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Wealthy Affiliate AND One Week Marketing?

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Joined: 27 Jan 2009
Posts: 8

# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 09:29


I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate (YAY!) and I am thinking about getting One Week Marketing. The woman that wrote One Week Marketing is a WA member also, so I am hoping that I can work them both beside one another.

Has anyone had any experience of this, and what happened? Was it all confusing or did OWM help WA make sense?

I do tend toward the obsessive - since joining WA I have made two squidoo lenses and converted two others, plus writing two articles and converting two others of those as well. Plus forum stuff...

Should I wait until week eight and then get One Week Marketing?

Any advice would be welcomed.

Best wishes,


Matt Zenittini

Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 61

# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 09:38

I am not a WA member however....

OWM you can get now.! It is amazing for any level. One of those "must reads" for online marketing.

Even if you know everything and do everything right you will learn something. Or if you only know the basics (like what squidoo is and a few terms) this book will be very easy to understand and VERY helpful with your current lenses.

You should get it now so you don't miss out on all the traffic you COULD be getting .

Good Luck!

Matthew Zenittini

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# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 09:51

By the time you wait 8-weeks, you could have done OneWeekMarketing 8x over!

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# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 15:16

What is good about One Week Marketing is that it gives you everything you need to do day one through seven and then you just start over again on the next niche. Very helpful for those on information overload or don't know where to start.


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# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 20:52

One Week Marketing is a great course, but I'd wait to go through it until after you have read through all of the WA tutorials of the learning resources and read through the WA forum stickies.

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# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 23:19

Absolutely OWM is a must for any Internet Marketer... and part of the reason is because it is so easy to understand and follow.

My favorite part is the conversation with Nick...

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# Posted: 18 Feb 2009 11:02 · Edited by: NTC

Hello Ruth,

I have not purchased or read One Week Marketing.
What has been written about it sounds very positive.

I think Pot Pie Girl is very good and optimizing Lenses, and her program certainly can get you going, however I would take the 8 Week Action Plan and set up a website also.

I truly believe 100% that the single most important thing you need to do is purchase your own domain and hosting, after you find your preferred niche.

This will ultimately be an asset, and you will be in control.
There is always the possibility of Google slapping Squidoo again, making the Lenses not appear as high in the search results.

You then can then create Lenses and link them to your own website.
This offers traffic to your site, and back links as well. You want to "own" these back links.

I know this is a lot in the beginning, but feel it is important.

If you need any help, please pm me anytime either here or at WA.

Have a wonderful day!

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# Posted: 20 Feb 2009 11:29


Thank you everyone for your advice.

I love being a Wealthy Affiliate and I have learned so much. I have four Squidoo lenses, and I have written six articles, although I do need to get more organized with writing articles.

One of my Squidoo lenses has gone to #167 in Business, it is just over a week old, so I am thrilled about that. It has gone up and down a bit day by day though, so that may not last.

This is all to promote Wealthy Affiliate, since I am so enthusiastic about it.

My blog is self-hosted - well it's with Hostgator but it's not a one under anyone elses control, and I have a few websites just pointing to hostgator to cloak affiliate links.

I do plan to use Site Rubix to build a proper website - I have been held back from doing so by my shameful lack of HTML!

I have picked my first niche with NicheQ, which is about dating. I have an idea for an ebook which I plan to write to give away on my site, that is about safety when meeting strangers. I have an Aweber account set up too.

But really I want to concentrate on WA first of all, and hopefully get some income from that - I have 11 clicks but no sale yet.

I figure if I write enough good stuff promoting WA then I can sort of leave that, just keep it ticking over, and move on to the dating niche. Obviously I will use squidoo and article marketing on the dating niche as well. See that is why I think OWM will help with it all.

I may wait until I have done a couple more weeks of WA until I get OWM, just because it is a bit easy to get waylaid by different ideas.
It's just very tempting because everyone says it's such a great product!

Best wishes everyone, and thank you for your generous replies.


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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1158

# Posted: 20 Feb 2009 12:19 · Edited by: mountainmom5

Way to go Ruth - it sounds like you are having fun..

And the beauty of it all is that once you have sites out there that are getting traffic, and you decide to add more affiliate links, it is really easy to do so...

edited to add - just wait till you make that first sale...

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