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Trying to find out the name of a company

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Joined: 3 Oct 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 3 Oct 2006 12:23

I am not familiar with this site. I do have a question. I am trying to find out the name of a company, based out of Florida I think. This company provides the network support for a company called PAAWS. They also have many other clients. Basically they make it possible for people to work from their homes, on their PCs either answering the phone(with a simultaneous interface on the computer) and to take orders or provide customer support for various telemarketing companies. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Basically they sync up incoming calls (routed to the Customer Rep by their switchboard) with a corresponding screen on the Cust. Serv Reps computer, the Rep talks to the customer and ewither takes an order or whatever and enters the data into the computer. I hope I have explained it right. Does anyone know what I am talking about, and if you do can you tell me the name of the company?


Joined: 17 Sep 2006
Posts: 5

# Posted: 7 Oct 2006 10:33

I'm not sure what specific company you're looking for, but I know of one called West at They hire ICs to work from home answering the calls that come into places like Home Shopping Network and such. It's not really telemarketing, though.

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# Posted: 9 Oct 2006 01:56

Really, I have no clue. But, if you can get ahold of PAAWS, than perhaps they would know the name of the company and how to reach them.


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