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Remedy for Allergies?

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PNL Travel
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Joined: 28 May 2006
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# Posted: 6 Nov 2007 19:26

Does anyone have a good, safe, home remedy for allergies? My 7 year old is suffering from them and the meds from the Dr. aren't helping much.




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# Posted: 6 Nov 2007 19:50

Try to eliminate / avoid the substances that cause the allergy

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 6 Nov 2007 20:37 � Edited by: Newbie Shield

Quoting: PNL Travel
Does anyone have a good, safe, home remedy for allergies? My 7 year old is suffering from them and the meds from the Dr. aren't helping much.

Hi Lora,

Benadryl works wonderfully. It does cause drowsiness and it can cause high blood pressure. I suggest visiting a certified dietician who specializes in allergies or an allergist. They should be able to determine the source of the allergy.

You don't want to give your child benadryl for a long period of time. It's best to give one pill every other night. It tends to remain in effect the next day.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and I am not authorized to give medical advice. I am just letting you know what works well for me.

Newbie Shield

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Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 82

# Posted: 7 Nov 2007 00:09

My 9 year old son takes Alavert daily, but I try to pull him off of it during not-so-allergy-prone times of the year. I don't want him to become immune to it. His allergies are only his eyes, but in the Spring he wakes up with his eyes crusted together and they are blood red. My son always says he hates the flowers blooming! It breaks my heart that I can't cure it. My doctor wrote me a prescription for a Rainbow vacuum cleaner, so I didn't have to pay sales tax. The vaccum is a lot of work, but I love it and I run it in his room at night as a humidifier. There is a scent that you put in the water that smells like Vicks, which helps him breathe a little better too.

In all my internet research, I have never found a home remedy for it, only medication to lessen the symptoms. The person who invites a cure for allergies will be a hero!!

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 664

# Posted: 7 Nov 2007 00:22 � Edited by: Vishal P. Rao

Alternative therapies like Homeopathy or Ayurveda work exceptionally well in some cases. They are free from side-effects and non-habit forming. You however need to consult a qualified professional for faster and permanent results.

PNL Travel
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Joined: 28 May 2006
Posts: 216

# Posted: 7 Nov 2007 10:21

Thanks everyone, we are running out of choices. He's on 3 prescription allergy meds a day. He also has asthma. We are going to the Dr. again this afternoon. They are ready to try allergy shots, but we are trying to avoid that route if possible.

He can't take benedryl and most over the counter allergy meds because of all the meds he is already on. That's why I was looking for something natural.

Vishal - what is Ayurveda?



Newbie Shield
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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
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# Posted: 7 Nov 2007 21:28

Lora, one bit of advice is don't go back to the doctor you have been seeing. Spend some good money on a good doctor in a good neighborhood. It will pay off, believe me. I can almost assure you that it will be the solution to your child's allergy problems.

And do look into the subtle yet effective application of homeopathy (popular in Europe) and the long-standing East Indian Ayurvedic solution.

Newbie Shield

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Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 664

# Posted: 8 Nov 2007 00:37

Quoting: PNL Travel
Vishal - what is Ayurveda?

Lora, it's an age old Indian system of medicine based on herbs.


Joined: 2 Dec 2007
Posts: 2

# Posted: 12 Dec 2007 02:20


Yes remove all milk products this will help allot.


Joined: 30 Jan 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 30 Jan 2008 01:00

Lora, there is a special hair folicle test that can be done. It can tell a lot about a person's allergies. Also, I hear that what we crave may be a key to what we should avoid with regards to allergies or sensitivities. I have craved all kinds of breads/pastries, etc. my whole life. Then about four years ago, I found out I was wheat sensitive. My joints ached so bad, I would cry when I would pivot on my feet to turn a different direction. When it got that bad, I started researching wheat/inflamation online. Wow, I got an eye full. So I went off wheat and within three days, I was 85% better and no horrible pain! I also love orange juice and would drink glasses of it a day if I could. But if I drink orange juice too much I get a cold sore on my lip. Something to think about with your child. Take away what she craves and maybe it might help her allergy.

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PNL Travel
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Joined: 28 May 2006
Posts: 216

# Posted: 31 Jan 2008 21:36

Hi Bridgette,

Thanks for the tips. I will have to pay more attention to what he craves!

TJ's allergies are more seasonal than anything. Right now he is doing great - thank goodness! We have been to several doctors and one of the best specialists in the state. It looks like, if the allergies come back like they did last year, they will do the skin test on him. He has had blood allergy tests, but never the hair test. I will also have to check into that.

Have a great evening!



Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 15

# Posted: 23 Mar 2008 05:20

Hi Lora,

My son suffers from Allergies, his face used to swell up like
elephant man and get like big hives all over his body.
I found out it was from food's, wheat, diary just to name a couple.
I also suffered from migraine's all my life, and aching joints and found out it was from food.
I came across the Blood Group Diet, I brought the books and sat down and read them, and boy did they make sence, after following the diet no more allergies and suffering unless of course
we eat something we are not supposed to.
It might just be worth looking into.
Also I'm a great beliver in Homepathy, Naturopathe's and Ayurveda, you cant beat the Natural way , it just makes more sence to me, the way nature intended it to be.


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