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Jack Striker
Joined: 3 Jan 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 3 Jan 2008 11:01
I am looking to break into the "working from home market".
I live in Spain and my current businesses run only during the Summer months working within the tourist industry. So for around 5 months of the year I do not do much. This sounds good to some but it can become quite boring!!
I really would like to get into "earning money online" but would like some help along the way. So far I have bought a few ideas but it seems everyone is just churning out the same old stuff over and over.
I would like to have a mentor to show me the ropes. I have seen the reverse funnel system but it seems you have to invest alot at the start. I understand that you buy into Global Resorts which entitles you to discounted holidays, however as I work within this industry this is not necessary for me!!
I am willing to look at any genuine and legitimate businesses. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1783
# Posted: 4 Jan 2008 02:42
If you are looking for a mentor, I'd recommend Wealthy Affiliate - Carson and Kyle offer great support, and Wealthy Affiliate members do a great job of helping each other out.
Joined: 2 Sep 2006
Posts: 44
# Posted: 5 Jan 2008 10:02
You should consider building a couple of niche websites and work them to profitability.
Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 302
# Posted: 5 Jan 2008 12:37
There are some great programs out there Jack. Some offer great training while others guarantee an income. Check out my site in my signature...I've researched pretty much everything out there...and I have to watch my money too!
Good luck!
Joined: 5 Jan 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 5 Jan 2008 14:46
Hey Jack,
I'm a grn member and just love it. The Reverse Funnel System is not necessary at all to be successful with Global. I have it and it's just a marketing tool, that's all. But if you look at the product itself with Global, you can't help but notice the value behind it. This is such a fun business and after many attempts at a home business where the product was either hyped, too expensive or just a bunch of hot air, this is tangible and worth so much more. Training is fab on our team. We teach everything from old school buying leads to new school internet marketing, web 2.0, article and press releases, branding, video, social, the list goes on. With GRN, if you've studied the pay plan, you'll see that when you succeed, upline receives a matching bonus. So, you can see how the books are being opened to secrets on how top earners have done it within their teams so they can get their teams members doing the same thing. I'd be happy to share my Global business with you so you can get all the details and the real scoop as to what's going on. Best to you Jack.
[Link removed - Admin]
Profits of $1,000 to infinity when someone says "yes". Discover the joys of home business again and travel.
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 06:28
Hello Jack Striker, and welcome to the forum.
I agree that building niche websites is quite a good way to go. I just started learning how to do it a little over a year ago. I've got two I've built/am building and getting ready to start a third in the next month.
The beauty of it is that you can build a site about something you really enjoy if you like, or something you already know a lot about. That is the best recommendation for your first site. It helps you to "learn the ropes" and then you can branch out if you want to "more profitable niches."
I didn't have a "personal mentor" but I had a step by step system to follow with Written and Video Tutorials. They are marvelous and just what I needed. (I use SBI from Sitesell). Also, they have an amazing private forum that is like having a whole team of helpful mentors whenever you have a question. It is amazing how much time and energy the members spend helping each other out.
Feel free to take a look at the sites I've built and take a tour around SBI. Also, there's a free Affiliate Course if you want to understand the whole concept better before sinking in any money. It isn't a costly system by any means, but I certainly understand the skepticism that hold people back from making the leap of faith for the program. I shared it in spades. I'm a firm believer now. 
Of course, this is just one option available to you, but I know it is a good one and wanted to pass it on to you. Hope you find what you are looking for. All the best.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1787
# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 09:02
Welcome to the forum Jack,
You're doing the right thing by asking questions! And it sounds like you have done some research already.
I am also an SBIer like happywife - she helped me learn the ropes with that and I can vouch for her as a wonderful mentor!
I personally think there is a big difference between owning a 'home based business' (and you will find a ton of them throughout this site!) where you are marketing a product or service or recruiting versus making money online through affiliates, etc...
If you are looking at getting started in a business, there is usually more of an investment, and a quicker turn around - I just encourage you to find a few that really peak your interest and then fully investigate them - hop on the conf calls or webinars - ask lots of questions....
I do both and they both have pros and cons in themselves as a stand alone way to make money but if you can combine the two, you'll have a lot of fun and no more boring winters!
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 11:29
Lot's of people have made alot of money and have successful HBB's at many different types of programs. The best thing you can do is what you just started,,, asking, resarching, and finding something that you can feel is what you like and than contact those that are involved and get more info. Most programs that are legite and are successful have weekly, by weekly or several times weekly overview, intruduction calls. many are online webinair rooms where you may interact with ?'s after the expalantion of the program... Check em out there are many people on this forum that are involved in Great Programs....
Jack Striker
Joined: 3 Jan 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 13:33
Thanks very much for everyone's help so far. Looks like I now need to delve a little deeper.
This is something that definitely interests me and I find the whole internet business both intriguing and exciting.
If anyone else has any points please let me know.
Many thanks for all your help so far
Joined: 3 Jan 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 14:42
I am doing research and was hoping for some help..when you sign up for programs such as wa,pl,aj ect are these programs basically to show you how to advertise and sell other people's products and if so do you still need to pay these company's to sell and promote their products???? Thanks in advance Vicky
Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 23:45
I am new to this forum also. I've been looking to work at home also but i would like to have a mentor to show me the ropes. I'm a hard worker just don't make enough we are treading water and i know i have to find something or in time we will be forced to sell our home. So willing to get some suggestions. Thanks, Greg
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 14:02
Hi Jack and Greg,
My advice would definately be to do some hardcore research into any business you consider.
I would also keep in mind a few thing: 1. Decide whether you are in the market for a JOB or a Business. As online they are definately something different. A job being a steady source of income, alot of sites claim to be jobs, when in fact they are business opportunites. A business is just that. You live and die by your ability to work your business. (based on what i've seen from you both, Greg you might be better suited for a Job given the situation, while Jack you might be better suited for a Business) But by no means does that exclude either of you from either group. You know you best.
2. A good mentor. This can make or break you online, especially if you are looking into a business or affiliate marketing as marketing and building can be very very confusing till you learn what you are doing. This site is great for people who care and are willing ot help you, even if you are not a part of their "program".
3. Find something that interest you or something you feel you would be interested in. It makes things a little more fun and in the beginning while you are learning you can have some enjoyment while you learn.
If you have any questions or need some advice I would be more than happy to give you my opinion and advice, as I'm sure most will be.
Best of Luck in whatever you do.
Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 17:11
Thanks for the advice. I do know working for someone you won't make as much as being your own boss . Some of this stuff is way over my head but i hope to find something that isn't to difficult and have a mentor.
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 17:24
Well that's not always true, but I'll admit the possibility to make more money for yourself is definitely there granting that you find a good business opportunity. If you need any help like I said I'm more than happy to help or advise, as many here are. I hope your search goes well.
Talk to you soon, Gilbert
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1787
# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 17:55
Quoting: Greg20 Some of this stuff is way over my head but i hope to find something that isn't to difficult and have a mentor.
You're starting out right by asking questions!
I'll tell you what I have done and still do if I am curious about a certain company - most of them have conference calls so I just slip in on those and listen as a fly on the wall!
I have learned a lot by doing that as quite often things make more sense when you hear someone talk about it, versus reading about it on a website... just a thought!
Start with one company or opportunity and research it - The more you educate yourself, the more the lights will come on about it all.
I remember well how overwhelmed I was a year ago!
Just think back to when you started at a new job...
Did you understand it all the first day??
A couple months later, you could almost do it without thinking about it, right?
You will gradually learn the ropes, just hang in there!
Joined: 7 Jan 2008
Posts: 16
# Posted: 7 Jan 2008 18:48
You are doing the right thing by doing research. If you are looking at companys of any kind, one piece of advice I would give you.Read the companys p&p (policies and procedures) that will tell you a lot.Make sure they can't just terminate you without a cause. Also you can usually google the ceo of a company and find out his history.Like if he's been involved in scams or not.
When you google a name put it in like this "name" that way it will narrow it down more.
I wish you the best in your search,somewere out there is the perfect oppertunity that will be the right match.
Jack Striker
Joined: 3 Jan 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 7 Feb 2008 06:12
Thanks for your help
I have made a start with GDI under opendomain (Gil thanks for your help).
Now all I need is to start to get some traffic to my capture page.
Any of your ideas would once again be appreciated.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1787
# Posted: 7 Feb 2008 10:45
Make your links clickable in your sig - that is a good place to start
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 7 Feb 2008 15:47
No problem Jack. I'm hear if you need me. (still gotta get aphone call in sometime
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 2075
# Posted: 7 Feb 2008 16:25
Hi Jack,
I'll insert my standard copy/paste for free traffic generation methods right below:
SEO for organic articles press release message boards with a sig link free classifieds comments on other's blogs with link Yahoo directory - $300/year Dmoz directory directory multiple websites of your own - linking back to the target website your blog links back to your website Search engine registration ask for a review from a high traffic blog owner ($100-$500) figure out ways to get a linkback from a higher PR site Social Bookmarking RSS Submission Viral Marketing with ebooks

~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 7 Feb 2008 17:08
Litterally you can just go down this list As a matter of fact I think i'll write something up on each one of these so you don't have to keep copy pasting this
Joined: 13 Nov 2005
Posts: 98
# Posted: 2 Mar 2008 17:13
Look at Mike Dillard's book, Magnetic Sponsoring, as well as his blog. Also, Tellman Knudson is a great free resource. Google both of them and you'll find tons of usefull FREE information.
