Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1107
# Posted: 31 Jul 2008 03:59
Hi Casper,
Hmmm. Before I started building sites I signed up for survey sites. I'm in Australia, too, and tried several of the ones you mentioned.
I wasn't very impressed with Lightspeed, Global Test Market, and American Consumer Opinion. I either rarely was given survey's or after completing the majority of the survey was finally told I didn't qualify, etc.
Opinion Outpost pays if you can qualify. I've made a little with email Cash and Pure Profile, but I have to be honest and say that I've found my time is better invested in working on my sites, etc., than taking survey's.
I still do Pure Profile, WhatDoYouThink and a couple of others occasionally, but I don't put much time into it. If you really enjoy doing the surveys, etc., you may not feel it is a waste of time. 
Blessings, Angie