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Joined: 29 Jan 2008
Posts: 10
# Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:02
Wow!!! Thanks for your honest reply I need the honestly because I really want to run my own biz from home. I have a couple of services I pay monthly to help me learn affiliate marketing it just doesn't seem to be fast enough With SBI, do they have a good support team? Can I promote and sale anything I want? Do they teach you and give you all the tools you need to succeeded? With BANS, I can have as many websites as I can, does SBI do the same? I have tons of ebooks. I went and bought 180 resell rights. Complete with landing pages and articles, everything! Is selling ebooks online a waste of time anymore? I know you can find ebooks for certain niches and promote thoughs but are the worth it? In your opinion, should I just stick with BANS and check out SBI AND build my own websites to make money online?
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 919
# Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:32
Hi Steve,
I seem to be chasing you around the forum - no, I'm not a stalker! 
No, I don't think you need to pay a couple of services to teach you affiliate marketing. I don't know which one's you are using, so I won't comment on them.
Isn't BANS a one time fee? If you already have paid for it, you might as well hang on to it.
I can't tell you exactly what to do. But think about this. If you bought 180 ebooks with resell rights and landing pages, how many other people do you think bought those exact same ebooks with those exact same landing pages? I suspect you aren't the only one. 
SBI isn't free. Some people don't even think it's 'cheap' because they don't know what all is involved in it. The cost per site package is usually $299 per year unless you catch it during a sale. That works out to be $25 per month, but it's really all you need. So, to me, it is exceptionally cheap.
Yes, you can promote and sell anything you want (within reason - nothing illegal or immoral, of course). They have all the tools and training in place to take you step by step through the entire site building process.
The forums at SBI are unbelievable. The other SBIers are extremely helpful in sharing their knowledge and encouragement. The support is very good, too.
No, you don't get an unlimited number of sites for your fee at SBI. You get one. Believe me, you only need one to start with. It is a lot of work to build a good website. You need to focus on one at a time and do a thorough job of it.
I've been with them for almost 2 years and I'm building 3 sites with them. I've got my hands full. Really, though, one or two really good sites should bring you a decent income.
It's not fast. Don't be deceived on that count. It takes time for you to use the tools to do the proper research to choose the right niche topic for you. Then you have to choose the keywords that are going to be the most profitable for you to work with. After that you start building. How fast you build depends upon how much time you have to devote to it.
Yes, you can even pay SBI staff to 'do it for you.' They are cheaper than most services, but still, unless you have a lot of money to spend, it's better for you to learn to do it yourself. I've had a great time learning. It's rather exhilarating.
It may take you several months to get your site built well, ranked well, and then bringing in decent traffic and steady income. But it will be well worth it. It will be your own unique business that you can add to and grow for years to come.
SBI isn't the only way to build a good online business. It just happens to be the one I know about and am sure actually works. 
I'll send you a private message with a sneak peek at the Action Guide so you can see how it works.
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 29 Jan 2008
Posts: 10
# Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:08
Thank you so much for telling me about SBI. I am looking forward to see the sneak peek The guy who is teaching me about the ebooks is also teaching how to change the ebooks with different graphic and add content so I hope it work but SBI seems like the real deal I will stick with BANS and check out SBI and hope my training on promoting ebooks will pan out I just want to say again, thank you so much for be honest and replying to my posts I will be back tomorrow. i really like this forum
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 919
# Posted: 28 Aug 2008 03:44
You are very welcome. 
See you next time.
Joined: 27 Aug 2008
Posts: 54
# Posted: 28 Aug 2008 12:21
Hi, I know you have been talking about SBI in the previous posts but my question is in relation to SFI. I am an affiliate with SFI since 2 weeks ago or so. I have been trying to figure out if i go Executive for the month will that mean i will stay Executive or do i have to do the same each month and go Executive?
Any help would be appreciated
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 919
# Posted: 29 Aug 2008 00:07
Sorry. I'm not familiar with SFI. Is there no support for the company that you can ask them directly? That's the kind of thing you would want to be sure about so it's probably a good idea to ask the company.
Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 32
# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 22:13
Internet is the best way to earn money from home. For example, online survey is one way. But money earned each survey is tiny. So you'll need to do lots of surveys. Selling things on ebay is a great way to make money. But you need to have the source for cheap goods or you have proprietary products. Owning proprietary products is the way to go. Not only you can sell them online, you can also sell them to those chain stores like Wal-mart or targets. No matter what, you will need the persistence.
