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How to Earn Your First $ 500 Online?

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Joined: 18 Dec 2006
Posts: 19

# Posted: 6 Aug 2008 22:48

Lee McIntyre said in his ebook "500 Dollars Only: Hype Free Steps to Your First $ 500" said: "It seems very much like the majority of the products out there are promising you millions before you've earned thousands. They're promising you thousands before you earned hundreds. The majority of the books in the market place don't teach you how to take the next small step forward. Instead they urge you to reach for the finish line, and so it's no surprise that so many newbies stumble and fall before they've even taken their first tentative steps towards profit."

Can you please share your own ideas how complete newbies with limited budget can earn their first $ 500 online?

Thanks for sharing.


Beginner Shares How He Earned $ 7,230.95 in His First 30 Days Online.

Joined: 7 Aug 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 7 Aug 2008 17:58

there are a few systems out there that you can start up on a small budget. Spider web marketing system is one where you just have to buy a domain name and thats it. about $10. at the same time though it takes just as much energy to market that business for $2-10 commissions as it does for something like Carbon COpy Pro which is what I'm with.

When I started with CCPro it cost about $1700 to get started but now there is an amazing program they jsut came out with July 22nd 2008 which offers a start up package where you only need about $500 in start up and you can makes hundreds on each sale.

I would have liked to ease in with this program first to test the water but I am glad that I at least made the leap at all. noe my commissions run from $800-12k so I am super happy with where I'm at.

Baby steps in my advice. You have to learn the rope first before you can make lots of money so find a program that will hold your hand to a point, offer you a giving sponsor who will share their secrets to success and see what programs you can start with and mor eimportantly, what programs you can GROW into. Growth is key to always making more money.

Hope this helps. PM me if you have any more Qs on this or other stuff

Thanks for reading, Find me on MySpace too!

Joined: 12 Aug 2006
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# Posted: 7 Aug 2008 22:53

Advertising through Adsense


Joined: 12 Oct 2007
Posts: 62

# Posted: 8 Aug 2008 04:28

In my personal experience, I just used "general" affiliate techniques.
I learned all of that stuff here on this forum and later on (the majority) in Wealthy Affiliate program. At first, for about 3 months I had no sales just pure expenses, then things started to flow. Now, 9 months later I'm making somewhere around $300/month and it's always rising... slowly.

I wouldn't say for my self that I've had no startup budget, but I could use free techniques also to achieve the same results, except that it would take I bit more time I guess.


Joined: 21 Jul 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 8 Aug 2008 05:19

Hi, friends nice sharing. I liked it. Well personal experiences are always very great. Thanks for it.


Joined: 18 Jan 2008
Posts: 209

# Posted: 11 Aug 2008 23:49

Without gratuitous promotion, I would just have to say to find a product with an affiliate program and start working on learning how to promote it online. The sales will come.

For the past three months, I've consistently made between $400 and $500 a month promoting one particular product and the thing is I really haven't been doing anything! I worked on promoting the product the first of the year and then when summer came, I totally slacked off. In spite of my "break" the money kept coming in. Now I'm gettin' back at it because I want MORE!!!

Wealthy Affiliate Newbies Are Making $50 To $100 A Day!
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# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 19:10

Congratulations to you! It is lovely to feel that first sign of success, isn't it? I wish you even more in the future!


Joined: 4 Jun 2008
Posts: 43

# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 19:18

The fastest way to make your first $500 on line it to spend the money it takes to advertise your great product/service.
Too many folks looking for a free lunch


Joined: 12 Aug 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 19:41

I think that a lot of people are using affiliate marketing to make their money. You can make a decent amount from this but it takes work. Also, a lot of people are doing advertising campaigns in which you have to spend money to make money. That is a very effective way to do it but if you do have a limited budget just look at This website will give you some good ideas on how to get your affiliate stuff out there for cheap.

Fortes fortuna adiuvat, an ancient Latin quote that has been translated to Fortune favors the bold. Make some money, visit
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# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 20:03 · Edited by: happywife

The fastest way to make your first $500 on line it to spend the money it takes to advertise your great product/service.
Too many folks looking for a free lunch

That is probably true under two conditions...

