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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 11:01
Why do so many people lie in an attempt to sell a product online? Why not tell the whole truth from the start? Why do I have to pay to learn the truth than ask for a refund?
Just wondering...
Phil Stones
Joined: 1 Oct 2008
Posts: 112
# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 12:59
Yes I know what you mean - but it is worth it once you get going.
Joined: 5 Mar 2008
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# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 13:33
Unfortunately, it's all part of the learning process when building an online business. I know I've learned my share of lessons since starting.
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# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 15:19
It stinks when people lie, but there are honest people out there...
Joined: 2 Dec 2008
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# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 18:23
I think the key is if you have been scammed (which many of us have) you will feel a need to be honest to the comsumer. After all it is good for busniess if you sell something and the customer likes it and tells a friend, who tells a friend, ect. I work for a great company during the day that runs on the value of service and quality...and they do well versus others in the same field who cheat their customers.
Joined: 7 Aug 2008
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# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 21:51
Sometimes people use sleezey sales tactics to make a quick buck. They may end up with some cash today, but ultimately they have no long term income, and high attrition.
I personally despise this type of marketing and selling, and wonder how long those people will be around. But sometimes it seems like one leaves and another one starts. If they could only see the benefits in having a solid team and providing value...
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# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 21:51
People who lie only make a profit in the short term, they lose trust
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2008 00:34
Research...research...research...what did you get ripped off on?
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2008 07:39
Hi whocares,
As Mountain pointed out, the best defense is to research well before you spend your hard-earned cash.
It's best to ignore the dishonest and instead put your attention on building your future.
~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2008 08:47
I didn't really get ripped off... I just learned the real truth about online surveys the hard way
Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 3 Dec 2008 10:05
DITTO! I learned the truth about online surveys the hard way too. Don't trust or believe any of THEM!!
Joined: 4 Dec 2008
Posts: 92
# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 03:35
I'm right in there with ya. Luckily, thanks to places on the web like this very website, you can find real people with honest answers. Forums are great because you get a broad span of opinion from people that actually want to help jump-start your business endeavors, without shoving sales down your throat. Tread cautiously, but don't give up hope! Remember, most of us are in the same boat.
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# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 07:09
Yeah I know that some Work at home are scams but not all, If you put time and dedication to a legit program, you can make very good money. Most people are too lazy to do the programs. They think that if you buy the program info you don't have to spend more money. Its more to that, but in the end everything pays for itself.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 07:29
whocares: Why do so many people lie in an attempt to sell a product online? Why not tell the whole truth from the start? Why do I have to pay to learn the truth than ask for a refund?
The same reason they lie to sell a product offline. Greed and lack of conscience. 
How many times have you seen claims of pills or potions giving marvelous results? You buy into the hype expecting to drop excess weight with little or no effort, etc., only to be hugely disappointed in the product results.
It's not a new practice, just a new way of presenting it.
The old adage of 'if it seems too good to be true...' should never be forgotten. 
As others have said before me, be sure to check out anything as thoroughly as you can before you take the plunge. Find people who have actually used the product or service for some length of time and have had positive results.
That won't eliminate all disappointments, but it's quite likely to reduce them.
Blessings, Angie
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 251
# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 09:02
l think the ling is what sell. look at the tv commercials with the celebrity. all promising miracles of this products working and when you buy it what happens. try programs like ripoff .com12, research any programs before joining. ask in the forum some one some how might know something about them. good luck
Joined: 27 Aug 2008
Posts: 56
# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 11:36
whocares: Why do so many people lie in an attempt to sell a product online? Why not tell the whole truth from the start? Why do I have to pay to learn the truth than ask for a refund? Just wondering...
I often wonder the same thing. I reckon that many companies/individuals spend more money on advertising shotty products than they do on product development.
One of the best ways to research a product before buying is asking about it in forums like You get honest opinions from peope who have tried the product.
More people should start getting refunds on products that don't remotely deliver on the sales pitch. maybe the people providing the sub standard service/product will re-consider selling products that dont deliver once their sales start dropping.
Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 348
# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 12:13
whocares: Why do so many people lie in an attempt to sell a product online? Why not tell the whole truth from the start? Why do I have to pay to learn the truth than ask for a refund? Some people lie because they are too lazy, greedy, sleezy or indifferent to make the effort to truly understand the benefits of the product they are offering.
Consequently they make up stuff that they think will sound impressive and appeal to others who think just like them. These peddlers are uncomfortable with competition; they refuse to accept that it's a natural function of the marketplace and that the winners will be those who do the best job of marketing.
Since these misguided wannabes usually don't have any solid marketing skills to speak of, they try to shortcut the process and lie. It never gets them very far for very long. Word soon gets around and they are exposed for the liars and cheats that they are.
If you've been a victim of one of these con artists, chalk it up to experience and view it as an investment that will strengthen your judgment and benefit you in the future.
And if it's any consolation to you, most successful online marketers have been scammed at least once in their experience, so you're in pretty good company.
Joined: 25 Nov 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 5 Dec 2008 13:56
Just the plain truth can go a long way in the long run. I wish people would understand that. As Abraham Lincoln once said: "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time".
Joined: 10 Nov 2008
Posts: 13
# Posted: 7 Dec 2008 00:00
Forget all the scams and start a real home or internet business for a few hundred bucks. And no, I'm not saying pay me to show you how. I'm sharing all of the info I've found for free. Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for.
Joined: 8 Dec 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 8 Dec 2008 12:25
I know what you mean that is why I hate lead capture pages and dont use them in my Marketing. You can find out all you need to know right from the start.
I dont know why people would much rather waste time not telling you what it is to then later lose a contact plus business. I was sucked into one called the MomTeam, I think they have a new name now but they were selling good products just never would tell me what it was until I would pay the 300.00 to join so I never joined ended up finding out from someone who did.
This goes back to the old Amway days when they had to hide the business they represented from their prospects because everyone hated Amway. Quixtar still uses this same marketing tactic today.
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# Posted: 10 Dec 2008 21:41
whocares: I didn't really get ripped off... I just learned the real truth about online surveys the hard way
Hmm......I've made real money from online surveys, maybe you were just looking in the wrong places? 
Having said that, I eventually stopped spending time with online surveys because there are frankly more profitable ways of spending that time.
Joined: 9 Dec 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 10 Dec 2008 22:30 · Edited by: matt7
I think a lot of people lie and shoot so much crap because they think it is the only way to sell. Unfortunately, it seems there is more dishonesty on the internet than honesty.
The way I see it though, if you lie to people, they will see through it eventually. I guess the bad thing is, a lot of them just don't care to scam people. If you're going to build a lasting and growing business I feel that you just can't do that to people. It will come back on you.
Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 14
# Posted: 10 Dec 2008 23:16
From my experience, it is all about the time you put in doing research. All of those get rich quick schemes are all about exploiting the quick buck method. If you take the time to talk to knowledgeable people (this forum), you will be much better off when deciding on a program to work from.
Joined: 9 Mar 2008
Posts: 239
# Posted: 11 Dec 2008 10:16 · Edited by: annadenise
cmw6300: From my experience, it is all about the time you put in doing research. All of those get rich quick schemes are all about exploiting the quick buck method. If you take the time to talk to knowledgeable people (this forum), you will be much better off when deciding on a program to work from.
This is so true. The really flashy, get rich quick websites should be a clue right away to stay away. If everyone could makes thousands of dollars the minute they join something we'd all be retired. Also, look how long the company has been in business, who the owners are, can they be easily contacted, and check for complaints, those are pretty easy to find on the internet.
I saw this quote, and really liked it and think it is pertinent in this thread.
Quote from the book "Get Rich Slow: "People have been lied to so much about quick wealth in network marketing that the "REAL THING" looks boring. Anyone who is willing to lie can always make something sound great. The difference is, the "boring" truth can set you free financially, but the lies will cost you precious years of your life and may very well destroy your financial future."