better. If you have any more questions about WA or anything, feel free to PM me. Keep us posted on what you decide to do and good luck!
Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 03:14
Hey thank you Fatman for responding yet again ...and your responses are highly valued and informative. I appreciate it, so no need to apologize for length or possibly confusing me.
You're right about the "turnkey" websites. I was a dummy and bought into the sales pitch of Duvet Dollars ... don't know if you're familiar with it...but its' the pitch "I make money while I sleep" and when i researched it after I bought it (duh) I couldn't believe the amount of negative feedback on the web about was a scam!!!
I didn't lose much money but I was left with nothing...all I got was a website that looked like the same thing that I responded to and it appears that my big money making opportunity was to turn around and send people the same bull**** pitch and hope they bought it. The only thing it did show me is that with the right pitch...people will buy online but I can't do something I don't feel good about and I imagine that I wouldn't stay in business very long if I learned I wasn't helping anyone. That is not the "work from home" , "money making opportunity" I am seeking.
What I do want is to sell other companies products as an affiliate to make money. I know nothing about how to find, select, or promote products nor do I know anything about how to drive traffic to a website.
I am vaguely familiar with terms like Google adsense, and pay per click advertising. I am extremely familiar and proficient with emails. But that's about it.
I don't know about Google adwords, Squidoo, or any of that stuff or what that means in affiliate marketing terms so worried I might not be able to figure things out. Does WA start right from the beginning? Most importantly, will it lay out an action plan and show me EXACTLY what to do and how to do it?
One of the products I thought would be good to try to affiliate market would be other words, see if there are opportunities for me to drive traffic to websites like Expedia, Travelocity etc. and earn a commission when someone books a trip.
Other "products" I've thought might be good would be electronics like Iphones, and video phones etc. They seem to be the way of the future and something that will be as big as cell phones.
Am I thinking correctly?
One last point I want to make ... at least so you'll understand that I understand my mindset to determine if I might be a good match for WA is that I understand that there is no such thing as "EASY" or "Difficult" but rather realistic or unrealistic expectations. When our expectations are realistic, doing a task tends to feel "easy". When they aren't ... doing the same task can feel "difficult". I'm not afraid of working and if I knew what I was doing I could devote far more time than just 5 to 10 hours per week to internet guess is more like 20 to 30 hours per week so long as I know that what I am doing is the right thing.
How does all this I AM sorry for such a long response
Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 123
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 11:33
Woohoo, nice to see somebody else who writes long posts! Sorry to hear about your Duvet Dollars experience. I understand what you mean though. There are a lot of of suspicious looking programs out there and scams. Some things look like garbage and you make money by selling more of that garbage. I don't like that concept either.
You can actually promote anything that you want to though. I always tell people to start with something you are interested. Pick a hobby, then make a blog with 10 posts about it. Since you're interested in the topic, it won't be a problem writing about it. Then you can write articles and get traffic to your blog.
There are TONS of products to promote. Clickbank has digital products to sell. Amazon, Commission Junction, Linkshare, Shareasale and others sell physical products. Many store sites also have their own affiliate programs. If you want to promote Travelocity, then I'm sure that it (or similar sites) have an affiliate program. Iphones and tech stuff are good too. However, you need to focus on research and finding good keywords, otherwise the competition will be very tough.
And yes, WA starts from the beginning. I joined WA without even knowing what "affiliate marketing" or "IM" were. I just knew the site looked good and it said I could make money, lol. I have learned a lot since then and think it is a good program.
I think your last point is the best. As long as you work hard then you'll be able to succeed. You need to be able to put time into it. If I only worked 5 hours a week, there's no way I'd be able to make money. I spend a lot of time doing this. You are also smart thinking that you need to seed realistic goals. If you want to make $5,000 in your first are going to be disappointed. But, if your goal is to make one sale in your first month, that goal is much more attainable.
You seem to be qualified to be a great marketer. I hope it all works out well for you. Good luck with deciding on what you do, and feel free to ask any more questions you might have.
Take care!
PS. As for the IM terms, WA explains everything...but if you want to learn the terms first, then this forum has some great info. Here are just a few things: PPC- pay per make ads and pay each time they are clicked Google Adwords- the most popular PPC service Adsense- you put ads on your sites and get paid when they are viewed/clicked Squidoo- a free place to make a web page ....Hubpages, Weebly, Blogger, Wordpress are good free options too
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1498
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 14:04
RichH: I have a question.....can anyone tell me what the true difference betwee Profit Lance, Profit Praxis is from WA?
Just for the record, I think Wealthy Affiliate blows Profit Lance out of the water. PL is just a bunch of tutorials thrown together - there is nothing about it that will give you an "edge" over your competition. WA is more than just a bunch of tutorials - it is a thriving community where members help each other out, share secrets and strategies, encourage one another, and help each other stay on top of the contant changing world of internet marketing. There are people at WA who earn over $1,000 a day, and these people are active in the WA forum, and you can "pick their brains" for help in making your online business successful. I honestly don't think there is a better place to learn how to make money online than Wealthy Affiliate...
Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 14:23
Hey Get a Grip,
Thanks for your opinion. Question for you....on this very page with all the postings there are 4, and
Who is responsible for making these postings? Are these WA members? Or are these scammers boldly invading the Forum area to try to lure buyers of their products? Are they legitimate? Do you recommend any of them?