1. You know how to advertise without losing your shirt.

2. You have the money to invest in advertising.

I don't think the majority of visitors to this forum are looking for a 'free lunch.' I think they are genuinely looking for something legitimate that they can really sink their teeth into. The trouble for most people is getting over their well placed skepticism.

There are plenty of places out there that 'claim' to be able to set you up and help you build a successful business if you are willing to make a huge investment. Far too many have trusted them and lost their investment, never reaching the 'profit' stage.

There will always be people willing and ready to prey upon others for their own gain, not really caring about the losses they leave in their wake.

People want to know that if they invest what little they do have in some 'program' that it truly is all that it claims to be.

Sure, there are those who don't want to do any work at all and just make money, but most of the folks coming here seem to be willing to put in the time and effort needed if they just knew exactly WHAT and HOW they should go about it.

Usually, people who have the big bucks to spend in advertising, etc., don't spend their time frequenting work at home forums. At least that is my intuitive feeling.


Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 13 Aug 2008 15:25

Advertising through Adsense

you're kidding, aren't you?

if not, how would you make good money with adsense....? and why would you need to put down 500 bucks?

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 13 Aug 2008 15:29

The fastest way to make your first $500 on line it to spend the money it takes to advertise your great product/service.
Too many folks looking for a free lunch

no, you're wrong. we're not looking for a free lunch. instead, we want to get to the point of making something after some effort. and what we want, is rather to pay that $500 start-up fee (just an example!) after we made that $500 worth sales, or whatever from the affiliate marketing system, that we worked hard by putting time and effort on promoting those stuff.

so, again, we are so fade up with paying for bunch of books all of them leading you to nothing, but going in circles.

again, keep in mind: We are very hard working and we're willing to invest, but not into lies and down systems.

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 13 Aug 2008 15:31

Usually, people who have the big bucks to spend in advertising, etc., don't spend their time frequenting work at home forums. At least that is my intuitive feeling.


To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 15 Aug 2008
Posts: 13

# Posted: 15 Aug 2008 02:13

I think the first way to go is to be open minded yet careful about the numerous opportunities out there.

Access critically and only venture into opportunities that make realistic sense. Dont sign up for a program that promises that you"ll make $500 within the next few hours. If it were true, they would be no one working in McDonalds or in the corporate world.

Yet, opportunities that offer insights about about how to make some extra bucks as an affiliate are worth looking into. Look for the ones with the lower investment and remember, with hard work there is only one way to succeed as an affiliate and thats getting the word out!



Joined: 25 Jul 2008
Posts: 23

# Posted: 17 Aug 2008 04:24 · Edited by: robinku

I am determined to succeed. This I believe is what ultimately will lead me to success.
So I've decided to focus on just one method, stick with, test and refine it and then repeat it over.

It could take someone a day to make $500's or take someone else a year to make even half or less that.

What differentiates the 2 is the Level of Commitment and the Experience. Experience can be gained from practice and a clearly guided path to success via various training material.

Commitment unfortunately (or fortunately for some) cannot be taught and must come from within.

Make wise and informed choices.

Cheers for now.

Free $$$ Flow System!

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Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 17 Aug 2008 15:43

I am determined to succeed. This I believe is what ultimately will lead me to success.
So I've decided to focus on just one method, stick with, test and refine it and then repeat it over.

It could take someone a day to make $500's or take someone else a year to make even half or less that.

What differentiates the 2 is the Level of Commitment and the Experience. Experience can be gained from practice and a clearly guided path to success via various training material.

Commitment unfortunately (or fortunately for some) cannot be taught and must come from within.

Make wise and informed choices.

Cheers for now.

That's what I'm talking about. We all need to be Determined to SUCCEED, although we'll hit our heads against the walls.

YES! This is my man.

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Posts: 16

# Posted: 17 Aug 2008 16:40

I was a complete newbie about four months ago, but now I am starting to make money with affiliate programs. I started with about $200.

This is a satisfying way to make money online because you can help people make purchasing decisions based on your own experience with a product.

When I started I did not even know how to make a web site, but I bought several books and really applied myself. Now I have just about made my first $500 in profit. However I did make the following big mistakes.

My biggest mistake when I started was that I promoted a product that had way too much competition. If you decide to try affiliate marketing I would suggest doing a lot of research on your competition first. Choose a product to promote that you are an expert on so that your promotion pages can offer quality information. Don't just promote something because it looks like it is selling online, especially if you have very little knowledge about it.

