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thinking about joining

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Joined: 12 Aug 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:36

I've been thinking about joining, but with a good sponsor, not through the corporate site like some of you guys stated.
I just need to get something cleared up first.

Could people from europe use this? are there european stores or would you have to pay extra shipping costs?
Plus it said you only need to make one purchase a month to stay in business. Does this mean you could buy a tube of toothpaste every month and stay in business?

Please let me know as I am looking to join under someone.
thanks, Steve

work with 2 breakthrough patented products!


# Posted: 29 Aug 2008 02:05

I've been thinking about joining, but with a good sponsor, not through the corporate site like some of you guys stated.
I just need to get something cleared up first.

Could people from europe use this? are there european stores or would you have to pay extra shipping costs?
Plus it said you only need to make one purchase a month to stay in business. Does this mean you could buy a tube of toothpaste every month and stay in business?

Please let me know as I am looking to join under someone.
thanks, Steve


Mypowermall is in 220 countries around the world and yes, yes you can do this in Europe.

I believe there are European stores as well as all those we have here. There is a link on the site that will tell you what stores are available in your country and you can still order from stores in the U.S. I believe. I do not know what the shipping costs would be in Europe or what they would be, assuming you can buy from the US. I can check on that if you would like.

As far as the one thing a month purchase the answer is yes, you can purchase only one tube of toothpaste a month. You can also download an iTune for about a buck USD and that meets your one thing a month requirement.

email me with any other questions you have and I will be glad to answer them for you. I would also be proud to have a member in my organization in Europe.

However, if someone else approached you about this first then you should join under them and not me as it would not be fair to them if the made the effort to share this with you and you join up under me.

Whatever direction you care to go, whether under me or someone else I would still be happy to answer any questions you have, even if it means you join up under someone else.

Please understand that if I help you make that decision to join you are under no obligation to join under me nor do I want you to if a friend or associate of yours took the time to offer this to you first.

This is a totally ethical business and we do not steal people from each other and you would be expected to act in the same way at all times. No exceptions.

THis is a business where you tell no lies, make no promises, and are always upfront with people about it.

It is the most honest thing I have seen yet and it is up to us to keep it that way.

Good luck.



# Posted: 29 Aug 2008 02:07


my email is [email protected]

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