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Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 252
# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 06:53
Nice is good . its take as long as months to years, it also depends on the type of biz you are in.
Joined: 23 Oct 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 13:38
Agree with the above...
It's a lot of hard work, but it does eventually pay off.
Survival of the fitest I guess.
Joined: 1 Oct 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 15:13
Just read through all the posts on this thread.. I noticed I had contributed to it in October..
Update to my last post.. although I am not as yet making enough to give up my 'proper' job.. I wish!
I have started to see results.. mainly through Direct matches I have to say.. Ive also seen some positive results from a few other website/blogs I have set up.. mainly they deal with my other passion... miniature dachshunds..
So I have to say I'm in this for the long run..
Bought Holly Manns book in September this year.. slowly putting strategies into place..seeing what works..and what doesnt But.. as Newbie Shield has said.. you have to learn you craft.. put in the time and ask questions and learn.. I never believed this would be a get rich quick..but always thought it could be lucrative..given time and effort..
Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 66
# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 21:51
Wow! I can't believe I've been in this forum for over a month and only came across this thread now! It was most entertaining and informative (Thank You Again Newbie Shield!).
I am happy to report that I have been unwittingly and unknowingly following the advice given in this thread during the past five weeks or so, (largely due to picking bits and pieces of info from other posts and my own dogged research), and have now set in motion a solid business plan. I never had any expectations of overnight riches, but I can say that my goals are being met much quicker than I expected.
The key is Research-Learn-Research-Learn Some More!! And never stop learning. Don't be afraid to change and adapt. Be patient with yourself, but don't lose sight of who you really are. Don't set extraordinary goals - you'll only be setting yourself up for disappointment & disaster. Baby steps, you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time, etc.
Read, Listen, Observe! 
Joined: 14 Nov 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 21:56
I'm New here , young upcoming actor . I've been trying to find a flexible job or business that i can do at home because as a actor its Ideal to have an open schedule to go to castings when they call you . But its hard to find such job unless you your own boss or work at home . I'm not looking to get rich online but just something that i can do and make enough to go by while persuing acting full time and not worry about a 9-5 job . PLease help! [email protected]
Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 117
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 02:01
It depends on the self ability of each person. Some may take one week and some may not even succed even if they strive hard in their life time.
Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 66
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 09:13
Quoting: Needahomebiz I'm not looking to get rich online but just something that i can do and make enough to go by while persuing acting full time and not worry about a 9-5 job . PLease help!
You have certainly found yourself in the right place to begin your research. Look around in the other forum categories to see what others are saying. There is a tremendous amount of invaluable advice contained within these "walls". Check out the signature links of other members. And don't be afraid to ask questions.
(BTW - if you put "url" tags around the links in your signature, others can easily link to your sites. If you go back into your profile you can edit your signature. It will even explain how.)
Good Luck to You! (Or should I say "Break a Leg?")
Joined: 29 Oct 2007
Posts: 55
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 09:51
Your individual initiative and determination will decide your success. If you want it in days or weeks, it is certainly doable. The more passive you are, the longer it will take to see the desired results.
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 43
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 18:09
I don't work online, persay, I'm a network marketer..but I do advertise alot online. I've been in it for a year and am about halfway to my goal monthly income
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 43
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 21:58
just checking my signature file....I'm having the hardest time!!
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 43
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 22:01
Yay it works!! Thanks Newbie Shield
Joined: 13 Nov 2005
Posts: 89
# Posted: 18 Nov 2007 17:00
For me it took about two years of learning and working HARD. If I had any advice for newbies it would be to NOT join an MLM at the beginning and read as much as you can about marketing and copyrighting. These are the two most important skills you will ever learn for your online business.
And, I would focus on retailing products and not selling my MLM opportunity. It's just too hard to recruit enough people to make a living with your MLM alone (at least at first). The MLM residual income should be the back end annuity you are creating for yourself. The front end retailing of real products of value is what will keep you from starving until your MLM takes off.
Too many people die in this business because they try to sell their MLM opportunity alone. BIG MISTAKE!
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 894
# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 01:46
I am so sorry to hear your tale although I'm afraid it is probably a common one. It makes me even more grateful to the Lord that I found SBI early on in my "online career." I didn't have the money to invest that you lost and I don't know if I would have had the stamina to persevere as long as you have with no results at all to show for it.