Joined: 15 Sep 2008
Posts: 16
# Posted: 17 Sep 2008 13:10
This is interesting. Does any of these companies accepts someone from the United Kingdom?
Joined: 15 Jan 2008
Posts: 21
# Posted: 27 Sep 2008 19:08
that sucks they dont accept no one in california for some reason. .
Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 32
# Posted: 28 Sep 2008 17:01
Sell stuff online using drop ship is a good way to make money and no need to buy or manage inventory. You can sell either from your own website or on eBay.
Joined: 24 Sep 2008
Posts: 20
# Posted: 28 Sep 2008 17:38
awesomeincome: This is interesting. Does any of these companies accepts someone from the United Kingdom? Its hard to find places that accept UK people, I have found. If there are those, I would like to hear of them. In the mean time I work on article writing mostly.
Joined: 15 Sep 2008
Posts: 26
# Posted: 29 Sep 2008 05:44
If you want to do drop shipping just join commission junction it doesn't matter where you live.
Selling digital products is another way to make a great living online. If you develop your own website you can easily achieve this as well as advertising like adsense.
If you have your own site about something you are passionate about it also holds your interest when you feel like giving up.
Joined: 30 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 30 Sep 2008 00:24
Thanks for sharing all your posts guys! I will try all these sites and get back to you soon.....
Joined: 7 Nov 2007
Posts: 13
# Posted: 3 Oct 2008 15:12
Thats crazy, how much do these companies normally pay??
Joined: 4 Oct 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 4 Oct 2008 15:52
Maybe I'm I missed it but what does SBI stand for?
Joined: 1 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 6 Oct 2008 21:10
I'm still waiting for the program where you can actually make money without having to get someone else involved. It seems the only option is affiliate marketing.
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 919
# Posted: 7 Oct 2008 19:32
mcfantazma: Maybe I'm I missed it but what does SBI stand for? SBI stands for SiteBuildIt. It's a site building package by Sitesell that allows you to build a unique web business even if you're like me and have zero knowledge or experience when you get started.
It includes your domain, hosting, brainstorming/research tools, software, seo analyzer, autoresponders, ezines, automatic blogger, automatic search engine submitter, tracking and reporting, etc.
It includes a step by step Action Guide (written and video) and a members forum that is amazing.
So, that's what SBI stands for. 
Hope that helps. Angie
Joined: 15 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 15 Oct 2008 21:18
I am new here and wanted to know if there are any work at home jobs that do not require using a telephone or usb headset. I have a disability and am in desperate need of a job I can do at home.
I have tried to do jobs out in public a couple of times but they never lasted because mentally and physically my body just can't take it. You see my spine is a little crooked and therefore I can only be on my feet for so long because my body gives out.
Joined: 18 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Oct 2008 22:32
Did you start working for Convergys? If so, please let me know how they are to work for as an at home agent?
Joined: 15 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 19 Oct 2008 04:44
I know of them but I am not interested because they require you to wear a USB headset. I need one of those at home jobs where you get paid based on how much finish in a day.
I can only do something for so long because of my disability so I need to be able to start and stop when I need to. Is there an at home job where your pay is based on how much you do in a day?
Joined: 20 Oct 2008
Posts: 9
# Posted: 20 Oct 2008 01:41
Theres alot of jobs that you can do from home that dont require the headset or phone use. I know that if I'm working from home I sure dont want to actually have to talk to anyone unless i want to lolol..... You just have to look through all the possibilities and then take a chance and remember make sure you do some research before jumping into anything.
Joined: 21 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 08:38
Hi guys im a bit of a newbis there any sites that take people from the uk and ireland,even the dreaded data entry jobs.
Im not well at the moment i have just come out of rehab,and i need something to get my teeth into,any ideas?
Joined: 27 Oct 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 27 Oct 2008 13:34
Thank you for that great list. I have been scammed many times and am trying to find one that is legit.
Joined: 22 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 22:15
is there no reliable and trusthworthy working online for nigerians?if there is pls i will like to knowthem. Regards
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 919
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 02:18
ajoshua43: is there no reliable and trusthworthy working online for nigerians?if there is pls i will like to knowthem. Regards
Jobs? Probably not, unless you want to do some freelance writing, coding, etc., from one of the more global freelance sites. pcwork may be able to tell you which ones are open to Nigerian freelancers.