There is no easy way to make money online. Making your first $500 will most likely be a long process, but it could be the most satisfying $500 you ever make.

Good Luck!


Joined: 29 Jul 2008
Posts: 14

# Posted: 24 Aug 2008 18:20

It is encouraging to here some of these comments, especially being a newbie myself. Everyday when I put in the effort, I keep telling myself that it will payoff. So hearing everyones comments helps to keep the effort on a positive note. Thanks to all of you for your positive comments.


Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 24 Aug 2008 20:39

It is encouraging to here some of these comments, especially being a newbie myself. Everyday when I put in the effort, I keep telling myself that it will payoff. So hearing everyones comments helps to keep the effort on a positive note. Thanks to all of you for your positive comments.

Welcome on board bbeard. All of us were newbies, and maybe some of us are still. Yet, we all together will make a great job for all our prospective customers to be satisfied with our services. This is what I personally call: Great Customer Service!

And yes, let's not look for our pockets to be filled out with money, but for their satisfaction to gradually (if possible, directly) increase for their best!!

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 7 Mar 2008
Posts: 15

# Posted: 24 Aug 2008 20:54

As much as I hate ebay I would have to say thats the easiest place to start. Most everyone easily has $500.00 worth of stuff around there house they have no use for any more. This profit should be turned around and invested into your next business venture.


Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 24 Aug 2008 22:38


As much as I hate ebay I would have to say thats the easiest place to start. Most everyone easily has $500.00 worth of stuff around there house they have no use for any more. This profit should be turned around and invested into your next business venture.

it's one of the options. god one...

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 14 May 2008
Posts: 99

# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 00:16

Can you please share your own ideas how complete newbies with limited budget can earn their first $ 500 online?

Well I am at $440 so far after 6 weeks, and I started with $0 invested.
I expect to be at the $500 mark soon!

The program I am doing does take time, but at least there is no actual cost to get into it. Here is a picture link of my paypal account that shows $440:

For this program though, you must be a resident of USA or Canada.

Jaime McCarley

Earn $40 Over and Over again, with This NEW Online Cash System - FREE to join
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Joined: 4 Feb 2008
Posts: 219

# Posted: 27 Aug 2008 08:04

I made my first bit of 'online money' from an affiliate sale last year. It felt like Christmas morning! I woke up and checked my email as usual, and was gobsmacked when I saw my very first Paypal payment received notification!!

This was after MONTHS of hard work, trying different things without much success. I was at a pretty low point and about to throw in the towel, but that morning changed everything. It was living proof that money COULD be made online!

And the rest is history, lol. Perserverance is key.


Joined: 16 Dec 2007
Posts: 109

# Posted: 27 Aug 2008 12:16

I tend to be the voice of dissent in a lot of discussions here because I lean more toward the concept of learning the basics and running your own business than toward sign up to program X and do what they tell you to make money (not that this can't work sometimes, my personal experience has simply been that most people wanting money to guide you are a lot more interested in the money than the guidance).

My answer to your question would depend on your goals and what your time-frame for making that first $500 would be - plus what skills you bring to the table.

If you're looking for a quick $500 and either know how to write good sales copy (or are willing to spend some of that limited budget learning the basics), then I'd suggest signing up to a decent affiliate program and setting up a site advertising that product.

If you have skills (writing, web design, graphics, or anything useful online) and want to try and get this $500 within a couple of months and don't want to spend a cent, I'd sign up for the freelance sites (elance, getafreelancer, rentacoder, etc). With the free memberships, you could take projects that could net your $500 to invest in a business within a couple of months.

If you don't really have any skills and aren't interested in developing any, but want to make money and don't want to spend a cent doing so, I'd go with setting up squidoo lenses and blogger blogs and getting an adsense account. This is not a quick path to your $500, though. Think a couple of years.

Think of making money as energy. To make a certain amount of money takes X amount of energy. You can purchase this energy with either your time and effort or your money. To turn this energy into dollars, you need to have the knowledge to apply this energy. In other words: It's easy to waste a lot of money and/or work spinning your wheels if you don't know where to direct this 'money making energy' you're purchasing. As your knowledge increases, your 'energy' to money return gets better because you get more efficient at applying the energy.

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