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Pen names for affiliate campaigns

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Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 142

# Posted: 12 May 2009 04:18

Hi guys

I'm unsure as to whether this is the right place to put this so sorry Vishal if it's in the wrong forum!

I wondered if any of you have different pen names for yor affiliate campaigns and if so, how do you keep track of them?!


R. xx

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 12 May 2009 09:28

Hi RS,

I've used different pen names over the years for gaming, forums, email, etc...

I keep track of them via MS Word.

Management is the main drawback for using more than one profile.

The benefits sometimes outweigh the drawbacks.

All in all, it's wise to use a pen name in some scenarios - each person feels differently about when to use them and switch them around.

Was that what you were wondering?

~Newbie Shield~

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# Posted: 12 May 2009 10:41

I use a handful of pen names for marketing different affiliate products. The names aren't assigned to every single product but to product category.

Example: Pen name A would be used for a range of products related to niche A; pen name B would be used for a range of products related to niche B, and so on.

I find this system to be easy to manage and I don't get overwhelmed.



Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 142

# Posted: 12 May 2009 10:45

Newbie Shield:
Hi RS,

I've used different pen names over the years for gaming, forums, email, etc...

I keep track of them via MS Word.

Management is the main drawback for using more than one profile.

The benefits sometimes outweigh the drawbacks.

All in all, it's wise to use a pen name in some scenarios - each person feels differently about when to use them and switch them around.

Was that what you were wondering?


Thanks for replying. Yes that's it in a nutshell really, I have always used the same username for everything up until I sarted to venture into affiliate marketing, but also because I am intending on promoting different product (as is the nature of affiliate marketing) I thought it would be better to have different pen names and email addresses. I already have four and I wondered if there was a better way anyone could suggest of keeping track rather than in my notebook

Thanks again NS

R. x

Newbie Shield
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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1927

# Posted: 12 May 2009 11:09

Hi RS,

You're welcome. Hermas supplied a helpful tip - assign each pen name according to product category.

You can might consider keeping track of them in a spreadsheet by using the same or similar grouping as Hermas suggested.

You can have a single "book" with a different sheet for each category. You could create a master sheet as the first page.

Columns and rows might keep track of username and passwords for various accounts, site addy, dates, etc. You could even have a strategy column or a create a separate sheet for that.

I have many excel books aka spreadsheet collections. I find them to be very useful when used in conjunction with MS Word.

For my Word stuff I just make a numbered list in a similar format depicted below:

1. Some Music Account
Username: blah
Password: flkajadfasdf123

2. Some Email Account
Username: tada
Password: adfasdfas332

3. Some forum
Username: Babbling Idiot
Password: jakdladl4468


It's very helpful. When I have to include more I might make notes with in a numbered area or create a spreadsheet.

You can also create an HTML table and store it locally.

As an aside...

Experiment with various tracking methods. A few additional comments below:

I've done that before and I've tracked things via MS Project (not free) as well.

You can use digital calendars for time line issues.

Look into Project Management software if you'd like to take it to the next level.

I have a wall calendar for my daily and weekly stuff. It has huge squares for each day. I love it and I get the same one every year!

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 142

# Posted: 12 May 2009 11:44

Thanks again NS

Some useful things to consider and I especially like the idea of the wall chart!

I didn't see Hermas' reply when I replied to you, sorry Hermas!

Example: Pen name A would be used for a range of products related to niche A; pen name B would be used for a range of products related to niche B, and so on.

I agree, his would be a better way instead of individual products


Joined: 14 Mar 2009
Posts: 18

# Posted: 12 May 2009 11:56

I have several pen names ~ only because it gives you more exposure to different niches... but I think you shouldn't use too many because you want to be a trusted marketer that people get to know.

It's all good!


Joined: 4 May 2009
Posts: 40

# Posted: 15 May 2009 14:43

Yeah all good points...

It's a balance b/w the benefits and drawbacks. Using the same name can give you recognition when people start to learn and respect your work. You lose this "asset" when you change your name.

The flip-side: Changing names can give you a unique identity in each venture you start.

I guess it's a matter of balance....


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