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Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 50
# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 01:42
The bottom line is that there are a lot ways to make money from home and to be honest the same hard work and dedication to the craft will work in most programs. I would recommend doing your due dilligence and finding the program that feels right to you, because you believing in the product is the main issue. If you dont believe in it, you wont be able to sell it long term.
Good Luck all
Mathew S. Robar Learn How To Drive More Business. My Free Marketing Bootcamp Will Show You How to Make More Money Its Free, My gift to those who work from home. Enjoy!
Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 50
# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 18:09
THere are some good ones on here. Big Ticket to Wealth has a pretty unreal backoffice training section and the compensation is structured so your sponser will keep helping you because he gets an overide comission. worth a look
Mathew S. Robar Learn How To Drive More Business. My Free Marketing Bootcamp Will Show You How to Make More Money Its Free, My gift to those who work from home. Enjoy!
Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 50
# Posted: 17 Jan 2009 15:38
there are a lot of opportunities out there. do the reseach and find the one that you can get behind and believe in and make sure they incent the sponsor to keep training you..i.e. matching overrides and such
Mathew S. Robar Learn How To Drive More Business. My Free Marketing Bootcamp Will Show You How to Make More Money Its Free, My gift to those who work from home. Enjoy!
Kerri F
Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 12
# Posted: 17 Jan 2009 15:43
mr127500: there are a lot of opportunities out there. do the reseach and find the one that you can get behind and believe in
I totally agree with this, there are many many programs and just like schools and programs you have find one you connect with and believe in. I really look for ones with exceptional consistent ongoing training. They are really trying make it work for you as well as them.
Joined: 22 Jan 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 04:57
All you have to do is train to get the most money out of the little things, and replicate it by 1000
<a href="">Work At Home</a>
Joined: 7 Jan 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 25 Jan 2009 21:47
As with anything online or for that matter, anything with life in general - You get out of it what you put into it. Any reputable program is going to require work on the part of the participant. Work consistently and determination does pay off!
Joined: 30 Jan 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 30 Jan 2009 12:19
I just joined the forum...I am in the process of doing research on establishing a web based retail and/or whole sale store. I currently do product sourcing and logistics management on a very small scale and I am trying to expand my business options.
With the current economic market and the progressive decline of many retail stores I am seriously considering if this is a smart move.
I am fully aware that my firt challenge is to identify exactly where to start..I have explored the drop ship option....any suggestions?
Joined: 31 Jan 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 1 Feb 2009 21:58
Hi everyone, I joined the forums a few days ago and I'm really happy to see such great support here. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a young woman who has recently been honorably discharged from the US military due to a medical illness. I am trying to get back on my feet to be able to support myself while working from home. I never really thought about the internet to make money until I stumbled on this web site this past weekend. I can honestly say I'm interested and definitely willing to put all the effort and hard work into becoming successful. I am interested in free lancing and also affiliate marketing has peaked my interest as well.
My question is though, where to even begin with affiliate marketing. I have pretty much zero experience in marketing or even building web sites. My mother and sister are graphic designers by trade though and would be more than willing to help me in that department. Can anyone offer some advice? I'd really love to get into contact with someone who can mentor me. Also, I know there are a lot of paid for programs that can help you get started in the affiliate marketing area, but I'm cautious about blowing all that money on a program if it's just garbage. I worked very hard for my money and don't want to lose it to some scam or program that's stupid.
Can anyone offer any advice on where to begin/ which programs work the best? As I previously stated, I would love to get in contact with anyone who would be willing to mentor me. I'm also very good with words and typing. I was only a few semesters shy of a journalism degree, and I can type 60+ wpm. I wouldn't mind proof reading or article writing. If anyone could PM me or link me to some really good resources that would be fantastic. Thanks a lot, and happy hunting to you all. =]
Joined: 2 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Feb 2009 12:17
I hope this helps someone else as much as it helped me. I've been looking for legitimate work at home jobs and going through scam after scam for quite some time now and finally came across this. Good for stay-at-home moms, college students, or just for someone who'd rather make their living from the comfort of their own home.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1177
# Posted: 2 Feb 2009 13:59
Valery: Can anyone offer some advice? I'd really love to get into contact with someone who can mentor me.
