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Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 20:42

Has anyone been hired for the DirectTV position yet???, if so how is it going?...I start training as soon as I pass my Drug Test.....


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Posts: 44

# Posted: 5 Dec 2008 20:36

I'll answer this myself, I started training yesterday, and WOW what a beating!!!, BE WARNED, if you have no experience with cable/dish Billing systems this will be DIFFICULT for you, granted I have never been a CSR but I do have 20 years experience with these companies and do have exposure to these systems...It is not impossible but the problem is that you will be using DTV's training system and due to the fact you are working at home ALOT (about 25%) of the training resources are not available to you!!!, also, if you do start the training don't worry about the quizzes, they are not graded and have some faults to them, about 2-5% of the questions have no correct answer.....Good Luck To All


Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 2 Jan 2009 20:51

hi, joe
i just got hired to work same skill, waiting on drug test results, how is it going so far?


Joined: 6 Jan 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 6 Jan 2009 20:46

Be warned; fail and you're out!!!!!! I was logged out due to my scheduled time had expired and it registered a fail. They are VERY strict. Seems like a well run company. I read through their financials and it's very legit. Wish I could work for them.


Joined: 7 Jan 2009
Posts: 38

# Posted: 8 Jan 2009 21:54 · Edited by: Buckwheat


How is it going with this training? I use to work DTV when I worked at a West call center as well as DTV itself. I really enjoyed working with the customer and fixing problems. I really do hope I can get this skill since I have been trained in it already. Its been a while but I think I can pick it up quick.

Good Luck!



Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 8 Jan 2009 22:47

Hey guys..Well its going alright...if you have experience with different call center applications then you're GOOD to GO!!!...if not then be ready for some frustration, I just finished my first 2 shifts and everything was easy till I disco'd this guys whole account by accident and got no real help from my pal. other than push this button, push this, there its fixed...well when I got back on the phone with the customer IT WASN'T he was more pissed...oh well I laugh it off...they(west) have much learning to do with their training as it lacks ALOT( I have designed and delivered training in technical roles) ...You can't use half of DTV's Training aids til you're actually taking calls...for Buck it would be easy as you already know Doris, OMS and Rio systems...for me I come from the cable world and I know CSG....totally different...good luck to all..........Don't get discouraged, if you got some common sense and patience you'll be okay....

One last thing...KEEP TRACK OF YOUR TIME IN TRAINING AS IT LOGS YOU OUT PERIODICALLY AND WILL SCREW YOU OUT OF YOUR TIME!!!!!! I recommend every 10 minutes or so make sure all your applications are up and running and your not being logged out...if you are...then log out of everything and log back in...I lost 2hours of pay while studying some their stuff when in the background I had been timed out for inactivity!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Good Luck and a Happy New Year To All!!!!!!!!!!



Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 9 Jan 2009 18:36

thanks joe,

i started training, and youre right i kept getting logged out. i am excited though, called a pal (who was great) when i got stuck and she helped me out, told me be patient and that it does get easier.

buck good luck to you as well,



Joined: 7 Jan 2009
Posts: 38

# Posted: 10 Jan 2009 02:36

Thanks Joe and Debbie

Excellent! Well I did get assigned the the DTV skill and I was jumping for joy. Training is now pending drug screen results. The reason I like this skill is because it is more than just taking orders. You actually get to help fix customer issues which will give you a great feel of satifaction when the customer hangs up with his service restored and he can watch TV. When I worked in the DTV call center we had extremely busy times of the day between 5 and 8pm and during major sporting events. So I expect to stay busy on this skill.

Till next time!



Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 10 Jan 2009 11:46 · Edited by: wahnewbie

Okay, I am now so frustrated - I have actually been training for approx 12 hrs, system says only eight, Joe, how do you stop this, I flip back n forth clicking on the screens to stay active, when the message pops up I click it for more time - I still get logged out, only problem you dont know you are logged out until you go to next module. Also on the training modules, some of the pages dont even show.

Sorry Guys, just wanted to vent some frustations - Joe have you been able to pick up many hours?

Thanks, Debbie


Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 10 Jan 2009 20:35


Sorry to hear that, I fyou have a good pc and Internet, just log out and right back in every 30 minutes...I understand your frustration...for the hours your missing...2 ways to get paid...the "training while doing something else on the PC way" or fight with HR which I can almost guarantee will get you nowhere....sorry for the frustration, I have to fight now for 1.5 hours of me being locked out of scheduled work hours when my passwords wouldn't work and they told me to try every 15 minutes , my PAL told me that I would be paid, but low-n-behold I looked at my time sheet and out of the 2 hours I tried this every 15 minutes I got paid a whopping 38 minutes....but all-in-all its worth it in the end, there are more hours available than anyone could even want right now....I could work till midnight tonight if I wanted to pick up the hours...spread the word and make sure "we" check the "trades" for people who need to get rid of a shift instead of just picking up the our co-workers out that need to get rid of that shift for whatever reason.....

