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New to West, questions....

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Joined: 12 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 12 Nov 2008 11:47
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I was just hired by West and the only thing I have left to do is sign up for my initial skill. The only one they have available right now is Direct Response. It doesn't really appeal to me because I don't want to have sale anything to anyone when they call or have to read from a script. Is it as bad as I've been reading about? Also will other skills become available or is only having one there the norm? How long to do I have before I have to sign up for a skill even if I don't like it? I'm scared I will miss out on a job with them and have to start all over. Thank you for any input.


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# Posted: 13 Nov 2008 11:36
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I'm new to West too, and in training for DR. I think from what I understand it's the only skill available right now, so I took it. I've read all the negative feedback too, but I'm still giving it a try. The training is easy enough, but a lot of info to absorb. I'm not thrilled about upselling and yes you do have to read from a script, but I don't mind that. I was afraid I was going to lose it too so I signed up for the training, as it told me to sign up within 5 days of being hired. Hope this helps.


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# Posted: 13 Nov 2008 19:34
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Well I just went and checked to see if anything else was being offered and now they have VM activation and DR listed. I'm wondering if I wait another day or two if there will be something else. Does anyone know what else they offer during this time of year? or should I just pick one of these?

How long have you been doing the training caterina461? Do you know what the pay will be?


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# Posted: 13 Nov 2008 19:54
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i only have DR listed under training VM is not there. i'm not sure what the pay is that's got me puzzled too. i don't know the per minute rate of DR. i've been training 2 weeks, on and off, i have until tuesday to finish.


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# Posted: 13 Nov 2008 20:03
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Maybe I better take the VM while I can. I just reread my welcome letter and it stated that based on business needs they will assign a skill to you if one is not chosen and choose a skill within 1 day if you don't want that to happen....ugh!

The not knowing what I'm going to get paid or if I'll get hours I need is kinda making me nervous but I guess since we choose our own hours it shouldn't be too bad, right? How many hours per day do you do training? I have two children in school so I plan on doing the training then or at night when they are asleep. Thank goodness for tivo, lol.


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# Posted: 14 Nov 2008 08:24
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the training is selp paced. depending on the skill they give you a set number of hours and days that it has to be completed by, so you'll have no problem scheduling your training around the kiddies.


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# Posted: 14 Nov 2008 08:58
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I went back this morning and they had added GE but when I clicked on View Skill it said that recruitment was already closed. I had just looked at the Skill assignment list 8 hours earlier. When do they post these jobs? In the middle of the night? It was midnight when I had last checked. Guess I will try VM.

Thanks for the help caterina461


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# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 08:45
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you 're welcome! the only thing i ever see available is DR. am i missing something? nothing else has ever come up. are you just looking at training and view skills? maybe it's because i chose DR already and i guess i need to finish the training and start with it before another one shows up? not sure.....


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# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 09:42
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i was wondering if anyone knows what the ranking means and how its possible to move up


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# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 10:07
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Hi i was wondering if anyone here could explain the ranking and how it works in regards to the DR skill?

Thanks in advance



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# Posted: 16 Nov 2008 11:18
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caterina461 I think once you choose a skill you will not be offered any others while your training.


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# Posted: 16 Nov 2008 12:21
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yes i think you're right i am going to complete training today and then see what the next step is.

Nicole i'm too new and i don't really know anything about the ranking yet. maybe some of the other threads with the more seasoned veterans can help?


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# Posted: 19 Nov 2008 14:45
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Hi, I just got my first skill last night. It happens to be the one I fear the most DR. I have read so much negative on it that I dread it. I haven't started the training yet. What happens if you resign from the line before you start training? Will the give you another option or do I just need to try it out and maybe it isn't as bas as I read. Thanks!


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# Posted: 19 Nov 2008 14:55
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Since you all are new to west, could you let me know how long it took west to actually hire you? I have sent in all my paperwork as of last week. I know this company is huge, but what was your experience with waiting to be hired?

