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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 29
# Posted: 1 Apr 2009 15:40
Hoplinks???? Ok I have a blog and am attempting to put a hoplink form clickbank on there promoting an ebook. I am clueless. I went to the tools in clickbank and it is outlined but I just don't get it. How do I get the sales pitch page and the link on my page. I just got the signature here figured out. Is there anyone that can simplify this for me.
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 143
# Posted: 1 Apr 2009 16:36
I think I may be able to help you.
First find the product that you would like to promote. Most of them will have a hoplink generator but if they dont your link will look like this
I use a few links and am selling many products. My links look like this
sean153 = my affiliate id. the laws or 7attractor = the vendor
Now for each product, the vendor will change but your affiliate id will always be the same.
If I can be of any more assistance please drop me an email to [email protected]
Sean Keely Expect Your Success Marketing
Joined: 19 Feb 2009
Posts: 93
# Posted: 1 Apr 2009 18:26
Yes, this is correct Robin. When you find a product you want to promote you will need to click on the create hoplink. Once you click on the create hoplink then another window will pop up and will ask you for you info. Enter your info into the boxes.
You will have 2 links pop up. The top will say this is your hoplink and the other will say this is your hoplink you can put on your site. If you are putting it on your blog then you can copy the hoplink and paste it in your blog.
It would be wise to open up a blank document on wordpad or notebook and save your hoplinks that you generate.
About putting the sales page on your blog:
After you create your hoplink go to the site by using your hoplink. Most of the time you can use the pictures on the site for your promotional tools. You can copy the pictures and put them on your blog.
If you have any other questions just let us know.
Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 520
# Posted: 1 Apr 2009 20:42 · Edited by: cherie27
You can go to Clickbank Marketplace, find your product, see below
1) New** Day Trading Robot. Watch The Video. Enuff' Said... $/sale: $95.60 | Future $: - | Total $/sale: $95.60 | %/sale: 75.0% | %refd: 66.0% | grav: 223.98 view pitch page | create hoplink
Cherie Ang Build your business even if you are on a tight budget. Get tons of traffic. Free Videos!
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 29
# Posted: 2 Apr 2009 06:27
Thank you everyone. So do I just copy and paste the link onto my site? How do I get the link to read like text? Or how do I get the sales page to appear on my site? I really really appreciate yall's help.
Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 87
# Posted: 2 Apr 2009 11:43
after that.. cloak your link to prevent someone from stealing your comission
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 29
# Posted: 2 Apr 2009 14:49
Cloak my link? What is that and how? People can steel your commision? Boy am I naive. I know I am a pain, but I am very new to all of this and overwhelmed, but determined.
Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 11
# Posted: 2 Apr 2009 17:35
No problem Robin,
Nobody knows this stuff until someone tells you!
Ok, you can use for one.
If you go there you can copy and paste your clickbank affiliate link into the box on the page, press make tiny url and it will give you a shortened version of your link that cannot be stolen ( well as far as I know it can`t ). Having your affiliate link stolen does happen from time to time unfortunately so it is best to protect yourself and this is a very simple way of doing so.
Hope this helps.
From a baking hot England!! Dessie.
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 29
# Posted: 3 Apr 2009 08:33
Thanks Dessie, I will try it!!
Joined: 8 Apr 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 8 Apr 2009 10:05
Anyone could help me..please.. I am a new clickbank affiliate & i open an account almost a month now..but still, i have no positive balance on my account I have listed my questions below..i hope anyone would help me. i am desperate to know also..
1. Do i need a domain name & web host service as an affiliate? Because i want to cloak my hoplink & put inside the domain name. For example I use the tinyurl or I buy domain name to put my hoplink inside. 2. Do I need one domain name for each vendor product website that I want to promote, if i would like to promote a lot of vendor product? 3. Where to put best my hoplinks,domain name or url so that i can earn a commission for those buyers? Because I am also a month since i started to promote hoplinks on blogs,add url to google & submit site to yahoo but I still dont have positive balance. 4. What is Adwords keywords?How can it me as an affiliate in promoting vendor products? 5. How can I how up my hoplinks,domain name or url to google or yahoo search, & other search engine? Thanks in advance.. Please help to become a successful affiliate.Im jobless now.. I need to focus on this..
Joined: 9 Apr 2009
Posts: 6
# Posted: 9 Apr 2009 02:41
Hi, the other way to cloak a hoplink is to buy a domain name, and mask the hoplink with it. I heard people say that a .com URL is more trustworthy than a tinyurl when it comes to buying. Please give me feedback on this!Anybody!? Roseanne
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 959
# Posted: 12 Apr 2009 10:03
Hi Roseanne,
I use a domain name to create affiliate links. If you sign up as an SBI affiliate, you have access to NameParkIt. For $9.95 per year you can purchase a domain name and then create as many subdomains as you would like, each one redirecting to an affiliate link of your choosing.