Joined: 18 Jan 2008
Posts: 209
# Posted: 4 Mar 2008 00:51
There's a lot of free information out there if you have the patience to work through it all and sort it out for yourself. But, if you'd prefer something more structured, I can't recommend Wealthy Affiliate highly enough.
Joined: 27 Mar 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 27 Mar 2008 15:23
HI Jack, My name is Deborah Chezem, and i read your post. I also read eveyone elses post. Alot of great advice there in all of them. I's always a good idea to rresearch everything you get in volved in. I am a newbie here and also in the marketing business.
I to did alot of research and found my niche. So far i am quit please with it. I have a great back-up team at my forum who is there for me every step of the way.. Hold your hand kind of thing if thats what you need.
But also a no nonsense approach to internet marketing. If they see you are doing something that takes you off track they will help you get back to where you need to be.
Trust me on this one i speak from experience there. You also get a step by step process on an everyday basis. If you gollow the plan it will work for you.
you don't have to invest alot of money to get it up and running. If you don't have alot of capital in the begining stay with all the free stuff that they give you and later when you have the finances you are more than welcome to buy away.
check it out see what you think!  Warmest Regards much success to you deb
Deborah Chezem
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 08:12
Just wanted to say hi Jack Striker  I am in Europe too,currently in the UK but returning to Italy in a couple of years.
The very best with your business 
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 272
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 11:56 · Edited by: CSGWAHM
I think you're doing good by asking questions and checking things out. Knowing how to market is key to being successful. Learning how to generate traffic is something you have to learn in order to see sales. I learned how to do that through the business I'm in. I have total access to step by step video tutorials that show you where to advertise and how to do it. It was amazing, little nuggets of information that were missing, I now have and I couldn't stop the traffic if I wanted to. I've learned a ton of stuff and now can market anything online effectively. You got alot of great advice here. I wish you the best!
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Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 14:18
I thought i would just stop by and say hi and give my two pence worth on how important researching is. It is a fundamental part to any business whether you are online or offline without research you are going in blind folded and anything could happen.
Doing your research helps identify genuine opportunities against really flops and therefore in the long run saving you money.
Joined: 24 Mar 2008
Posts: 101
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 17:04
It doesn't matter where your work opportunity is - Home Retail or Corporate, and it doesn't matter if it is a product or service based industry, you are going to need a business plan and customers.
Without a business plan you are destined to have many heartaches and a failing business. You need to know where to go with your business and how to get there. Plugging into an opportunity that has demonstrated success is vital.
Without customers - Well, that speaks for itself. Too many people concentrate all their efforts on structuring the perfect business plan and wait for the customers to automatically arrive. They might casually walk into your virtual or physical shop, have a casual browse around, then casually leave to go into the next shop.
You need to give them reason to stay and get excited about what you are offering.....
Any prospective customer has to have their purchasing needs satisfied - Then they become an actual customer. You have to give them a solution to their problem or need.
Just think about your favourite shop - Why do you keep returning there? I can guarantee you that it is because the sales person puts your needs first and offers you great after sales service. Because of this you tell all your friends to shop there, and they do, and in turn they tell all their friends. The fact that they have great products at great prices is irrelevant. You buy there because of the relationship you have with the sales person.
This principle needs to be applied to a home based business if you are to be successful at it.
Now to simplify all the above:
Be genuinely interested in helping people to succeed � Give them the way to be successful � Give them "After Sales Service" second to none.
In my experience: � A good company to go with is one where your up-line's success is only possible when you are successful � This way you know they will be working closely with you all the way. � It is helpful to have a product that has huge public appeal � You need to have a "Glass Half Full" attitude
To your success Regards Paul
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 513
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 18:39
I would check out Wealthy Affiliate University, where you will learn many different ways to market online. They have an awesome forum as well! Be careful about programs that offer Get Rich Plans..they do not work. There is no such thing as something for nothing.. Have a great adventure whatever path you explore!! Victoria