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Help, need advice on redesigned website

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Joined: 4 Sep 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 14:05

Hi everyone

I have just redesigned my website and would like to ask your advice on any improvements you feel is needed. (all comments are welcome) The website's main theme is based on a new song I just recorded for work at home moms, dads and others who work out of their home.

You can listen to the song on the site. Please tell me what you think of the song as well. There are two sites actually. But they are connected to one another as you will soon see. The first is my optin page. Please give me feedback on it

The next one is my main page. I would appreciate feedback on it as well. Here's the two sites in the order mentioned above:

Thanks in advance for all your help



Joined: 23 Apr 2006
Posts: 7

# Posted: 18 Sep 2006 09:28

Hi there Dale,

Nice to see that people can get so enthousiastic about their work that they even write a song about it, talking about dedication.

I just visited both sites mentioned above and the first thing I noticed is that you have taken the blue background. This normally is something which goes well with a sales- or squeeze page but in your case you keep the rest of the sqeeuze page very timide. I am not to sure if the blue doesn't distract to much from your message.

Next you might perhaps center your headline and hightlight just the part "Achieve Any Dream You've Ever Wanted" for more dramatical effect.

The bullet points which you mention might bring in more effect if you write them in bold and place them in the center as well.

As for your subscription form, try to use the same font type as the rest of your letter and make sure the boxes are aligned properly, this will give a more professional impression.

A good way to put some more emphasis on the benefits of your song might be writing a few points in bold. for example: "Absolutely Free"

Looking at your /news page, there are two things which I would change.

I would prefer to make it a two column instead of three for easier reading and, you might want to put your mission statement in a bolder font on the top of your page instead of at the top left as you do now. A visitor to your web site needs to be enticed immediately to stay interested. Perhaps tracking the amount of time your visitors will stay might give you some interesting reading.

Anyway, just telling you my first impressions, hope it will give you some food for thoughts.


PS: your song is still playing in the background. Cool!!

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# Posted: 4 Oct 2006 00:53

I think you need to add some kind of a border to make the site look prettier. You can try buying some templates on ebay for like $10, which might give your site a more professional appearance.


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