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Anyone a blogger?

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Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 139

# Posted: 5 Jun 2009 12:51
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Hi guys

I wanted to start a blog, and have done for some time, only I would like to monetize it (obviously!) but unsure as to how to blog! I know it probalby sounds daft, you talk about what you're passionate about, right? But how would you monetize this? Am I being a little slow?

Would some one enlighten me please?

Many thanks

RS. xx


Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 139

# Posted: 5 Jun 2009 14:08 · Edited by: redsadie
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Hmm, maybe I should tell you I'm not planning a blog about how to make money on the internet as I don't know (yet) how to make money on the internet because, well, um, I haven't! So that would be pretty pointless I think (?)

No, I am offline, a (Creative Nail Academy Trained), Nail Technician, I do natural nail services as well as nail enhancements (extensions), I am also a Waxing Technician specialising in Intimate Waxing and a Spray Tan Technician too. I am considering further developmental course to enhance my education such as introducing natural organic facials and hot stone therapy.

I also work reception Part Time in a small local hotel so not sure if that would fit in anywhere?

I am already on Facebook (if you want to be my friend just ask ) and I Twitter too, I just wanted to start trying to make money by blogging as well. You can see my beauty website in the link in my sig.

Thanks for any hints or tips guys, you know I appreciate it!

I want to make money on the internet by using blogging as one of my income streams (I suppose it's a bit like not using one supplier for all my beauty products?) so though it might be an idea to start out with something physical that I already do then move onto Infoblogging?

RS. xx

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# Posted: 5 Jun 2009 14:50
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You can get a free blog at and you can monetize it with affiliate programs and Google Adsense. The whole process is a little more complicated than what I've described here, but I hope this helps get you started.


Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 147

# Posted: 5 Jun 2009 14:54
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I blog and it actually gets more organic traffic than anything else I do. I have links on my blog for ebooks that I am an affiliate for. You are welcome to check it out, but its nothing spectacular as I am still very new to all this.

So whatever you are passionate about you can google it followed by the word affiliate and see if there are any products you can promote. There are tons of affiliate programs out there, way more than you ever imagined.


Joined: 5 Jun 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 5 Jun 2009 18:42
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I have 3 blogs and I monetize all of them by using google adsense and promoting my affiliate marketing products on my blog.

I was privately coached by an online multi-millionaire, now I make six figures from my Affiliate Marketing Products.
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 5 Jun 2009 20:10
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Hi RS,

Long story short = you monetize a blog just as you do with a traditional site.

Best way to learn about blogging is to Google it and start reading.

After you've done some reading and get the idea, just sign up for a free blog account via either Blogger or

You can monetize with them just as you can with Squidoo though they each have some restrictions, which change over time.

You can Google some of the how to make money blogging phrases and continue learning.

Once you get the idea, do paid hosting. For that I would recommend WordPress. It's a free download but you can host it on HostGator or BlueHost, or where ever you like.

Be sure to study ahead of time before you take that final step. Paid hosting is quite a bit more complex with blogging than the free blog hosting is.

As far as exactly how to monetize, I'd suggest a niche such as nail care and perhaps closely related things.

You could blog about what it takes to be a professional - school, certification, what it's like in the corporate environment, what it's like to start your own service, product reviews, etc...

Let us know if you get stuck,

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 393

# Posted: 6 Jun 2009 02:41
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If you don't blog about something you know then you will need to do a lot of research until you actually get it and become an authority yourself. So, it's easier to begin with what you know best then work around to other areas in time if you still feel the urge to do so.


Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 450

# Posted: 6 Jun 2009 09:30
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The best information I have come across on how to
monetize a blog is by Avril Harper. She has an
e-book about it. She tells you exactly where to
put the Adsense and how to add the affiliates links.

Just google her name and you will find her.

It does take work and time at the beginning but
once it is set up and is making some money it doesn't
take as much time. Hope that helps.



Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 139

# Posted: 6 Jun 2009 11:26
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Thank you guys

I will read up about blogging and how to do it properly. i would like to use Wordpress as I have read a lot of good things about it, although I did have a blog with blogger (google?) about two years ago, which I only did to keep my family and friends in the loop about my dad who was seriously ill in intensive care at the time (he's well now ), so I wasn't in it to monetize then, just to get the word out and keep people informed really. It's a bit different when you want to actually make money from it, isn't it?!

I think I will go with what I know (although sometimes I think what I know isn't worth putting on the back of a postage stamp and why would anyone take any notice of me!)

Thanks again sweets


Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 458

# Posted: 6 Jun 2009 15:05
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Since you are new to blogging I would suggest you the following....

> Start your first blog on blogspot or squidoo. This way you will learn the basics of designing. It is very easy... Just like drag and drop...
> After getting some experience register your own domain name and you may host wordpress. That would be the best combination.....


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# Posted: 7 Jun 2009 03:13
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Hi Redsadie, you can click on my links below, the one which says Affiliate Marketing Tips...You will find a 50 min video "How to set up a wordpress blog'. Hope this helps!


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