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One site or multiple sites?

General Advice Work at Home Forum / General Advice / One site or multiple sites?
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Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 761

# Posted: 4 Apr 2006 07:48

Prior to starting this forum, I used to devote my time equally to few of affiliate sites I own. Later I felt that instead of distributing my time to number of sites, I would rather focus on one and create the best.

However, I found that even though I had stopped devoting my time to my other sites long back, they are still consistently performing and delivering. On the contrary, although this forum is doing well, it sometimes makes me think that it is better to have 10 sites earning $1 each than one site earning $10.

What's your say?

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Posts: 220

# Posted: 4 Apr 2006 08:29

It's quite right, but developing a website is no more than easy these days in this competition world... if you already earning with these sites, just think about 'whether it takes much time daily to promote those sites', if u think the traffic for those sites is coming automatically like from SE's, Links from other sites and not doing daily works to promote... then probably u should have those sites running that delivering atleast a few $$$ (apart from the costs of hosting and domain)

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# Posted: 4 Apr 2006 11:23

Hey Vishal,

As they say... "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"

That's my objective, to have more than a few sites working at one time. Some (like my blog) need work everyday.

Others like my PolBlog and Website only get attention about once a week, but still produce results.

This way if one of the sites falls off the search engine map, I don't lose all my income. It's good to have back-up just in case.

Just my 2 cents,



Joined: 15 Sep 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 16:55

You always should have more than one site. Many things can happen to a site.
If you find something that works. Duplicate it. Or try something new so that you are not dependent on on source of income.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1353

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 21:41

If you have a single website, you can lose most of your income if it falls off the SERPs. For multiple websites, your income is more diversified. Also some niche do better than others and you never know unless you try.

Robert Willson

Joined: 18 Sep 2006
Posts: 3

# Posted: 18 Sep 2006 14:00

The Multi site method is the way to go. As was said before you do not want all your eggs in one basket.

Your one site could be banned, hacked, blacklisted, whatever.

Also if you have multipual sites you have multipial link partners

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