What is currently the sweetest deal being offered to people interested in joining WA? I was reading one persons review of it and it said sign up through me and receive a Free gift.....another said sign up with me and receive $10 bonus in your pay pal account.
Last question for this post....does WA show me how to set up a paypal account too? I am a complete newbie at this and don't really understand the whole thing.
Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 14:28
P.S. under your posting was a link to watch your video. I tried but the sound was might want to check that because it was so hard to listen to I had to skip over it although I'm sure it had some great content.
Will WA show me how to make my own video like yours? Is making one of these videos a standard procedure for members of WA?
How long have you been with WA. I really appreciated your candid review of Profit Lance.
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1498
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 16:47 · Edited by: getagrip
Hey Rich,
In regards to the advertisements you are seeing, these are advertisements generated by Google Adsense. Basically, they are generated by specific keywords that the advertisers bid on - only the owner of this forum can block specific URLs from being displayed if he thinks the programs are scams. I really can't give a recommendation about them one way or the other as I haven't reviewed them, but a good place to research scams is to visit the or you can even do a search in this forum to see what kinds of things other people are saying about them. I will say that I tend to avoid programs that advertise "get rich quick" or "easy money", so you will have to use your best judgement.
Having said all of that, I can tell you that Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal, and you will not have to worry about being scammed or ripped off. I've been a Wealthy Affiliate member for a little over two years, and while I can't tell you that you are going to get rich over night, or that you won't have to put in some hard work and effort, or that everyone who joins Wealthy Affiliate "makes it", I will tell you that WA will show you what it takes to make money online, and will provide you with the tools and resources to help you make it happen.
Ok, to answer your other questions:
1. To set up a Paypal account, all you have to do is visit and click on the "Sign Up" link at the top of the screen, then follow the instructions from there.
2. Its up to you if you want to join WA through someone's website to receive their "special offer". WA now has a "Share Zone" where WA members give away free videos, ebooks, and strategies to make money online, so it will be very hard for someone to give you a special offer that you won't find at the WA share zone or that isn't already offered to WA members, so all I can say is use your best judgement.
3. To make my video, I used a software program called Camtasia, which you can get a free 30 day trial for at Wealthy Affiliate doesn't really teach video marketing, but it is something that is discussed in the WA forum. That's basically how I got my idea to do a video, and I decided to do what other WA members were doing. That's one of the benefits of WA - even if WA doesn't teach something, you can usually learn about it through other WA members. I've had some of my biggest "lightbulb moments" just by going through the WA forum! 
Ok...for the "pings and pops" you hear on my video. For some reason, if you have Adobe Flashplayer 11 installed on your computer, you often hear the "pings and pops" while Camtasia videos are playing. One way of fixing this is to "downgrade" to Flashpalyer 10. If you don't know how to downgrade or don't want to downgrade to watch my video, you can click on the link at the bottom of the video, and you will see a video you can watch about WA on the right hand side of the screen which also gives you a tour of Wealthy Affiliate.
Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 30 Aug 2008 23:13
ilikepie_1: i finally joined wealthy affiliate after wanting to for months. i have no experience, and it seems like theres a lot to learn. im gonna try my best to be successful.
Congrats on starting your journey to success. WA is a fantasic program to get started on. I only started working online a few months now and I've have learn so much just from the forums alone at WA. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.
Good luck!
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:13
I actually tried WA and quit before I had to pay again. It didn't help me, but that doesn't mean it won't help you. If you have an extra $40, then I say..........try it would for a month. If it does help you earn money....wouldn't it be worth it?
Joined: 5 Dec 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 5 Dec 2008 08:22
Hi. I found WA just today (December 5) and have just finished reading through all 11 pages in this thread. I will join soon.
I did not see an answer to Matchbox's question (posted 4 Jun 2008 09:08) relating to reporting of income. My understanding is that you should (in the U.S.) file a 1040 Schedule C to report all income derived from IM.
Of course, you can deduct expenses including the monthly $40 and computer expenses and internet expenses. Unfortunately, adding a Schedule C will be a turnoff for some people. It's not too difficult, but it's just another thing that complicates your life.
Most people won't bother reporting the income, but if you do want to avoid an IRS investigation into where your money is coming from, you should file.
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1498
# Posted: 5 Jan 2009 18:07
woody: Most people won't bother reporting the income, but if you do want to avoid an IRS investigation into where your money is coming from, you should file.
Yep, that's pretty much the case! The government has to get their money some how...
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 338
# Posted: 6 Jan 2009 10:30
Yes, and it really is not that hard.
My taxes will be simple compared the one one I had to fill out for my past retail career. It is only a form, nothing to stress over. Money in money out...
Have a great day! Victoria
Joined: 2 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Feb 2009 11:57
WA IS NOT WORTH WHAT THEY ARE CHARGING. I was a member for a month and the only people really making any money was kyle and carson. AND other WA'ers trying to sell the newbies the "next big thing". Every "helpful post" from members offered advice along with an affiliate link to the next big money maker.
My advice is to search FREE forums for info on IM, its not like WA has some magical info that u cant find elsewhere for free.
Just my opinion.