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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1212
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 09:30
Yup.... I guess I will have to fess up. I got so frustrated with the time it is taking me to learn html... don't get me wrong, I am still learning it ..... but man, it is taking me awhile to get my brains wrapped around it....
In the meantime I will keep using the free methods as I had been, to make money with my lenses and blogs... and not get so sidetracked with my new toy... aka HG 
I needed to get my log furniture on a real website, as I sell it on Ebay but wanted a website for it where folks could buy that way as well... and I figured HG would b the best route for that , but I went the Weebly route for now.... as I have quite a few lenses and blogs that need something to point to other than Ebay...I used the for that, Keith.. for now anyways.
Thanks so much all you guys, for helping me with Hostgator (I am still using it and will master the wordpress thing YET...) but for now, I am just gona relax and learn it all at my leisure as I keep on doing what I have always BEEN doing... writing...researching....writing....researching...
Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 188
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 09:50
Great mountainmom.
Well html is not a tricky one, its a bit easy. Wow, nice to hear that you have started it. Keep it rolling.
But you may use MS frontpage. Do it in normal mode and verify in html mode. This way you will learn it in a faster manner.
Yes, learning researching is the best way to get things. I am concerned more on SEO now and doing a quite a lot of things. I am sleeping late night because of this. Some how I have to figure out a way...
Joined: 19 Feb 2009
Posts: 36
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 14:53
My hat goes off to you mountainmom. I am still avoiding it like the black plague. It think it intimidates me. LOL. But I'm sure one day I will be brave like you and venture towards it. Let us know how it goes for you.
Joined: 19 Nov 2008
Posts: 97
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 15:12
I feel your pain Mountainmom! My website has been in the making for almost 3 months. I too have had to learn all the basics like HTML and I also am building a Wordpress site. I have other jobs that I am working, so the website is rather on the backpage for right now, but it will come. *fingers crossed on sooner rather than later* Good Luck with it!
Matt Zenittini
Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 79
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 15:26
The good thing about coding is it is very organized. Once you learn the syntax it is incredibly simple.
Here is what I highly recommend to make the process a little less painful.
Learn CSS at the same time. Don't hate me for saying that =].
You see when you make a webpage, we will say index.html. You put a note at the top that calls on your styles.css file that you create seperate. So you can use any Styles in your styles.css file for any section of your html.
Let me explain. Say you want your links to be white through your whole website. You look up the syntax for CSS to do this and you put it in your css file.
Your website will call on your css file for the styles and all of your links will be white.
This is much much simpler than learning all of the HTML coding because css is easy to use and can do a TON of things. It is also cool that you can call on different parts of your stylesheet in your HTML coding.
So in your styles.css you can have 3 different styles for paragraphs.
That way when you are coding a paragraph in your html file you can choose which style paragraph you want to use. This can determine link colors, font, size, text color, hover color, underlines, bolds, etc etc etc.
It is fun =] funfun.
And you dont have to "know it" to start using it. Just look up syntax and add it there. That is how I learned!
Good luck,
Matthew Zenittini
*Coming Soon*
This Space Is Intentionally Left Blank =].
Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 907
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 20:52
Hi Viola,
You have my sympathies and commiserations. I decided to upload my own html on my newest site (still hosted through SBI) a couple of months ago.
It was a bit challenging at first, but I started to get the hang of it. Yes, Matthew, CSS is quite nice too.
Sad to say, I've gotten busy and bogged down with other things and had to put adding to that site on hold for a little while. I just know that when I get back to it, it's going to all look like Greek again. I'm hoping that it won't take me quite as long to "remember" how it all works as it did to get it in the first place.
Maybe taking the pressure off of yourself will actually make it easier to grasp in the long run. 
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1212
# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 21:07
You are all so nice and encouraging.... serious.... it is so nice to know that I am not the only one.
Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 01:00
As an experienced computer type, I found HTML fairly simple. But as a friend of mine said when I remarked that something he wanted to do on the computer was "easy", "Easy for you, but it's hard for me."
I agree with Matt. Take the time to learn CSS. I shied away from it at first because I didn't understand "Cascading Style Sheets." Forget the "Cascading" part. It's just a way to eliminate all the <font> <strong>, and myriad of other tags and make your HTML look niice and neat and much easier to find and change things.
Good luck, and if you need some help, you have my email about Montana.
Cheers, Mike
Mike Wealth Coach Make 50K in 2 months with expert help
Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 461
# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 01:43
samueldarwin: Well html is not a tricky one, its a bit easy. Wow, nice to hear that you have started it. Keep it rolling. I agree with Samuel. Do your web page in WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) HTML editor. From there, switch your editor to the designer. Design on your web page. Then switch it to html coding editor. And compare the code. You will learn it faster.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1545
# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 10:17 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Hi Mountain,
I'd say putting HG and WP in slow mode for a while is a great call as it's no small task to learn and takes a long time.
I suggest that you a pick up a good book on HTML and CSS.
We used this one in class and it is currently in its sixth edition (for good reason):
HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition (Visual Quickstart Guide) by Elizabeth Castro.
It has step-by-step lessons and you can practice right on your desktop.
Mine is actually the 4th edition and I have it in my desk right here. I use it for a reference. There are some issues in the 4th and 5th editions.
Make sure get the 6th or higher edition. It addresses most issues but it's still not a perfect book. Then again, I haven't found a better first book for learning HTML and CSS.
Only warning is learn the HTML table stuff but understand that it slows load time down quite a bit. It's better to learn CSS positioning as it is clean and fast (even though it's very tricky at first since it affects page elements in strange and unpredictable ways).
I also use w3schools as a reference. You can check them out as well to satisfy your curiosity and to get a fairly decent taste but be sure to get a book to truly understand it.
You'll get there. All good things take time ;)
You might start another domain on your multiple account to experiment with. It'll only cost you an additional $10-15/year for the domain name. You can password protect it if you don't want the public to see it.
Good luck,
~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1212
# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 10:28
Newbie Shield: You might start another domain on your multiple account to experiment with. It'll only cost you an additional $10-15/year for the domain name. You can password protect it if you don't want the public to see it. Thanks - that is what I plan to do... someday.