You may get someone to mentor you but it is very time consuming to do that and not many of us get paid for mentoring.
So the best thing is to sign up for a program that feels right to you and then come back to the forum to ask questions. That way you actually get avice from more than one angle on things.
Believe me, I know what you are talking about as we were all there at one point and the best teacher is experience so put into practice whatever you learn, even if it is as simple as setting up a blog.
Most of us have links to what we personally like as far as programs in our sig lines so as far as which program is the best - there again, you would find a wide variety of opinions and we are not supposed to blattantly advertise thru posting so we try to answer questions the best we can without being pushy about what we think works best.
We ALL have the best!
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 896
# Posted: 3 Feb 2009 01:08
Hi Valery,
Mountainmom is right. There ARE good programs, but we don't all use the same ones. We aren't really supposed to pm new members until they contact us first - cuts down on all the spam.
I'm sure if you have a good look around the forum and see what different people do, something will catch your eye and you'll think - "Aha! That looks interesting." I would guess that most of us wouldn't mind if you made contact via our websites to ask for more info. or if you have specific questions about something we do.
Having said all that, freelance writing can be a way to start. It's not as profitable as building your own business over the long haul, but it can bring you in some steady income if you enjoy it.
Right now I am paying a couple of people from to write articles for me that I just don't have time to get to. There are other sites like and, to name a few that you can go to and bid on jobs that are on offer.
Amazon's Mechanical Turk also is simple to use. You don't have to bid, you just perform set tasks that are still "open." The pay is usually a pittance, but you won't usually get cheated out of it. 
I'm of the opinion that if you are a good writer, you are better off writing for yourself. You can build a website (no, you don't have to have experience) about almost anything you really have an interest in and make money through affiliate marketing, Google Adsense, etc.
Not everyone likes Adsense, but I make hundreds of dollars a month from it (over $1000 in Dec.), so I'm quite happy to recommend it.
It takes time and effort to get the ball rolling, but it's really a wonderful sense of accomplishment when you see that steady progress towards success.
I hope you find just what will work best for you! Blessings, Angie
Joined: 28 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 3 Feb 2009 20:45
I agree with happywife that freelance writing is a good way to start out working at home. I've been working at home for years now. But I've thought about writing as a way to make more money. Having a blog is a great way to make money too. If it gets popular enough, a person can place Ads on their blog and earn money that way. Or/and do paid blogging.
Joined: 21 Jan 2009
Posts: 3
# Posted: 4 Feb 2009 04:42
One of th most important reason to start to make money online is to find right program and that you can do by asking questions on forum.If they say that you will be milionar in few mounts it's scam
Joined: 7 Feb 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 7 Feb 2009 21:08
Valery: Can anyone offer any advice on where to begin/ which programs work the best?
