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Which Program are you using?

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Joined: 14 Apr 2007
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# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 15:52
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Which money making programs are you currently using?

Check out my reviews at

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# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 15:57
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My head and common sense marketing.

__________________ - Over 500 offers that are all free to the end user. What's that mean for you? Unreal conversions!
The resident affiliate manager - PM me if you want some guidance.

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# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 17:27
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I am using a program called profit lance and so far i have learnt so much and made my money back but i must admit profits don't come over night.


Black Belt Affiliate is My Free Online Course Teaching You How to Make Money Online

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# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 20:02
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Today I will be signing up with EDC.


Joined: 21 Apr 2007
Posts: 65

# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 22:10
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Coastal Vacations!!!

As you can see Coastal is quite a popular thread on this site. And that is not by coincidence! Payouts from $1000- $9705 per sale and the vacations of a lifetime! It takes work just like anything else but the potential is exponential! I have been at it for about 6 months now and have experienced both the travel packages and business income. What else can I say... It's phenomenal!!

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# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 00:14
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Profit Lance

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 01:51
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i use a few from the sites in my signature but now I just use my own marketing techniques.


Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 9

# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 06:45
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Right now I'm doing a lot of get paid to sites. I tend to stick with the free programs.


Joined: 21 Sep 2007
Posts: 40

# Posted: 25 Sep 2007 18:38
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I am using the click cash secret....its the site in my sig.....I am going on my second week and i have almost made my money back which is good....with this i have purchased get visitors now. I havent seen any results from this but i hear it takes time so i am being patient


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 25 Sep 2007 20:15
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I am GDI all the way.
I use free sites to market along with article marketing and word of mouth. I'm getting ready to start a paper campain in my area.

I am considering Niche marketing here real soon, it's one of the few things i haven't done yet. Anyone have a good starting point with this?


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# Posted: 26 Sep 2007 11:12
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No off the shelf program, have developed my own techniques


Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 26 Sep 2007 14:39
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I use GDI and Ultimate Wealth Package, Also Do a little affiliate marketing.

Making Money Online Doesn't Have to Be Hard - 30 Day Plan (Guaranteed Results)

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# Posted: 27 Sep 2007 10:18
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Quoting: ssamekul
Hey Guess What!! You Can Now Get Google Adwords Ads For Free - THIS IS NOT A JOKE! Don't be left behind. Learn More at : [Link removed - Admin]
Thanks for the link that's fantastic I will be using that site with many others too promote my business.

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# Posted: 27 Sep 2007 14:54
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Wealthy Affiliate has had the greatest impact on my online marketing career and is directly responsible for a good percentage of my online earnings.


Joined: 17 Nov 2006
Posts: 13

# Posted: 27 Sep 2007 16:16
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I am GDI too.
But i am using another way for advertisig, and it works with any MLM Business!


Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86

# Posted: 28 Sep 2007 00:11
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I use Income For Beginners to make extra cash on the side without investing much time on my part.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 08:02
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Whatever you do, don't use Income for Beginners (I4B), it's a scam.

I just use my business, technology, and online skills. It takes a while to learn these things, but it's the only way to sustain a decent online income.

Newbie Shield
The cold, hard truth


Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 167

# Posted: 30 Sep 2007 01:18
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Quoting: ssamekul
Hey Guess What!! You Can Now Get Google Adwords Ads For Free - THIS IS NOT A JOKE! Don't be left behind. Learn More at :

It's free after you pay $67.00


Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 30 Sep 2007 15:32 · Edited by: sahmkate
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I'm using a free site called Bum Marketing Method It's been a great help so far!


Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86

# Posted: 1 Oct 2007 21:31
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Dear Newbie Shield,

I don't know where you get your information from, but I started using Income 4 Beginners a couple of weeks ago and have been doing quite well with it. Did you sign up for Income4Beginners and not do well? I would hope you had some personal experience with it before making broad statements about it being a "scam".

Practically every program every listed on this forum has been called a scam at one time or another. For example, some folks call Profit Lance a scam and others say its great. To each his own. We all need to find programs or products we are comfortable with - and it certainly won't be the same for everyone. Good luck to you in your search.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 1 Oct 2007 22:52
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Sorry sdcindy, that's how I felt when I took a look at it. I just wanted to protect the newbies. Nothing more.

However, I did finally find a program I do believe in with quite a bit of might. It is 100% free - always - nothing to invest - ever. It only takes a couple days to study - or one very long day as I just put in today. I joined this morning and am ready to promote it tonight. It's extremely simple and it's a total free give away.

In fact, I decided to finally create a sig for the program after over 40 posts. I signed up under another forum member this morning. Now at 9 PM, after reading all day - I am entirely convinced that this is one of those rare opportunities I couldn't pass up.

