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Working at Home and Social Security

General Advice Work at Home Forum / General Advice / Working at Home and Social Security
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Joined: 3 Jan 2006
Posts: 227

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 15:39

Hey guys,

I'm not sure if this topic has been broached before, but I've been wondering about it lately and haven't found any answers. What do you do about paying in to the Social Security system when working a home business? How can I pay into the system to assure that in the distant future, I can collect social security. I have heard that you have to have worked 13 years, and paid into the system for that period of time, to collect when you're 62.

Any info on this?



Joined: 17 Sep 2006
Posts: 5

# Posted: 17 Sep 2006 09:57

I realize this is an old post, but since I just signed on I figured this would be as good a place as any to jump in (and maybe it'll help someone down the road).

If you live in the States and are a sole proprietor, you pay social security in the form of the self-employment tax on your quarterly taxes. Not paying it can actually get you into trouble with the IRS.

The IRS has a publication on it at:,,id=98846,00.html

I hope that helps!

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