Hello Valery, Your post touched me alot, i do really understand where you're standing. I'm a make-up artist livingin Brussels (Belgium) and working for an agency . Make-up is my passion. I did fine, a good extra incom for the house, but not enough to support my self and the kids, that's for sure, i was ok with it as my husband has a confortable income. Until one day, i found that my husband cheated on me, i realised than (after shocking, crying and the usual-now i'm laughing) things have to change, i wanted to be able to make a decision about my life without being affraid of the finacial consequences if i leave my husband. I talked to my agency, but with the difficult economic situation, they couldn't give me more work, i decided than to start an online business. As you, i had no idea where to start and what to do, i did alot of seaching (days!!) and learned step by step how to start, what's an affiliate program, how to market with "pay per click" adds, with blogs, with social networking, what's a SEO and so on AND ALL IN ENGLISH which is not my mother language!! Here in europe internet marketing is not as big as in the USA. And it paid, you can make money online and get a financial independance My advise to you (few actually) 1. Affiliate programs are the fastest way to start making quick money without investing money or very little (i spend only 10$ on a domaine name per affiliate program). And you don't even have to have a website 2. Choose a product you beleive in, it helps 3. Choose a program from a secured company like "Clickbank" to make sure you'll get paid and on time 4. The internet is full of "Mentors" trying to sell their "wisdom" to you. Pay attention, buy only from those who offer refund (60 days etc) and i recommand, again, paying throug "Clickbank" or" PayPal", they refund the monet immediatly if you have a complain. I just got my money back from Clickbank after buying a software promissing to put your website among the 3 first websites on Google - BIG SCAM. On the other hand, i found a mentor who's absolutly amazing, and who's program worth every single dollar i invest in it. 5. Try to get as much as free learning as you can, lots of compagnies offer you free tips if you give your name and email address, than they try to sell you stuff. Open a gmail or yahoo speccial account only for this matter, and get everyrhing to this address, you can get the tips without buying the stuff. 6.Well, another thing, maybe not that ethical...but saves can join a learning program that offering a 60 days refund, beleive me, in 60 days you can learn ALOT and than cancel the order, i know not coom of me, but i beleive that if th program is good and really helps, you'll stick with it, as i did. Well Valery, i guess i have much more tips, but the post is long enough allready..sorry for my english mistakes, i'm a french talker and it's really late here 2.51am, so really tired. As for my husband, i'm not sure of what i'm going to do, but one thing is sure, my decision will come from another place now, not from a financial dependence, and that is my victory! If i can be more helpfull to you at any way, please feel free to cantact me via the blog, take care Shiraz
Confused? Don't know where to start? Want to take your online business to a much higher level, try the best and most complete step by step coaching program
Joined: 31 Jan 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 20:23 · Edited by: Patriot1776
Valery: Can anyone offer any advice on where to begin/ which programs work the best? As I previously stated, I would love to get in contact with anyone who would be willing to mentor me.
Hi Valery,
I could offer you some advice. I've just started out with eProspectFinder with great success. It does work, but you're certainly not going to get rich quick. I'm a bit of a novice myself, but I've caught on to a few things that have proven to work with time. PM me, and I'll get back in touch with you very soon.
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 28
# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 00:33 · Edited by: businessonapage
Valery: I know there are a lot of paid for programs that can help you get started in the affiliate marketing area, but I'm cautious about blowing all that money on a program if it's just garbage. Hello Valery,
I have been hessitant to pay for anything in affiliate marketing. The affiliate programs I have joined have been free, have sent e-mails with advice and suggestions, have training courses and help in the members area and you can ask the advertiser (through a contact form or e-mail etc...) for their help.
From what I can gather, it is in the advertiser's and affiliate program's best interest to help us as much as they can so we can promote them well.
Valery: I'm also very good with words and typing. I was only a few semesters shy of a journalism degree, and I can type 60+ wpm. I wouldn't mind proof reading or article writing.
I think you will find, these are the attributes alot of us affiliate marketers wished we had had when we started.
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Posts: 20
# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 10:05
hey there some great links and very newbie friendly well done!
Joined: 5 Feb 2009
Posts: 7
# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 11:25
I agree with starting with affiliate marketing. There are plenty of good programs out there. Just go to clickbank and you will find plenty. But please do your due diligence.
When I started marketing online. I wrote a email to the affiliate owner for direction and I did get a response. I would suggest you do the same.
Joined: 14 Dec 2008
Posts: 130
# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 17:27
My philosophy is that you should never have to pay for any real work at home job. I've been working as a freelancer for over a year and have never had to pay anything for the jobs that I've worked. Of course you pay a commision to the marketplace, but that's only on the money you earn. Freelance work is real work. There are no get rich quick schemes or easy money plans. It's simple. Do the work. Get paid.