I think that the MLM-type folks will go bats over this when they see the tier payouts. There are no hype meetings, no phone calls, no selling, no financial investment, no "passing two up", or anything annoying about a typical MLM. All you do is give away free malls and no one ever pays anything for any part of the program, not ever.

You can shop at your favorite stores, get commisions (they call them cash rebate checks), and make a percentages 9 tiers deep. The likely income is beyond mind-boggling. I've never been excited about this sort of thing before even though I tried Amway years ago.

We all shop at these stores every month anyhow - Target, Comp USA, Circuit City, Bestbuy, Eddie Bauer, Barnes and Noble, Macys, Starbucks,...they have vacation stores, music stores, insurance, loans, name it - over 1,000 stores. You get a discount and so does everyone down line.

Check out the sig.
Newbie Shield
Finally found the right deal to promote!


Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 10

# Posted: 3 Oct 2007 22:33
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I've also been working with I4Beginners. I haven't made a sale yet but I still think the opportunity is a good one. I'm such a novice at internet marketing that it's taken me much longer to figure things out. I also didn't have much $ to use for advertising.

This past Sunday, I signed up with Giblink. They are a one stop, full service business and social networking community. They have a Revenue Sharing opportunity called Gibline. Gibline was launched on Sept. 10 as a way to pre-launch Giblink and Gibsales (which offers a large variety of products and services related to web business).

Their Revenue Sharing plan is a totally different concept than anything I've seen before. I've been exposed to many MLM/Networking companies and their compensation plans. This is nothing like that. There is no downline. It seems really ingenious.

Their official launch date is Oct. 15. They had over 10,000 people signup in a 20 day period in Sept. I already have 2000+ people behind me-not under me.

You really have to see it for yourself to understand it. It's free to go through the website and get the info. They also offer conference calls to help explain the aspects of the plan and the company.

Remember, this is a revenue sharing plan--a chance to invest on the front end of a new company. Where would we be if we had invested in My Space or Go Daddy in the beginning of those companies? Just a thought. I think this is what they ar offering to us.

You can click on the link in my signature. Even if it's gray, it's still active.

Have a blessed night!


Joined: 20 Sep 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 4 Oct 2007 22:31
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Im using Plug-in Profits and Link4Profits as my affiliates.
See my other posts as how easy (and funny) it was for me to get started.
I'm awarded 'the internet's thickest skull' so you know the program MUST be easy enough for me to use it.
Just having the help staff reply to my questions in email and making me laff was enough for me to give them 2 paws up for the program.


He bore his stripes for me, So I wear mine for Him.

Now PROVING complete newbies can get their own website running, without mess or head explodies. ^^

Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 430

# Posted: 7 Oct 2007 22:33
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Traverus Travel!

This is a great opportunity which doesn't cost a lot to join. The benefits are phenomenol even if you don't want to work the business. But you can make a lot of money also. I am on my way to quiting my J-O-B and I can't wait. I have a goal of six months to be home for good, forever. I was down-sized from a job last year and I never ever want to go through that again. I am in charge of my life now and my income (which is only going to be going up from here!)


Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 7

# Posted: 11 Oct 2007 10:14
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Currently using a program (for more information check out my sig). Its FREE not hidden costs, no sign up fees, I haven't paid anything yet nor has it ever asked me for a credit card.

You don't have to sell anything, you just buy your normal everyday items from your own mall. You then get rebates back on them and anything down to 9 tiers.

They can explain it better then I can just check it out, do your due diligence and read everything they have, you can pm with any questions. I wont hurt to try it as it is 100% free.

FREE Personal Web Mall
Lots of name brand stores - Lands End, Target, Old Navy, Sears and Barns and Noble just to name a few.
Free to sign up, No hidden fees, Free always.
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 11 Oct 2007 21:26
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My own site from scratch - 1998 - plus My Power Mall. Four sites in the works. One will be up by 12/31. The other 3 will follow shortly there after.

Newbie Shield


Joined: 15 Oct 2007
Posts: 3

# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 16:39
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I realized most of home based business owners (including myself) does not have marketing skills and rely on their friends and family for business promotion.

I decided to learn Internet marketing skills and joined to a system where I learned 25 unique marketing strategies. Some a free to implement and some requires investment. If you have a marketing budget I recommend to join all of them. Otherwise use your time and build towards your business.
The ultimate goal is to promote your primary business. If you don't have one the person who introduce you to the system has his/her own business for your consideration.
The system offers different training formats: videos, audios, live tele and web conferences, a discussion forum and a FAQ link.
It is free to join.

All the best,

Ed Torres
Learn Internet Marketing
Tired Of Building Crappy Websites? - Click Here

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