You could always build your own website and build a business about something you know about - maybe Nigerian tourist spots or a hobby or interest you have, etc.
I use SiteBuildIt to learn to build my sites and although they are based in Canada, you can pretty much be anywhere in the world and build a web business. It's not steady income until you get your site up and running and established, but once you do, you can build a nice income from it.
Sorry I can't offer any other advice - I only recommend them because I use them myself and know they are definitely reliable and trustworthy. 
Hope you find something that is just right for you. Blessings, Angie
Joined: 30 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 06:26
Dear Reader, Where to start? Err... Ok. Here's where I'm at. Getting straight to my current status, I live in Asia (born UK), am 39 years young and don't really wish to head back to teaching here. Had a blast when doing it but feel I've expired the desire. I don't really need a monthly fortune but desperately need something to keep the ole brain ticking over (some income would be welcome, too). My actual trade/profession of painting & decorating is proving near-on impossible to use as an avenue for employment over here. So in the past few months, aside from joining online recruitment agencies, I've been spending pretty much every daytime-hour looking on the net for opportunities. Sure, there seems to be a trillion websites out there but I am far too sceptical by nature to entertain the 'get rich quick', 'how would you like 10-grand-a-month' sites. I want to put in the time and reap the reward. Want nothing for nothing, just an opportunity to work hard and earn according to effort instilled. Any ideas????????? In the past week I have signed up to two of the more realistically sold/advertised sites but on both occasions, at submission stage (we're talking card details n-all), it appears my geographical location is a no-no. Having earlier read thoroughly through the sites for international restrictions and seen nothing (both sites even had a field including global destinations), I'm pretty disheartened to say the least. Having mentioned my scepticism, I truly have to dig deep to trust my judgement regarding giving my card details, over the net, when I wouldn't know an authentic site if it poked me in the eye. How do you tell an honest site from a scam-monger? I'm not the best techno-head out there and will probably be working till I drop but I do like to work rather than laze. I've been out here for eight years now and at this moment in time the only thing missing is a sense of career/work path. There must be something online that would suit me and my work ethics/abilities, any clues, please tell. The last 24 hours have seen me sign up to 20-odd survey sights with a view to getting a steady amount of work to do. After confirming registration with all, the most are now talking about "a survey in two weeks" or "four per year". Thought that could have been an option but not so sure now. Please, please, please, any ideas that doesn't include robbing people or gaming/gambling??? P.S. I'm spending so much time looking for work that my time-management is up the creek. I want to be able to schedule my breakfast, exercise, lunch n dinner with as much work in between as poss'. P.P.S. Please keep it constructive, I've read too many forums with input by 'smart Alecs'.
Joined: 3 Nov 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 5 Nov 2008 11:02
Hi, my name is Connie and I'm a "newbie" as this is my first post. I've been 3 months, yes, 3 months, trying to figure out how to make money from my home. I read all of the posts and then click on the "signature" and it still takes me to where you scroll to the bottom and then they ask for money. I absolutely cannot do this anymore as I have been scammed too many times. Please, please, I type 70+ words per minute, have internet access, telephone & have all the time in the world to sit in front of my computer and have run out of time "seeking" on line employment as bills are starting to come in. I love doing surveys but would love some type of "transcription" jobs as I love to type and have great proofreading skill.s Hope I am abiding by rules of this forum and pelase let me know if I am not but I am getting very frustrated. I know there are tons of people out there making money from their home and I want to be one of them. Thanks in advance for any help.
Connie Green
Joined: 14 Oct 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 5 Nov 2008 12:53
Do i need to have set up the phone line before applying to work from home? please someone help me on this. Also if you can recommend where to go to work from home. I"m looking to do customer service, call center, etc....
Joined: 18 Jul 2007
Posts: 83
# Posted: 9 Nov 2008 20:20
connie: I love doing surveys but would love some type of "transcription" jobs as I love to type and have great proofreading skill.s
Connnie, there are lots of general transcription companies and some of them do hire newbies. There is a long list of companies at if you want to check them out.
Joined: 15 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 12 Nov 2008 05:58
Are there any legit part time jobs that are easy to do? I have a disability and just want to make some extra cash from home but I am having a hard time.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks