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Re: Anyone know of home businesses that don't rely on referrals?

General Advice Work at Home Forum / General Advice / Re: Anyone know of home businesses that don't rely on referrals?
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Joined: 13 May 2006
Posts: 4

# Posted: 13 May 2006 20:37

You can try my website and see if you would like what I do. There is NO cold calling or HOUNDING your friends and relatives. You do have to do some internet advertising to get leads. But, they give you 3 free websites to promote and all the training you can imagine. A really family friendly group, always willing to help others succeed!!!!


Joined: 13 Nov 2005
Posts: 89

# Posted: 13 May 2006 21:03

I would also not discount using ezine advertising - especially SOLO ads which can get your product (like an e-book) in front of thousands of viewers for a pretty low price. Just do a search on Google and you'll find many of them.

Good luck,


Joined: 23 Apr 2006
Posts: 10

# Posted: 14 May 2006 03:27

If you don't want to use referrals then MLM is clearly off the list.

I would suggest looking into affiliate marketing or maybe adsense site production.


Joined: 23 Mar 2006
Posts: 29

# Posted: 16 May 2006 20:56

Referrals are great when:

The person who started this thread asks for "Anyone who knows any great erferal based businesses that I can do from home" NOT when the originator of the thread specifically says "Does anyone know any businesses WHICH ARE NOT BASED ON REFERALS"

Its very simple.

If you are offering a business which makes income by finding other people.... this is the WRONG thread


Joined: 5 Nov 2006
Posts: 23

# Posted: 12 Nov 2006 05:20

Hi Andrea,

I market a forex trading tool. Even though there is an avenue for earning referral fee, but the trading tool helps me make money from the forex market whether I market the tool or not. Because the tool is so easy to use, many are new forex traders and are benefitting from it.

I log my trading progress at [Link removed. Please update your signature through "Preferences" - Admin] and you may also view what other users say.

Anyway, I am passive in sharing this tool basically because I still benefit from the forex market. But then again, if it's helping me, I thought it's also just good to share with people who are keen. I have been trading forex since 2003, and started using this tool when it was newly launched in Apr 2006. So far, it's been great. Well, there is a 15 day trial to try out absolutely free, so, just explore and if it suits you, just explore further, if it's not for you, it's absolutely fine. You don't lose anything, you still gained an experience in trading forex! Oh yes, you can trade in the forex market using virtual money first to test out.

Quoting: Andrea

Anyone know of any home businesses that don't rely on recruiting referrals?

I look forward to hearing from you.



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