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I'd love to hear your opinion on what I've done

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Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 29 Apr 2009 06:05 · Edited by: Singapoor

...but be gentle (I'm still feeling around). There's still much to do as I build on my understanding, but I thought, since it's up, why not just throw it at some experts for opinions.

Here's my site: I'm still going through the 30 Day Challenge. My goal with it right now is merely to follow their template. Nothing more, nothing less. So, for now, the site is basically a learning tool and then, when I have a foundation, I will re-evaluate and see where to go next. I have some ideas (and I'll likely be knocking on happywife's virtual door on the SBI guidance front... because I have a separate interest I would like to build a site for down the line), but am just trying to get through one thing first.

Next up in the 30DC is to build a Squidoo lens, which I'll most definitely be sharing here for scrutiny as well . Thank you NS, by the way, for putting together that informative lens on how to do that well.

After that, the next major thing they walk you through is Google Adwords for the site. I'll probably just add it to the lens though. I'm not sure if I want to add Adwords to the site itself because I'm scared of it cheapening the look of the site, but I don't know (will have to look into things a bit more once I get to that bridge - they may have graphical ads for all I know). As an ad generator though, I imagine Google would be really effective since they'd be able to tie into page content really well. I'm rambling now... point is, I've no clue until I read up a bit.


Oops! Okay, so I went over to the 30 DC to re-check the order of the major milestones to make sure there wasn't something I'd meant to do before Squidoo. I saw that I was right in the order but that actually, Adwords isn't what I thought it was (I got mixed up with Adsense, it seems). I think I'll REALLY be skipping that part. Just wanted to clarify that before folks pointed out that "Adwords aren't meant to be added onto a site."

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# Posted: 1 May 2009 00:39

I am thoroughly envious of your work and talent. What a great site you have there!

So how the heck did you do all that with wordpress???

My Ramblings 'bout WAH stuff
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Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 1 May 2009 01:12

You really know how to brighten a girl's day Viola. You're already off to a good start in that you are learning html. What I've done would not be possible if I did not have a foundation in html.

PM me, let me know what you're aiming for with the look of your own site and I'll help where I can in getting you from where you are to where you'd like to be if you want. I don't feel I'm the super super super wordpress design chick, but I am always happy to do some sharing of what I know.

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# Posted: 1 May 2009 02:55


Having a working knowledge of HTML has certainly served you well. Your website is extremely well-presented. It's packed with information yet it is not cluttered. The content is easy to read and absorb. I particularly like the way you grab the reader's interest and take control by asking questions. That's a very effective tactic.

You seem to be very systematic, organized and committed. With your gameplan, to finish the 30 Day Challenge before re-evaluating and exploring other areas of interest, I have no doubt you will make steady progress.

I applaud your mindset and discipline.



Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 1 May 2009 11:56

Hi Hermas,

Thanks for that... it's so encouraging to hear from veterans that "You're on a good path." Slow and steady, right ? I feel that there is more to offering a good service/creating a place people would like to hang out in than merely paying attention to the design (which... I was super meticulous about and I see now that it shows). Also, I figured asking questions would help engage folks who eventually end up finding the site on their quest for information .

Actually, design is why I've not managed the "30 day" aspect *giggle* of the 30DC. They have you set up a simple Wordpress blog but doing the bare minimum didn't sit right with me. But I'm ok with it being a 3.5 Month Challenge instead - Rome wasn't built in 30 days either .

With all of these things said, I got to a point where I began to wonder if, in the process of getting things to look a certain way, I've missed doing things that are vital to the skeleton of it all. Great feedback I got was that I should work on keywords (thank you to who said that - you know who you are). I was just writing to write and do a good job on content feeling "If you write it, they will come." The 30 DC naturally touches on the importance of keywords, but only until bringing the site here did I find out that actually, I should be paying attention to where they are placed and keyword density too (completely new concepts).

So yeah, it's the skeletal stuff I'm questioning right now. I know I can over-explain sometimes , should I be writing shorter posts? What's an ideal frequency for adding posts (it's hard to post absolutely every day... but will every other day... every 4 days mean SE placement takes a hit over time due to it needing to be more frequent). And all of this is even before I even really start thinking about raising my page rank, affiliate marketing, etc.

I've been reading up on what I've missed since February on the forum and haven't really gotten through certain sections yet and I know I'll see more useful points as I read along. But, in the process, figured "why not put a link up" in case there are things that jump out at folks whose eyes are a bit more 20/20 when it comes to the IM thing .


Joined: 17 Apr 2009
Posts: 15

# Posted: 1 May 2009 11:58 · Edited by: darpon56

Is this a site that you put up yourself through a web hosting service, or did you get it through a program? Looks great.


Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 1 May 2009 12:57

Thanks Dale.

I put it up through a web hosting service. The theme was freely available, and I hand coded the tweaking. I absolutely do not knock the use of programs for site design, but they're not the way I like to go usually because I find it easier to get the effects I'm after with hand coding.

This is true even within Wordpress itself. For instance, I hand code all of the posts instead of using WYSIWYG (their what you see is what you get type-then-publish feature).

Granted, wordpress didn't really foresee folks using hand coding to the extent I do (I can see this in the fact that the program doesn't respond to the basic "<br>" for example... which is necessary for breaking up text), but without hand coding, I'd not be able to get my cool dotted links for posts (which I think helps readability in that they're less of a distraction than traditional underline links). Actually, I could, if I used a special style sheet, but my html muscle is stronger than my css muscle. Separate topic. I'm rambling now :x

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# Posted: 1 May 2009 15:37

Thank you NS, by the way, for putting together that informative lens on how to do that well.

Hi Singapoor,

You're welcome :) Good luck with the 30 Day Challenge. Post your Squidoo questions in the Squidoo sub forum on this site and I will try to offer advice.


Gorgeous site! Arthemia is a nice theme. Like your color scheme.

I'm going to send you a security tip via PM. A certain directory is naked and I have a simple fix for you. I won't post it in public for obvious reasons.

I saw in another thread that you offered to help Mountainmom5 with her HTML. That was very kind. She's very sweet and hard working - definitely worthy of receiving help.

Nice job on your site,

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 14 Feb 2009
Posts: 102

# Posted: 1 May 2009 19:54

I only have praise for your website! Using 30DC is also a wise choice. You should be very proud of what you have achieved so far!

It only gets better from here!


Joined: 20 Jan 2009
Posts: 65

# Posted: 1 May 2009 21:15


--kjsaldfjadi-- that is what came out of my mouth when i saw your page. GREAT JOB! Nice layout great info, great colors everything!
I could tell by your post that you have a bright future in this industry but your website solidifies it.



Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 2 May 2009 08:00

Hey NS,

Thanks for the compliment, the tip, the other compliment, the offer, and the kind words . It's my pleasure helping mountainmom out, helping each other is what we're here forr, no? I know she'll get to where she wants to be.... it's only a matter of helping to nudge where I can.

Yeah, arth is great - it had the precise mix of what I was looking for. I'm pleased with the outcome overall.


Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 2 May 2009 08:01

Hi Shiva,

Whoa, you're very kind. Praise is a strong word, so it shook me a bit . I humbly say thank you for the positive feedback because it helped me loads.


Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 2 May 2009 08:03


*giggle* Thank you also - these words are very encouraging. It's hard to come out of yourself and see whether or not something you've done is well-executed just because you think its well-executed or if it is, in fact, well-executed.


Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 48

# Posted: 2 May 2009 08:08

Also, you all are the only people I've... I guess "exposed it to" for feedback. Sadly, I've found that sometimes in life, people who know you best can react the most negatively towards a vision when you are attempting something new. And they often can't see what you're capable of until after you've already done it. Or maybe that's just been my personal reality? Anyway, I've protected it from leers and jeers until I felt "done" with design.

And having been in a bubble with my efforts for a while is part of why I was kinda quivering as I put the link up . I'd felt it was good work but wasn't sure if it really was as good as I imagined and also wasn't sure if it's built in a way that would mesh well with the IM thing.

Thank you all for giving me perspective and you have no idea how motivating it has been to hear folks saying "great job - keep up the good work".

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# Posted: 2 May 2009 09:20

It's my pleasure helping mountainmom out, helping each other is what we're here forr, no? I know she'll get to where she wants to be.... it's only a matter of helping to nudge where I can.

And helping me, is an understatement of what Singapoor is doing... wow, she is amazing. I asked her to put her hard on and she has kindly done so. I don't plan to throw stuff at her, but she may not know what she is in for. *nervous giggle*

My Ramblings 'bout WAH stuff
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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
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# Posted: 2 May 2009 10:25

Sadly, I've found that sometimes in life, people who know you best can react the most negatively towards a vision when you are attempting something new. And they often can't see what you're capable of until after you've already done it.

Welcome to the club! Your experience is a reality that has been shared by many of us. When we have the audacity to take a bold step in pursuit of a dream, the feedback we get from those close to us can be surprisingly less than supportive sometimes. That can play havoc with our emotional state, especially if we have a fragile sensibility.

Eventually we learn to protect our ambitions, strengthen our determination and carry on. It's only when we manage to create some momentum and can show measurable progress that our detractors make the transition and become supporters.

And life goes on...



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