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Joined: 11 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 14:40
Hi everyone,
I was hoping anyone could tell me how long in takes to be hired by West At Home. I submitted my application on Oct 26 and haven't heard anything back. Also after they say your hired do you get to pick whatever skill you want or do they pick it for you and if by chance I am hired do you think I can make enough money to buy some descent Christmas presents. I'm a college student with a big course load so I really need a job that I can work from home. Sorry to be asking so many questions and thanks for replying.
Joined: 4 Nov 2008
Posts: 9
# Posted: 12 Nov 2008 16:48
Unfortunately it took them 3 MONTHS to get back with me after my initial application. I was offered 2 skills to pick from.. I have heard some are only offered one skill. So far I've only been able to pick up about 15 hours a week, only been working 1 1/2 weeks though. It seems this next week I won't even get half that, I must have missed when they post hours 
Good luck!
Joined: 15 Nov 2008
Posts: 18
# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 13:27
I think to sum it up, the ones who get the quickest responses have put down they have a family or friend who is an existing WEST Employee. I have cousin who works at West. So when I put my application in, I got a response in 6 days. I just submitted my notarized forms late Friday, so we'll see how long it takes to get the next group of information.
So the key is to have a reference of an existing employee.
kandmh Texas
Joined: 7 Nov 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 21:56
It took about 4 months for me to get a reply, and from what I have seen the skill you are offered varies with each applicant. Hopefully you won't have to wait as long as I did.
Joined: 12 Nov 2008
Posts: 41
# Posted: 16 Nov 2008 11:28
I was hired around 2 weeks after I submitted my application. I don't know anyone who works for West so I honestly don't think that has anything to do with it. I have no idea how they choose their applicants, it could just be luck of who get's your application. Skill is based on West business needs. My first offer was DR, I waited a day then VM was listed the next day GE was listed but when I clicked on the skill it said that recruitment was closed so in the end I signed up for VM. Good luck, it will happen soon!
Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 22 Nov 2008 10:17
A newbie here. Wow this was a really quick process for me. I applied Monday, and received my Congratulations, your hired letter Friday. I have been reading the West at Home forums, and still have so many questions.
Joined: 10 Dec 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 10 Dec 2008 13:21
I applied in Octomber did all the paperwork,got an email a month later saying the forms was incomplete(not tru) sent them off again,no reply about them. Do anyone work for or know who work for E.A.C.H Fiance Group?
ADetutu Olorunyomi
Joined: 7 Dec 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 10 Dec 2008 19:34
I applied last February. Was hired November. Seems I have had the longest wait to be hired of anyone that has ever applied.
Joined: 3 Jan 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 3 Jan 2009 09:38
it takes approx 3 weeks for them to contact you, resubmit liveops
ada kellar
Joined: 3 Dec 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 5 Jan 2009 11:04
i applied on november 21 and began working on december 29.
Joined: 11 Jan 2009
Posts: 8
# Posted: 11 Jan 2009 20:20
I'm not sure why some people get hired quicker than other? Maybe it depends on the state ur living in? They might need more reps in some states than others. I applied on 01/10/09 & rcvd my Congrats email letting me know that I should rcv my "Welcome" email in the next 72 hrs. Everything went extremely FAST for me.
To Whom Much It Given- Much is Required.