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HELP! student looking for a decent opportunity

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Joined: 27 Nov 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 27 Nov 2006 22:19

Hi all,

New to the forum and had a few questions. I'm a college student looking to make a little extra money. My friend introduced me to ACN and Prepaid Legal. Both of which seemed kind of iffy. I've also heard of Costal Vacations too. I'm really just looking to make a little extra money and have a flexible schedule. I don't really want to invest 500 or so up front like I would have to do with ACN. So any recomendations would be nice. I'm really up to anything so long as it's not a scam and won't burn too big a hole in my pocket. Thanks for any advice or companies you guys can offer.


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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1275

# Posted: 5 Dec 2006 23:38 � Edited by: getagrip

You can try looking into Cognigen - its free to join and is a descent company - BUT you have to know how to sell to be successful at it (or any MLM for that matter).


Joined: 7 Dec 2006
Posts: 3

# Posted: 7 Dec 2006 15:51

Hi, You might look at Acai Plus with TriUnity Low start up and if you get with a co-op it really helps. It is growing much faster than my PrePaid legal site. Very good product you could market to health food stores also, as well as online.


Joined: 25 Nov 2005
Posts: 28

# Posted: 22 Dec 2006 20:21

I personal says acai plus i have 12 reps in 3 days take a look for my proof on my website.

Our team is big and move fast.


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