Joined: 10 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 23:05
i work for alpine access. from the outside they look all friendly and professional but once you work for them you see a completely other side. the "team leaders" are very difficult to work for or please. they are very moody and will site you for a small infraction, even if you were taught that very same way. i feel like it's a nazi like setting where you are dictated to and if you don't like it then leave! check around before you decide on alpine access.
Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 12
# Posted: 11 Feb 2009 05:32
What all is out there though?
Surely the silver and gold members have seen this question before, but I haven't managed to find it in a search. What I found that was close was more "How do you make money online?" which was interesting for getting a gauge of what personal choices there are but it is not quite the same really. Actually, Happywife and just recently touched on some of this stuff, which is great.
happywife: Mountainmom is right. There ARE good programs, but we don't all use the same ones.
And it's funny, because this question was my initial question in beginning my search and coming to this forum and still it is. I'm a complete newbie in all of this. I've only just started sniffing around online in an effort to try and understand what is out there and what is not a scam and I know that I am still merely scratching the surface in all of this.
In the couple of weeks I've spent researching, I've come across a sampling of what's out there. In doing so, I have answered some basic questions I had, but also the process has turned up new questions. I'll just post the core of what I'm wondering here, and start from there. What I get is that there are people who've set up:
1) an affiliate marketing system and earn by endorsing products they know and like.
2) home party plan businesses (i.e. - Avon, Mary Kay, Melaleuca, Shaklee, etc.)
3) a blog and get paid advertising revenue (which seems to be a combination of pay-per-click as well as directly getting cheques from advertisers as is the case with blogs like Dooce)
4) an IFW system (i.e. - filling out surveys and offers, etc.) 3a) I guess GPT and PTC systems could also be grouped here.
5) a home based.... I guess you can call them home based telecommuting position and freelancing routine (i.e. - oDesk, virtual assisting, graphic design, medical transcribing, etc. as well as various agent companies like Alpine Access, West, and Cloud 10, etc.)
6) a product of their own. And in doing so, they make their money through the marketing and sale of this product online (i.e. - ebooks, webinars, crafts, coaching, etc.). 6a) I guess setting up an ebay shop would be a variant of that too, if what's done is buying over someone else's stuff (or the rights to someone else's stuff) and using ebay like a virtual specialty shop with niche inventory that you acquire from various sources.
7) research based/analytical (i.e. - being a virtual juror through sites like ejuror, genealogists, answering questions like with just answer, Cha Cha, etc.)
What else is out there? What are other options that I've not come across? In trying to figure out which to give a shot (or which few to give a shot), I thought I'd first try and see what all is out there and which could be fruitful for me with my experience and skill set, and simultaneously get a feel for what's interesting as an endeavor before I invest time into honing/developing specific abilities.
I know that some are better if you have no time while others are best to try if you have loads of time. Some are better if you already have specialized abilities (a podcast for those who speak well, letters for those gifted in writing, home party plan businesses for those great with sales and being social too I guess, etc.). Some only work if you are in the U.S. (since they're 1099 positions or employee contracts).
I have already seen, for example, that spending time with Amazon's Mechanical Turks program wouldn't be time well spent for me, or getting involved with something like GDI/Spiderweb isn't really worth it either (since my impression is that it doesn't really make sense on the consumer side to get a domain through them as everything's limited to .ws, and on the affiliate side because you end up with a generic .ws website that is only useful for marketing .ws websites). Everything I know is purely superficial though, so please don't take offense to any of the initial impressions I've stated here. Anyway, this question is super long and I'm sure against forum etiquette. I will apologize now and promise not to write anymore chapter-long questions after this one .
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 28
# Posted: 11 Feb 2009 12:14 · Edited by: businessonapage
Singapoor: see what all is out there and which could be fruitful for me with my experience and skill set, and simultaneously get a feel for what's interesting as an endeavor before I invest time into honing/developing specific abilities.
