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Customer Base?

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Joined: 3 Jan 2006
Posts: 257

# Posted: 6 Jan 2006 10:12

Do any of you have any suggestions on how to start building a client list? On a limited budget, of course. I understand about setting up a website, and submitting to search engines, but beyond that, what?
Any help would be appreciated!

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 491

# Posted: 7 Jan 2006 00:35

The most effective way to build a client list is to provide something valuable for free through your website in return for their email addresses. It can be anything - ebook, informative report, etc.

The most common mistake people do after they get email addresses is to bombard their list with offers. Never do that! In online world (and real world too), it is very critical to build credibility in order to make sales. Before you make your offer to them you have to gain their trust. And you can do this by repeatedly providing them with valuable information which they would never have expected from you.

And don't forget to provide them an easy option to opt out of your list. What you are looking at is not numbers but quality.

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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 94

# Posted: 7 Jan 2006 22:10

Even though much of Internet marketing is a numbers game, quality is still what counts and as Vishal points out, credibility is a critical contributing factor.

Over a year ago I was on a chat line with a well-known and successful Internet marketer. (His last name is a color)

While sharing various list-building techniques, this marketer revealed that he consistently earned a six figure income from just one of his lists... which had ONLY 200 names.

Consider that for a moment!

Now let's do the math. If we assume that every person on that list made a purchase, it means they each spent at least $500 to generate $100,000 for this marketer. But we all know that a 100% response is fantasy. The actual response probably hovers around 5% - 10%, which is itself extraordinary.

So let's be overly generous and assume that a whopping 20 people (10%) made purchases. It means they each shelled out $5,000.

What can we extrapolate from this information:

1. The list is highly targeted
2 The list is very responsive
3. The list trusts this marketer
4. The marketer has established credibility
5 The sales copy is persuasive and effective
6. The cost of the product(s) must be in the high $100s or low $1000s
7. The value of the product is worth the price to the purchaser
8. The marketer is a pro

This level of marketing success doesn't occur overnight, but it demonstrates what's possible with the right preparation and persistence. It also settles the argument that size really does not matter.



Joined: 3 Jan 2006
Posts: 257

# Posted: 8 Jan 2006 12:06

Thank you, Hermas, for your very detailed AND informative response to my question. There was another thread going in this forum comparing 'old-fashioned' customer service with 'modern' marketing and promotion.

Your reply reiterates that quality/service/trust continues to stand the test of time.

I truly appreciate the time and thought that you put into your response. This is a great board.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 179

# Posted: 9 Jan 2006 11:21

Hey Denise,

I just visited your website, looks good.

Since you are a writer, have you considered starting a Blog?
You could start there to build a Reader Base, hence a client list.

From there you could highlight your Works in Progress, list your Novels (as you did on your site). Give tips on writing, keep a log of your progress in your newest venture...

All of the Blog sites have help in getting exposure for your personal Blog.

It may take a little time to get off the ground, but it could really help in the exposure of your Work and Website.

Good Luck,


Joined: 3 Jan 2006
Posts: 257

# Posted: 12 Jan 2006 00:14

Thank you, Joe, for your advice. I don't know how to start a blog. Are there 'rules'?

In some ways, I am still 'internet illiterate'... and am somewhat intimidated by a lot of new things, including blogging...

Can I start one from my own website? Where can I find instructions? Same way as finding info on building a website?

Thanks! I've said it before and I'll say it again... this is a great forum. So many nice people in here...

Preferred Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 179

# Posted: 12 Jan 2006 11:44

Hey Denise,

You already have a good start on the Website, just build from there.

As far as a Blog is concerned, I use all you really have to do is go to the site, sign up and in 3 steps you are on your way.

Personally, I think the hardest part of Blogging is finding things to
write about. There you should have no problem...

As far as rules, there are always rules... but if you intend to just write a blog about your writing, website etc, you won't have any problems there.

The instructions are pretty straight forward, no problem there.

You can start a blog from your own website, but that is pretty involved, you can always do that later after you get a feel for blogging.

Once you have started your blog, (if that's what you want), come on back and I or someone else will try to answer any questions.

Good Luck,


Joined: 3 Jan 2006
Posts: 257

# Posted: 13 Jan 2006 22:56

Thanks, Joe,

See, it's friendly boards like this that make things so much easier for many like me. I have explored most of the topics and found the people here to have no 'attitude' and an unusual, yet very much appreciated willingness to help others.

I'll check out your advice, and am eager to learn something new.

Preferred Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 179

# Posted: 14 Jan 2006 10:19

Hey Denise,

Let me know if you start a blog. I would be interested in seeing and reading it.


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