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Using Free Techniques To Promote Products

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Joined: 20 Jul 2009
Posts: 31

# Posted: 21 Jul 2009 23:51

Hello everyone, I am using free methods to promote products. Right now I am focused on about 3 products at this point and would like to use all the free techniques I learned and apply them for each product. I just don't want to sound redundant but then again maybe it doesn't matter. I will make 1 blog at blogger 1 blog at wordpress, a lens, and about 10+ articles. I will do this for each product I promote. I'm just afraid that I will sound too redundant especially with the 2 blogs and lens. I have created links to go to my website and to the other blogs/lens. But one of the blogs I don't create any backlinks because at that point I think It will just be saying the same information over again and I don't want to take visitors to another blog/lens where they are just getting the same information. But the other sites link back to one another but the one blog just links to the review site and product site. But then again visitor tend to skim over a lot of things so maybe it doesn't matter too much. The 1 blog and lens that link back to each other are fine but I don't want to link the other blog to those ones. Now I'm probably repeating myself I apologize for that haha.

Any input about how i'm doing this will be greatly appreciated. I will probably post this to other forums as well just to get more feedback.

Thank you everyone,


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# Posted: 21 Jul 2009 23:55

Sounds good to me - here is a tip, if you find you are doing well with a product, try making more lenses on different aspects of the product,.... and linking all your lenses together as well..

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# Posted: 22 Jul 2009 06:20

try making more lenses on different aspects of the product

Hi Matt: What M5 suggests would either resolve or reduce the redundancy issue you've raised.

If you intend to approach it as you say then that would be a good solution candidate - especially if you kept your lenses fairly brief and to the point.

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Joined: 20 Jul 2009
Posts: 31

# Posted: 22 Jul 2009 09:19

Thank you very much for the feedback. I just started my online business so I'm not seeing any profits yet so its hard to say if a product that I promoting is decent. I'm not saying that it's bad if it doesn't sell. It definitely is an awesome product (its actually a course) and I'm a member if it. I mean there also might be too much competition as well. But I guess i'm just going to have to wait and see. It's good practice though just to implement what I'm learning in the course I'm taking which is actually the product that I'm promoting.

Once again thank you for your input and good luck to you



Joined: 23 Apr 2009
Posts: 45

# Posted: 22 Jul 2009 11:24

Blogs seem to be a good avenue for traffic along with forum posting. I also have free listings with ebay & also use you tube to promote my website. Some things you just have to pay for, but alot of good things for your business are free



Joined: 10 Jun 2009
Posts: 64

# Posted: 28 Jul 2009 17:23

I have been advertising my products for free and makes good money to.


Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 267

# Posted: 29 Jul 2009 14:49

You got me kind of confused there, (does not take much) but I think what mm5 said makes sense. Here is an example of what I do, I have a large niche that can be broken down into a lot of smaller ones. I have a blog that pretty much has it all there, and now I have 10 lens out there that break it down into smaller niches, each with different products, but I always link the lens to the blog and the lens to one another and sometimes I link the posts in the blog to a lens. Not sure if that is a good idea, but money comes in, so its working.


Joined: 20 Jul 2009
Posts: 31

# Posted: 29 Jul 2009 17:13

Sorry for the confusion. I think I was a little confused writing it. But thank you everyone for the tips and advice. It is greatly appreciated and makes much more sense.


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