Hello Singapoor,
I can read from your post you have a wonderful skill of researching and understanding concepts quickly.
It seems to me, the next step to make your vision real is to break it down to statements that determine how you will meet the vision.
If you try this, then I suspect the system or systems that suits you best will become more obvious for more experienced online marketers to list for you.
e.g. statement: - I feel a system is fruitful to me if ... - My experience that I can bring to online marketing includes ... - My skill set the I can bring to online marketing is ... - I feel interested when ...
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 896
# Posted: 12 Feb 2009 19:39
Hi Singapoor,
You've really grasped a LOT in a couple of weeks. I'm truly impressed. It took me a few months to wade through the sludge and get a simple understanding of some of the best options and choose the one that was right for me.
The fact that you have picked up a general knowledge so quickly bodes well for you and your IM future as long as you eventually make a choice and take action.
There probably are other options out there, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Instead of continuing your search, why not choose from those you already understand a bit about and then get started? No, you don't want to rush into anything, but you also don't want to analyze forever either.
Has any one option really jumped out at you or appealed to you yet? I know when I found what was right for me, I kept thinking, "I can do that!" The more I read and learned about it, the more excited I felt and eager to get started learning and doing.
I look forward to seeing what you end up choosing and how you progress. 
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 12
# Posted: 13 Feb 2009 04:08
I did some research before posting out of a certain fairness/respect for people's time. Well that and understanding that when you ask a question of substance, it's more likely that you'll get an answer of substance. And I've always felt that that you should read the chapter first before asking for homework help (pardon the pun).
businessonapage: I can read from your post you have a wonderful skill of researching and understanding concepts quickly. It seems to me, the next step to make your vision real is to break it down to statements [...]
Thank you Businessonapage and Happywife. I really didn't realize that I was farther along than, well, I thought I was *giggle*.
Okay, I actually came to the same realization yesterday - that since this is already a chunk of data, it's a good enough pool to choose from thus, I might as well narrow things down from there and make a choice.
Happywife - I couldn't afford to finish University but I was on an engineering career track and my thought process has always been systematic and research isn't something I shy away from. Actually, I feel uncomfortable when I don't... an uneasiness that there's maybe more I should know before acting (ergo the post in the first place, now that I think about it). I'll PM you though to answer your question.
Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 363
# Posted: 13 Feb 2009 15:48
Singapoor: ...I was on an engineering career track and my thought process has always been systematic... It shows! Your grasp of the playing field after only "sniffing around" is actually quite remarkable. Either you are using a different unit of measurement than the rest of us, or your IQ is simply off the charts! 
You listed an interesting mix of opportunities in your earlier post. They covered a broad spectrum of business models, all of which could be profitable, depending on one's particular skills, preferences and ambitions.
So when you ask...
Singapoor: What else is out there? What are other options that I've not come across? response is:
Basically more of the same, as far as business models go. The only differences would be fancy promotional names and clever marketing twists.
I do agree with Businessonapage's suggestion:
businessonapage: It seems to me, the next step to make your vision real is to break it down to statements that determine how you will meet the vision. That's good advice.
You should start customizing this gathering experience by identifying the system that aligns best with your passion, personality, experience, skills and ambitions. That would automatically disqualify many options and allow you to zoom in on a short list of options to consider seriously.
This process would help you narrow things down to:
1. the niche 2. the product/service 3. the business model
At that point, your objective would be clear; your research would become laser focused, and you'd be much better positioned to place the next building block.
Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 12
# Posted: 15 Feb 2009 08:31
A8ch: It shows! Your grasp of the playing field after only "sniffing around" is actually quite remarkable. Either you are using a different unit of measurement than the rest of us, or your IQ is simply off the charts!
