Joined: 9 Dec 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 9 Dec 2008 10:56
Thanks for taking the time to read this! I will be launching a new video email service in the early part of the New Year and I am just finishing up programming the interface that will allow clients to create the video emails by using their web camera or uploading pre-recorded videos. I know this isn't a new idea, and their are about a dozen or so other companies that do this. My goal is to make the service a lot more affordable than the other companies and to have some new features they don't have. I want to market this idea as a home based business opportunity (not MLM) where resellers will have their own websites (with their own chosen domain) from which to market the service. We will also include viral links back to their sites from the video emails that are created. I am very keen to do this right and therefore want to canvas people who have been involved in home based business opportunities to find out the things they hated and loved about the experiences they had. I will be providing full support and commission will be paid on every single sale, and not once a certain level has been reached. I would appreciate any comments you have and will take them on board so the opportunity I offer will really be a true and fair way for people to really earn money from home. Thanks for your time!