For instance, if your domain was, you could create a subdomains to the sites you recommend like... (to one week marketing plan affiliate url) (to my online income system affiliate url) (to maverick money makers affiliate url) (to SiteBuildIt affiliate url) 
...or whatever you want to name them.
I have dozens of affiliate links redirected from my subdomains from one NPI site. It's very good value.
As to whether it makes them more trustworthy? I guess that's a matter of opinion. I like the look of it better than a cloaked url.
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 8 Apr 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 02:08
hi angie, does your pay for NameParkIt for buying a domainname worth it? How much does clickbank already paid for you as an affiliate? Have you paid for any product of clickbank for you to use? And last, do you pay for web hosting or adwords for your domain name?
I am also a new affiliate of clickbank. But, I am still undecided if i will pay for a domain name?Because its almost a month now since i joined clickbank as an affiliate but unfortunately i still have no positive balance on my account. I m already losing hope.
Thanks, waynekayne
Joined: 21 Mar 2009
Posts: 116
# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 17:01
Hi, let me give you answers.
1. Sign up with
2. Click "marketplace" to of the site
3. search any prdouct you want on the searching box
4. Under the Product name you will see thi : $/sale: $$$$ This is how much you will earn with sale.
5. Click "create hoplink" under the green sentence
6. type you clickbank ID, You could leave Tracking ID(If you don't want)
7. You will see "" This is your hoplink,
8. You will be using this on your signature in forums and emails. ex) A. [url=]Click here [/url] B. (HTML) <a href="">Click here</a>
9. Every time people click your link and make purchase, you will get commissions, and will be showed to your account balance on clickbank website.
10. Once you have sales with 5 different credicards, and 5 different buyers, you will be qualified to get paid by "Check" every week (you can set amount of check for each week at the "Account Setting"
11. You can attach to your blog same way I just told you for forums and emails
12. I am not going detail about website promotions because it costs you money.( Simpley, Sign up google adwords, pay them as much as you want, sit back watch results.)
13. To do free way, You will need to writie quality articles with your link attached at the bottom of your articles.
14. your link with HTML method) can attach website only)
15. You won't get fast results with this work, but Consistant works will be paid out!
16. Write an article a day, Do posting at forums(Help people, answer thier questions!!) and, keep updating on your blog.
I hope this will help to everyone who just joined "Affiliate Marketing"
Thank you
Happy day~^^
Joined: 19 Feb 2009
Posts: 93
# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 17:17
Wayne, You sound very confused. If you have a clickbank account you do not "need" and website to make money online. You can create blogs or other landing pages and put your hoplink there. Or you can write articles. The key is to being steady and getting your links out. The more links you have out the better your chances are to making a sell.
Adwords is a whole other ball park. This is a paid method of advertising and you need to be acquainted with the free methods before attempting paid methods.
You can browse through the forum and view the other posts that talk about free ways to get traffic.
Hope this helps clear a few things up. If you have any other questions I will be glad to help you.
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Posts: 29
# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 17:36
jaesun that was a great answer, especially number 8. You helped me also.
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 959
# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 17:42
wayne76: hi angie, does your pay for NameParkIt for buying a domainname worth it? How much does clickbank already paid for you as an affiliate? Have you paid for any product of clickbank for you to use? And last, do you pay for web hosting or adwords for your domain name? I am also a new affiliate of clickbank. But, I am still undecided if i will pay for a domain name?Because its almost a month now since i joined clickbank as an affiliate but unfortunately i still have no positive balance on my account. I m already losing hope. Thanks, waynekayne Hi Wayne,
Yes, the $10 per year I spend on my NameParkIt domain name is worth it to me. I don't use that domain at all to build my website, I simply use it to redirect to dozens of different affiliates using the method I described earlier.
I don't promote very many Clickbank products. I think there are only about 4-5 that relate to my niches that I promote on my chocolate site and my parasite site. Most of the affiliate products I promote are hardgoods and are through other affiliate programs like Commission Junction, Linkshare, GAN, etc.
As a result, I don't make a lot of sales via clickbank (probably only about a dozen or so). But some of the other members have given you ideas of how to promote Clickbank products without having a website with paid hosting.
I build and host my websites using SBI and rarely do article marketing or the other free methods any more.
Buying a domain name and using it as I described to redirect to affiliate programs is NOT necessary. It just helps me keep things simple - easy to remember the link.
Affiliate marketing can be very slow to get started with. You really need to have a pretty good understanding of what you are doing and you have to put in a lot of effort before you start seeing results.
I really didn't start making "regular" income until about 6 months into it.
You may need to read and study a bit more and determine if this is something you are willing to do for the long haul. And then just keep applying yourself until the ball starts rolling.
Blessings, Angie