GL Debbie,

PS: If you have a problem with the test, call a PAL, they will help you pass, they told me that AFTER I passed everything



Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 10:26

Morning Joe,

Thanks for the uplifting words, I am now on hold with training - waiting on log in for rio, however, while talking to the PAL she signed me up for a recurring schedule. I still have to log them in spectrum though. I cant wait to get started. I live in Florida and the min wage is 7.21 I asked the pal what the pay would be and she said I can see that info on the website. Do you know where to find this info. thanks again for your help and comments.



Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 11:00

Actually it shows in spectrum...for me personally my OJT hours were 8.00/hr, then a pal called me today and told me I was being switched to production and bumped to 10.00 for all weekend hours, and that there was room for even more raises, this by far one of the best paying projects from west, and its by the hour not the minute/per talk time....


Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 11:03

thanks joe, I am doing training now, i went in printed the test, then i go to doris and find the answers , this way i can keep going instead of waiting to receive the email with new logins - do you think this is ok?


Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 11:06

Not sure what u mean you printed the test? (what test)..what logins are you waiting on, or are you talking about the "ace" portion to be active is that what you're waiting on?


Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 11:14

in training onboarding there are 6 components - sect 4 is rio -( i cant access this), when i called a pal, i was told WAH has to send the credentials and i will get the sign in info mailed to me. this has caused a delay with training because i cant view the proper screens to complete the section i am working. when it says click on rio - it doesnt open (due to me not having sign on rights), SO - i just kept going thru the modules (referring back to D@RI@) and at the end when you get to the test (you can print it) i go back review the sections and answer. - hope that explains what i am doing - i dont want to get in trouble


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Posts: 44

# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 11:15

I was never able to log-in to rio!!!!!until the day I started working...just continue with what you're doing and get through the training


Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 11:09

I know How much the training pays but How much does the actual Job for Direct Tv pay? I know they need evening hours which is best the time I can work. How much does that pay?


Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 13

# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 16:11 · Edited by: tinascottnaidan

I finished On Boarding and now am in ACE, after this how much more training is there? I feel like I have been training forever. Also, I have seen others complain about not being able to get hours, is it the same with DTV? Is the pay scale different when you actually start working? Thanks again.


Joined: 2 Dec 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 20:42

Read my above post....8.00 and 10.00 per hour


Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 13

# Posted: 15 Jan 2009 09:05

Thanks for the info, although I cant seem to find how much more training after ACE. Do you go live then or is there something else? I am on the last section of ACE now. This is a TON of information. I know you said there are a lot of hours, can you pick yours say a week or two in advance? While training I am always booking the next weeks hours so I get what I want.


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Posts: 44

# Posted: 15 Jan 2009 13:15 · Edited by: joeboxer337

Yes you will take live calls after the ACE webinar is complete, i logged about 10-15 hours before they made me "Production", I gues it depends all on how you do, but I called my during just about every call,LOL for those 1st 10-15 hours, heck I still call them alot, don't stress over it, trust after my 1st 2 call taking sessions my wife thought I was going to lose it!!!It gets better with practice and time...Good Luck to all!! They wont offer any advance hours till after your ACE OJT hoours, then you can pick a permanent schedule, but not just for 1 or 2 weeks in advance


Joined: 2 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

# Posted: 15 Jan 2009 20:50

Hi Joe,

Quick update, all is going well so far with training, how are calls going? I figure I should be done in about 5 more days, do a lot of your callers ask all the tech stuff like cabling and connections (that is so hard for me) Well have a good one



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# Posted: 15 Jan 2009 22:31

It really is a cover all position, for me the billing crap is hard, for you the cabling, so we'll just forward calls to each other...JK...really just get used to the doris links for the equipment stuff and if all else fails send them to technical services..I am learning there are 3 types of pals up there at west...1. they fix it and hang up on you 2.they tell you where the "guide" is in doris(even though that is just as confusing at times). 3. The ones who know there job and WALK YOU thru the situation so you can learn it!!!!!!....personall I like the number 3 alot more than 1 or 2..........but over all not bad...I like a challenge, but I hate a challenge that I feel as though I have been not trained as well as possible...


Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 16 Jan 2009 21:37

So who else was kinda disappointed with today's focus call?


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Posts: 19

# Posted: 17 Jan 2009 12:59

what is a focus call?

thanks, Debbie


Joined: 16 Jan 2009
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# Posted: 17 Jan 2009 18:22

It's sort of like the webinars, it was for people who were in production or training, but you had to choose to sign up for it.


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# Posted: 17 Jan 2009 18:58

Wow I cant even get my 20 hours next week....#1 there's only 19 left on the schedule, and secondly most of them are doing my regular work hours...what a disappointment.....................I can't believe there are no Sunday hours available what so ever already!!!

And yes the focus call was a joke really!!!


Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 18 Jan 2009 11:54

I just started training on Dtv on Wednesday and I wanted to know what comes after onboard training?


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Posts: 38

# Posted: 19 Jan 2009 00:20

I just got a email from West stating if we complete all the DTV training and OJT on or before Feb 28th there is a $50 bonus in it. Anyone else get this? I got ten days to get through it all. Think I am going to quit my other job and devote all my time to getting this done. My other job sucks anyway and pays less than DTV. I am ready to go all out.



Joined: 13 Jan 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 19 Jan 2009 00:48

Hello, still waiting to start training. Will I need a headset for the course? Will there be practice calls as a part of training?

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