*flattered* More likely a different unit of measurement . I am not against working hard, and it weren't for that, I'd have no "data".... so I think what I know is more to do with curiosity combined with an immense amount of time on my hands most days than something innate.
A8ch: Basically more of the same, as far as business models go. The only differences would be fancy promotional names and clever marketing twists.
Hmm... so more of the same eh? In the meantime, I found out that people also use forex in a way that's bigger than I would have previously imagined... feeling like the practice would have simmered waayyy down sometime around the bursting of the bubble (goes to show what prejudice/writing something off without really knowing much about it will do). Apparently, there's also more room for sponsored blogging that I would have thought as well.
Anyway, I've come up with an action plan and have gotten a PM interaction going with a member whose choices make a lot of sense to me. It feels good being on a path now, since I'm also aware of how dangerous analysis paralysis can be.
Somethings are still foggy, but at least I have a first step that I feel comfortable with - 3 steps actually. And, in the process of taking these steps, I'll figure the rest out. Since even the longest journey begins with a single step, I feel good about at least having a direction that I feel good about heading into.
Wish me luck!!!
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 55
# Posted: 16 Feb 2009 18:20
Making Money from a Home Business ....
We started working from home back in the 70's (yup the nineteen hundred and 70's!) before it was even "fashionable" to say you worked from home.
Now, it's not just "from home" but also "online" that you want to be earning your money.
Here's a few tips that can help (maybe) that helped us earn over $1,000,000 in the past 4 years.
1. You need a product with the widest appeal and the most "durable" against economic fluctuations whether they be caused by "events" or the "economy" itself. We survived 9-11 as well as surviving this current recession they are saying we're in.
2. You would want automated system of course.
3. If you could have a sales team that is paid from SALES (not out of YOUR pocket) that would be good.
4. You have to have a web presence naturally. And if you could have that without monthly costs, that's even better.
5. Profits. If you can't see where you will earn enough to make it worth your while on a FEW (not a few HUNDRED) transactions, you may want to keep looking.
6. Global Reach. Can anyone, anywhere, in any currency buy your stuff and pay you?
If you have all of those things in your favor, you have a winner.
Have a great week everyone.
Joined: 19 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 19 Feb 2009 12:16
Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Suzy and I am a stay at home mom. I have been out of the work force for 13 years and spent the last 6 years getting my college degree. My husband recently got laid off from his job and was able to find another but had to take a very significant cut in pay. We are no different than any other American family going through difficult economic times. I have not been able to find employment that will pay enough to help pay for day care for our youngest. We also have two teenagers, one 13 and the other 14 years old. I have been researching ways to either work from home or find a program to make money online. We are not looking to be millionaires, I am just looking for a quality program where I can bring in anywhere between $2,000 to $3,500 a month. To be honest, I don't have a lot to invest and I would like to see a fast return if possible. Truth is, we only have rent for the next two months, after that, I honestly don't know what to do. I have been researching for about a month now, and never realized how many programs there really are. I know that most of them are scams. I have already been scammed once and lost $97. I would love a program that does not require me to call friends and family to try to sell them anything. I am new to this and from what I have read, affiliate marketing sounds interesting, but is it possible to profit from it quickly? I know a little about traffic and pay per click, but that is it. Any advice would be great.
Suzy Martinez
Joined: 22 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 22 Feb 2009 08:15
Am just getting started in this forums and still new, but with this earning either online or offline requires some consistency, persistency and determination that will wake you up everyday to do what you are doing, otherwise a mere trial is just a waste of time
__________________, learn theater: office tutor:
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Posts: 6
# Posted: 24 Feb 2009 10:17
Here is another good program you can use when it comes to making money from home. Takes a lot bit of work but it is worth it trust me! Go to this website check it out and good luck.
Watch the SHOCKING YOUTUBE VIDEO Today And Quit YOUR JOB TOMORROW With $5,000 In HAND View the shocking video that has people all over the internet quitting there jobs left and right.