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Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Posts: 15
# Posted: 3 Aug 2009 13:34
I dread checking my email....I have a bad it just me, or did anyone else have a hard time offering sales to people that are pis*ed about C*T* shady ways? They have asked so much of us, & now to just boot us is ....... expected, I guess.. I cannot believe there are not more people on here talking about it??? So, if we are on the boot list, where do we go from here? I see others wait foreva for another skill invite...I am a damn hard worker, I always pick up trades, I give excellent customer service, and I try, I really try to offer sales, I have my good days, and my bad days too, but I get people calling me names, cussing me out, because they see me as "C*T*..I represent the company, and we take the real heat for them. These people cry, beg to get out of default, scream, and when they are done, they want to hang up...there is no time for offers in between having to apologise for my company, and trying to make things right for these people that C*T* has screwed! so, what now? Please let me know...AM I THE ONLY ONE???
Joined: 18 Dec 2008
Posts: 92
# Posted: 3 Aug 2009 13:45
No AMYG you are not alone ,there are many people who feel the same way. I started a thread Entitled C*T* urgent news talking about the recent notification of downsizing. In it I spoke about trying to sell product to people who call upset and want the APR lowered on the acct and you cant then we are suppose to say but will ya buy something from me.
I was also suprised not more people were on here talking about the situation. I did get the training supplemental email today so I scheduled hrs for it tonight so if I get the boot at least I will get the extra money
My team leader sent an email saying she doesnt know anymore than what the letter stated BUT PLEASE PICK UP HOURS!!!!!!!!!!
She also said there will be new team assignments if we are SELECTED to stay on the line group. I have been checking my email everday for the ADIOS email Guess no one is really talkingabout it
sweet child o mine
Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Posts: 15
# Posted: 3 Aug 2009 14:20
well, at least I am not the only one! I pray for a good outcome, not that I am happy with C*T*, but it is a job, and I do like West. I also work for west*t..just waiting for my project to start....adios email, hahahahhehehe, I am waiting too!~let me know if you get one, and I will do the same, just working on my supplimentals as we speak : )
Joined: 17 May 2009
Posts: 14
# Posted: 4 Aug 2009 16:56
hey amyg, suni 315 is correct I also commented on her thred as well. I got a pin for not doing a rebuttle. The push for you to just make the offer and then pin you because the cm says no and you dont rebut. Its like a lose lose situation. Now we have to take this additional webinar, which I am willing to take for the money, but if the client dosen't have the money, job or time they are not going to buy. Especially if they are calling angry already for the CIT, APR, fin chg, and late fees. These clients are pissed ay c*t*.
Well no news is good new so far, I will just keep working until they send me a letter and pray for the best. Do you all think we can get unemployment if they can't give us another skill.
Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Posts: 15
# Posted: 4 Aug 2009 17:44
No news here yet, either..I think for sure we can get unemployment..I read up on it alot at the workplacelikehome forum..Alot of people on there talk about themselves getting it while they work for west..they dont get enough hours, so they also get unempl. to compensate, some were saying west fought it, but most got theirs! So, we'll see..yeah, the webinar is rediculous, and it says we have to take a quiz afterwards, and if we dont get a 90 or above, we will have serious consequences...sigh
Joined: 18 Dec 2008
Posts: 92
# Posted: 4 Aug 2009 19:33
Well I did get a new team leader today and he says the webinars are mandatory fine!! But he also said he feels as a team we should take them together well that would be great as well except I have another job to attend while I wait to maybe get the boot from C*T* I am not sure I would to much mind getting the boot really it is very stressful for the pay. I could barely get one sales offer in let alone a second. I tried it a few times last week and kept getting hung up on. When that happens I cant say ITS BEEN MY PLLLEEASURE SERVICING YOUR ACCT TODAY IF THERES ANYTHING I CAN DO TO PISS YOU OFF IN THE FUTURE PLEASE GIVE US A CALL ANYTIME!!!!!!!! Which I got points deducted from my feedback for not branding and inviting back. I was like really did you hear what happened sherlock the FRICKIN customer hung up. Then I recieved an automatic service fail and got a big fat ZERO because I had a client on hold for 2. 03 seconds because sawgrass was frozen and I couldnt click on anything. I cringe when I answer the phone because I know the call is going to SUCK. There are so many CIT and default accounts, and if they are not in default well they are gettin a CIT anyway so it doesnt really matter late fees, FC inquiries that is the basic makeup of the calls I get. After two hours I could pull my freakin hair out if it werent already falling out in the floor at my desk They want you to give a rebuttal and a feature and a benefit if they sat no 1 more feature and one benefit and if they say no repeat with offering of the next product followed by benefits feature Now that is absurd and to me doesnot make good business sense. Let me know if ya hear anything guys and girls
sweet child o mine
Joined: 17 May 2009
Posts: 14
# Posted: 5 Aug 2009 17:15
I have also received a new teamleader, what is that about. It looks like I will be taking the class on Friday. I told my old team leader I was not avail on Sat to take. I am so confused now I don;t know who is my team leader. I too don't really care at this either, this wa suppose to be strees free work for me. I will take the unemployment and possibily pull from my previous job.
Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Posts: 15
# Posted: 5 Aug 2009 19:04
Too bad I havent gotten a new team lead! Mine is some kinda CRAZY! I got a call from her today, telling me I am getting a step 3 pin for ok, get this....I am doing a balance transfer, and I tell the lady, 0% until 5/1/10, and that has a 3% fee, or $5 minimum, and there is no my pin is for not saying 3% fee PER BALANCE TRANSFER, & so on & so on. We were never told to say PER BALANCE TRANSFER..everytime we are giving the details of that impeticular offer. we were only doing that one this all seems so petty, and thats what I told her, she said she did not want to pin me,. but CITI said she had to. GIVE ME A BREAK! my team lead knows I try so hard to do a good job, I work all the time, and I have NEVER HAD AN ISSUE. Always read verbatims, and now this? they are just trying to get people to quit so they dont have to [pay unemployment, or whatever, but citi is so so foolish! they are alll FOOLS! ANY WORDS YET, ON THE adios EMAIL?.........NOTHING HERE YET