I started in August of last year searching the net for ways to build an online business and settled on SBI in November. It was still a pretty big leap of faith for me to invest the $299 for the year in hopes it would pay off. I was seriously hoping, but had seen enough scams and get rich quick stuff in those first couple of months to make me severely skeptical.
To answer the question in the initial post - I've been at it for a year now and still not making "a living," but I'm definitely in the "black." That was my main goal for my first year - to learn as much as I could and recoup the money I've invested.
I have much higher hopes and goals for the coming year. I can now use the tools I have learned to increase my online ventures and do it right. Unless Y2K comes late and the internet crashes, I expect to do pretty well in the coming years.
yukitee - Don't give up yet! Sadly, you have just gotten bad advice and false promises. There is a free e-book called Make Your Site Sell. You can download it at [Affiliate link removed - Admin].
It may help you salvage your investment of the site you mentioned, or at least give you an idea of where you went wrong.
Hope that helps.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1488
# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 07:26 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Quoting: RaiderTim I'm new to this site and online sales/marketing. So I'm sure I qualify as a newbie. For myself, I'm happy with my full time job. However, I'd like to do something to make an extra $1000-1500 per month. I can devote 10-15 hours per week to this part time job. If someone has any good ideas, that doesn't have too steep of a learning curve, open to suggestions. (honest suggestions) I'm learning quickly had bad scams are. Thanks
Hi RaiderTim (GoJade and Kalien responses below),
Welcome to the forum. Are you looking to learn the ropes first? That would be the best first step. Read some of the threads here. Then you can check people's signatures. There are some good education progz there.
Quoting: gojade just checking my signature file....I'm having the hardest time!!...Yay it works!! Thanks Newbie Shield
Hi GoJade,
It does work and very nicely. Good job!
Quoting: kalien (Thank You Again Newbie Shield!)...and have now set in motion a solid business plan.
You're welcome. You will benefit from a plan in several ways. Be sure to create a projected cash flow sheet in Excel or similar. Don't worry about accuracy. Make it as detailed as possible. For example, specific expenses and specific income generators (affiliate commissions, adverts, etc).
Keep a copy of the original projection and do a save as for reality tweaks. You'll see what pays and what is needlessly draining your investment money and more. Plus the written portion (sections and paragraphs of the MS Word portion) is a good tracking tool in itself.
Take it a step further and do the following:
1. Register a business entity - LLC (single person is fine) is preferred in most cases. Good for write offs, liability protection, and legitimate image. You might upgrade to a corporation later on. It depends.
2. Liability insurance - cheap in this field unless you are selling consummables or some ladder invention where a person could fall and get injured.
3. Learn HTML at for free. Then learn CSS to make it easier to manage and add HTML code.
4. Host your own Wordpress blog, website, and perhaps a vbulletin forum if appropriate.
5. Learn numerous ways to monetize.
6. Keep learning (you know this one already).
7. Set up a photobucket account to link to pictures that you can upload and store for free. Be sure to make the account inaccesable to others. Also be sure to tweak the ALT tags once you copy/paste the path to the picture so that they have keywords.
8. Consider investing in a camcorder or digital camera to film your own stuff, especially if you use a product you are reviewing for promotion.
9. Consider investing in an auto-responder, camtasia, and adword analyzer (or SEO Elite).
10. Keep heading in the direction you are heading. You have good instincts and you have a ton of potential - head and shoulders above most here.

Your friend, Newbie Shield
Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 17
# Posted: 17 Feb 2009 12:58
Took me about a year and a half to start earning the average national wage strictly from home. It has fluctuated since then, getting in and out of programs with many failing and disappearing after a time.
The main thing is to find a couple of good stable businesses and join good TEAMS within those businesses so you get great SUPPORT. The best business will not help a lot financially if you have no upline support, so I am stressing that.
I have now found a couple of good businesses that have been around 10 years or more and look forward to a six figure income persisting with these over the next year.
The pathetic thing is that a majority of people NEVER MAKE MONEY ONLINE so if you can find something that you can build step by step it is good to sweat it out and pay the price (learning and DOING) until it becomes first a part-time and then a full-time income stream for you.
Find a read an article called A MESSAGE TO GARCIA if you think you can easily start a home business, no effort, no cash input, no time spent and make 6 figures a year without putting anything into it.
Building a home business takes a little time and effort and has GREAT tax benefits but it sure beats spending $50,000 on an uncertain brick and mortar startup or double or more that much on a franchise.
Best of luck.