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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 00:19
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It all went very fast for me once I received the email request for forms. I faxed my Work Authorization form and the next day received the Welcome letter to sign on and pick a skill. I'm not sure why I got "lucky", it seems half of us have a quick hire and the other half takes longer. Maybe it just depends on who gets your name at the office.


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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 00:20
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Karileetx, I'm new too but from what I understand if you resign before you even start it takes a while to get offered another skill. There really doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason when it comes to the skills. Good luck


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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 08:28
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Thanks Shawn! I think your right..some people get the go head rather quickly while others are waiting months. Wish me luck
Hopefully, I won't get the DR! Seems everyone prefers other skills over that one

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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 08:40
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Shawn thanks so much for the reply. Wow, I had a few mistakes in spelling on that question!
Thank you for the good luck wish. I think I am going to need it!

Rosie - I wish you good luck on being a quick hire.


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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 08:49
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I just finished training on DR and had my one on one with a PAL. Now I'm ready to pick up hours and I'm seriously considering whether to just give it a try 30 minutes at a time or resigning from the skill. I am really not comfortable with the apo's and upsells and am really confused on what to do next!


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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 09:01
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Thanks Karilee! *fingers crossed*
I think if I got the DR skill though, I would just work it and wait for another skill to arise. Then, jump all over! Upsells are tough

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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 09:14
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Not sure if it is true but I read somewhere that with DR you have to resign to get a new skill. Does anyone know if that is true?

Caterina - If you start working with DR let me know how it goes. How was the training part? Good luck with your decision.


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# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 09:36
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Oh, and question for those who are already working for west. What hours or times do you see open the most? Or, what hours/days pay the best? Thanks guys!

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# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 20:15
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Hello to All!

Just received my "you're hired" email. Problem is, I dont have DSL or cable yet. Will probably have next week since I'm moving. My question is How soon do I have to respond to this email before the offer is rescinded? Any input would help!

Thanks to All!!!


Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 23:52
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I hated selling and read from a script too when I was in the job market some years back. In these bad times, aleast in Florida people are turning to online income opportunities.

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# Posted: 25 Nov 2008 13:53
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Finally! I checked their website and it said i should get the "welcome"email by tomorrow! yay, i need Christmas! Does anyone know how long training typically takes? Hopefully, they will have a skill other than DR open. *fingers still crossed*

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# Posted: 27 Nov 2008 04:51
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I just finished the training. I was only offered DR. It took me about 6 days to complete the training. I took my time and it took about 16 hours. It a good bit of information at one time. There are tests after each "course" and you can only take the test twice. I believe it you fail a course, you can't continue. But I'm really not sure. I found it very helpful to take notes/screen shots of pages for future references.

Good LUCK!!!!

Here's to Christmas MONEY here too!!


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# Posted: 27 Nov 2008 08:47
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Thanks Kandmh!!
I will have the notebook ready then its great we get paid for training too!

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# Posted: 28 Nov 2008 04:16
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I will have the notebook ready then its great we get paid for training too!

I didn't realize I had so many typos in my previous reply. Sorry!

Yes, it is nice to get paid for training. I've worked a few shifts so far and it's not too bad. I still have the Newbie Jitters, but I think it will get better with time and experience.

Let me know if you have further questions.


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# Posted: 30 Nov 2008 10:35
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I work for West doing DR and they rank you according to how well you do in keeping your goals. You start off as a rank 2 until they see how you do. Rank 1 is the best this means you will have more calls directed to you. Rank 2 is the next best, meaning you will have more calls directed to you than a rank 3 but a little less than a rank 1. Honestly from my experience it all really depends on the call vol. I am now ranked 2 but got just as many calls when I was ranked 3


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# Posted: 2 Dec 2008 21:27
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welp, i started training. they offered me 3 skills. DR, VM Holiday, VM-Activations. I jumped on the later. No DR for! I took and passed the first basic training part.. wish me luck on the rest. It is alot of info at once Does anyone else here have VM-activations skill? Would love some info! Thanks!!

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